public class DataBase {
private String date;
- private int total; // total number of jobs
- private int totalOK; // number of jobs with execution status OK
- private int totalStopped; // number of jobs with execution status STOPPED
- private int totalError; // number of jobs with execution status Jpred ERROR
+ private int total; // total number of jobs
+ private int totalOK; // number of jobs with execution status OK
+ private int totalStopped; // number of jobs with execution status STOPPED
+ private int totalError; // number of jobs with execution status Jpred ERROR
private int totalTimeOut; // number of jobs with execution status TIMEOUT
private int totalJobs;
private int totalId; // total jobs for current protein sequence
private List<Integer> timeTotalExec;
private StructureJobLog logInfo;
private AnnotatedProteinSequenceBean predictions;
public DataBase() {
public String getDate() {
+ if (null == date)
+ return "1/1/1970";
return date;