package compbio.metadata;\r
-import compbio.runner.Util;\r
-import compbio.runner.msa.ClustalW;\r
-import compbio.runner.msa.Muscle;\r
-import compbio.runner.msa.Tcoffee;\r
import compbio.util.SysPrefs;\r
public class AllTestSuit {\r
- public static final PresetManager<ClustalW> CLUSTAL_PRESETS = Util.getPresets(ClustalW.class);\r
- public static final RunnerConfig<ClustalW> CLUSTAL_PARAMETERS = Util.getSupportedOptions(ClustalW.class);\r
- public static final LimitsManager<ClustalW> CLUSTAL_LIMITS = compbio.engine.client.Util.getLimits(new ClustalW().getType());\r
- public static final PresetManager<Tcoffee> TCOFFEE_PRESETS = Util.getPresets(Tcoffee.class);\r
- public static final RunnerConfig<Tcoffee> TCOFFEE_PARAMETERS = Util.getSupportedOptions(Tcoffee.class);\r
- public static final LimitsManager<Tcoffee> TCOFFEE_LIMITS = compbio.engine.client.Util.getLimits(new Tcoffee().getType());\r
- public static final PresetManager<Muscle> MUSCLE_PRESETS = Util.getPresets(Muscle.class);\r
- public static final RunnerConfig<Muscle> MUSCLE_PARAMETERS = Util.getSupportedOptions(Muscle.class);\r
- public static final LimitsManager<Muscle> MUSCLE_LIMITS = compbio.engine.client.Util.getLimits(new Muscle().getType());\r
public final static String test_group_cluster = "cluster";\r
public final static String test_group_runner = "runner";\r
public final static String test_group_non_windows = "non_windows";\r
public final static String test_group_long = "performance";\r
public final static String test_group_webservices = "webservices";\r
- /*\r
- * For this to work execution must start from the project directory!\r
- */\r
+ // For this to work execution must start from the project directory!\r
public static final String CURRENT_DIRECTORY = SysPrefs.getCurrentDirectory() + File.separator;\r
public static final String TEST_DATA_PATH = "testsrc" + File.separator + "testdata" + File.separator;\r
// For cluster execution paths MUST BE ABSOLUTE as cluster hosts will not be\r
// able to access the task otherwise\r
- public static final String OUTPUT_DIR_ABSOLUTE = AllTestSuit.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + File.separator + "local_jobsout" + File.separator;\r
+ public static final String OUTPUT_DIR_ABSOLUTE = AllTestSuit.CURRENT_DIRECTORY + "local_jobsout" + File.separator;\r
public static final String RUNNER_TEST_LOGGER = "RunnerLogger";\r
public static final String test_input = AllTestSuit.TEST_DATA_PATH_ABSOLUTE + "TO1381.fasta";\r
public static final String test_alignment_input = AllTestSuit.TEST_DATA_PATH_ABSOLUTE + "TO1381.fasta.aln";\r
public static final String test_input_real = AllTestSuit.TEST_DATA_PATH_ABSOLUTE + "50x500Protein.fasta";\r
public static final String test_input_dna = AllTestSuit.TEST_DATA_PATH_ABSOLUTE + "3dnaseqs.fasta";\r
public static final String test_input_large = AllTestSuit.TEST_DATA_PATH_ABSOLUTE + "1000x3000Dna.fasta";\r