--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+jpred - Secondary structure prediction program
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+./jpred.pl -in <FILE1> [-outfile <FILE2>] [-logfile <FILE3>] [-output <FILEPREFIX>] [-dbname <DBNAME>] [-dbpath <PATH>] [-ncpu NNN] [-psi <psiblast output>] [-seq] [-pred-nohits] [-no-final] [-jabaws] [-verbose] [-debug] [-help] [-man]
+This is a program for predicting the secondary structure of a multiple sequence alignment (by default) or a protein sequence
+(with the -seq option). The input file can be stored in 3 formats: FASTA, MSF, or BLC.
+For the single sequence the program does all the PSI-BLAST searching, preparing PSSM and HMM profiles and predicting the
+secondary structure with Jnet. For the multiple sequence alignment only the HMM profile, created from the alignment, is used in Jnet.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 5
+=item -in <FILE1>
+The path to the sequence file (in FASTA, MSF, or BLC format)
+=item -seq
+The input file is a FASTA file with one sequence only.
+=item -output <FILEPREFIX>
+A prefix to the filenames created by Jpred, defaults to the value set by -sequence/-in.
+=item -outfile <FILE2>
+An output file, by default it is undefined and the -output option is working
+=item -logfile <FILE3>
+Logging file, by default it is undefined and logging switched off
+=item -dbpath PATH
+Path to the uniref database used for PSI-BLAST querying. default value: .
+=item -dbname database
+Database to use for PSI-BLAST querying. This only accepts databases from a list which is pre-defined in the code.
+Default value: uniref90
+=item -psi path
+Path to a PSIBLAST output file.
+=item -ncpu NNN
+Number of CPU used by jpred.pl. Maximum value is 8
+Default: NNN = 1
+=item -pred-nohits
+Toggle allowing Jpred to make predictions even when there are no PSI-BLAST hits.
+=item -no-final
+By default jpred generates a fasts file with sequences found with PSI-BLAST and predicted sequence features
+The option untoggles this step and stops jpred at the concise file generation
+=item -jabaws
+Redefines some basic variables in order to use the script within JABAWS
+=item -verbose
+Verbose mode. Print more information while running jpred.
+=item -debug
+Debug mode. Print debugging information while running jpred.
+=item -help
+Gives help on the programs usage.
+=item -man
+Displays this man page.
+=head1 BUGS
+Can't cope with gaps in the query sequence.
+Doesn't accept alignments.
+If you find any others please contact authors.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Jonathan Barber <jon@compbio.dundee.ac.uk>
+Chris Cole <christian@cole.name>
+Alexander Sherstnev <a.sherstnev@dundee.ac.uk> (current maintainer)
+## TODO check for gaps in query sequence
+## check for disallowed chars in sequence
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Carp;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Temp;
+# path to Jpred modules
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+# internal jpred modules
+use Jpred;
+use Paths qw($pairwise $oc $jnet $hmmbuild $hmmconvert $psiblastbin $alscript $readseq check_OS setup_env);
+use HMMER::Profile;
+use HMMER::Profile::Jnet;
+use PSIBLAST::Run;
+use FASTA::File;
+use FASTA;
+use Index;
+use Pairwise;
+use OC;
+use Utils qw(profile);
+use Run qw(check);
+our $VERSION = '3.0.2';
+my $MAX_ALIGN = 10000; # maximum number of alignment sequences allowed
+my $NR_CUT = 75; # cut-off seqeunce ID value for defining non-redundancy
+# Gap characters in sequences
+our $GAP = '-';
+# Light object to hold sequence information, light to prevent memory overload
+# for big search results. Even so this is quite memory intensive, I can't see
+# how to reduce the size further.
+ package PSISEQ;
+ sub new {
+ my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
+ my $self = [];
+ bless $self, $class;
+ for ( keys %args ) { $self->$_( $args{$_} ) }
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub id {
+ return defined $_[1]
+ ? $_[0]->[0] = $_[1]
+ : $_[0]->[0];
+ }
+ sub start {
+ return defined $_[1]
+ ? $_[0]->[1] = $_[1]
+ : $_[0]->[1];
+ }
+ sub align {
+ if ( defined $_[1] ) {
+ ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' or die "Not passed ARRAY ref";
+ $_[0]->[2] = join( "", @{ $_[1] } );
+ } else {
+ return [ split( //, $_[0]->[2] ) ];
+ }
+ }
+my $infile;
+my $infastafile;
+my $format;
+my $goal = "align";
+my $seqgoal;
+my $outfile;
+my $prefix;
+my $psiblast;
+my $jabaws;
+my $logfile;
+my $ncpu = 1; # number of CPUs for psiblast calculations
+my $predNoHits = 0; # define whether to make predictions when no PSI-BLAST hits are found
+my $db_path = "/homes/www-jpred/databases";
+my $db_entry = "cluster";
+my $nofinal;
+my ( $help, $man, $DEBUG, $VERBOSE );
+ "in=s" => \$infile,
+ "output=s" => \$prefix,
+ "outfile=s" => \$outfile,
+ "logfile=s" => \$logfile,
+ "psi=s" => \$psiblast,
+ "dbname=s" => \$db_entry,
+ "dbpath=s" => \$db_path,
+ "ncpu=s" => \$ncpu,
+ "pred-nohits" => \$predNoHits,
+ "no-final" => \$nofinal,
+ "seq" => \$seqgoal,
+ "jabaws" => \$jabaws,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "man" => \$man,
+ "debug" => \$DEBUG,
+ "verbose" => \$VERBOSE
+) or pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+pod2usage( verbose => 2 ) if $man;
+$goal = "seq" if ( defined $seqgoal );
+# Key to database information and information for accessing them
+my $database = {
+ ## default database used by Jpred
+ uniref90 => {
+ database => $db_path . "/uniref90.filt",
+ unfiltered => $db_path . "/uniref90",
+ },
+ ## database used during Jnet training
+ training => {
+ database => $db_path . "/training/uniref90.filt",
+ unfiltered => $db_path . "/training/uniref90",
+ },
+ ## database used for ported Jpred
+ ported_db => {
+ database => $db_path . "/uniref90.filt",
+ unfiltered => $db_path . "/uniref90",
+ },
+ ## cluster-specific path for Jpred
+ cluster => {
+ database => $db_path . "/uniref90.filt",
+ unfiltered => $db_path . "/uniref90",
+ },
+ ## these other DBs are experimental ones used during development.
+ ## check they exist before using them.
+ # generic entry for use with validate_jnet.pl
+ # real db location defined by validate_jnet.pl
+ swall => {
+ database => $db_path . "/swall/swall.filt",
+ unfiltered => $db_path . "/swall/swall",
+ },
+ # Path to PSIBLAST db
+ uniprot => {
+ database => $db_path . "/3/swall.filt",
+ unfiltered => $db_path . "/3/swall",
+ },
+ uniref50 => {
+ database => $db_path . "/6/swall.filt",
+ unfiltered => $db_path . "/6/swall",
+ },
+my $dpf = $database->{$db_entry}{database}.'.pal';
+my $dpu = $database->{$db_entry}{unfiltered}.'.pal';
+pod2usage("ERROR! Input file should be provided with -sequence/-in") unless $infile;
+pod2usage("ERROR! Unknown database at $db_path. Use -dbpath and -dbname for configuring the database") unless exists $database->{$db_entry};
+pod2usage("ERROR! UNIREF filtered database is not available at $dpf Use -dbpath and -dbname for configuring the database") unless -f $dpf;
+pod2usage("ERROR! UNIREF unfiltered database is not available at $dpu Use -dbpath and -dbname for configuring the database") unless -f $dpu;
+# lots of preparation steps
+if ( defined $prefix ) {
+ unless ( defined $outfile ) {
+ $outfile = $prefix . ".res.fasta";
+ }
+} else {
+ if ( defined $outfile ) {
+ print "WARNING! file prefix is not defined. Jpred will use $outfile.tmp as the prefix\n";
+ $prefix = $outfile . ".tmp";
+ } else {
+ print "WARNING! file prefix is not defined. Jpred will use $infile.res as the prefix\n";
+ $prefix = $infile . ".res";
+ $outfile = $prefix . ".jnet";
+ }
+if ( 1 > $ncpu or 8 < $ncpu ) {
+ print "WARNING! the nuber of CPUs should be between 1 and 8. Jpred will use 1 CPU\n";
+ $ncpu = 1;
+$VERBOSE = 1 if $DEBUG;
+my $LOG;
+if ( defined $logfile ) {
+ open( $LOG, ">", $logfile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$logfile': ${!}\nDied";
+for ( [ "input file", $infile ], [ "out file", $outfile ], [ "outprefix", $prefix ], [ "psi", $psiblast ], [ "db name", $db_entry ], [ "db path", $db_path ] ) {
+ my ( $key, $value ) = @{$_};
+ defined $value or next;
+ my $par = join( ": ", $key, $value );
+ print "$par\n" if $DEBUG;
+ print $LOG "$par\n" if $LOG;
+if ( defined $jabaws ) {
+ setup_jpred_env($Bin);
+ setup_env($Bin);
+my $platform = check_OS();
+print "JPRED: checking platiform... $platform\n" if $DEBUG;
+print $LOG "JPRED: checking platiform... $platform\n" if $LOG;
+# check input file format
+if ( 'seq' eq $goal ) {
+ $format = "seq";
+ if ( 1 != check_FASTA_format($infile) ) {
+ die "\nERROR! jpred requires 1 sequence in the FASTA file if the option -seq used. exit\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ my $nseq = check_FASTA_format($infile);
+ if ( 0 < $nseq ) {
+ $format = "fasta";
+ if ( 1 == $nseq ) {
+ die "\nERROR! jpred requires alignment with more than 1 sequence\n if you provide only one sequence use the -seq option.\n";
+ }
+ } elsif ( 0 < check_MSF_format($infile) ) {
+ $format = "msf";
+ } elsif ( 0 < check_BLC_format($infile) ) {
+ $format = "blc";
+ } else {
+ die "ERROR! unknown input file format for multiple sequence alignment (can be FASTA, MSF, or BLC). exit...\n";
+ }
+$infastafile = $infile . ".fasta" if ( 'msf' eq $format or 'blc' eq $format );
+if ( 'seq' eq $goal ) {
+ my $query = FASTA::File->new( read_file => $infile );
+ my @seqs;
+ my $psi = PSIBLAST->new;
+ unless ( defined $psiblast && -e $psiblast ) {
+ ## potentially a better set of parameters (esp. -b & -v) which avoid PSI-BLAST dying with large number of hits
+ # args => '-e0.05 -h0.01 -m6 -b10000 -v10000 -j3 -F "m S"' # 'soft' filtering of the query sequence
+ # args => '-e0.001 -h0.0001 -m6 -b10000 -v10000 -j3' # stricter searching criteria
+ # args => '-e0.05 -h0.01 -m6 -b10000 -v10000 -j3'
+ my $psi_run = PSIBLAST::Run->new(
+ debug => $DEBUG,
+ args => "-a" . $ncpu . " -e0.05 -h0.01 -m6 -b10000 -v10000 -j3",
+ path => $psiblastbin,
+ input => $infile,
+ output => "$prefix.blast",
+ matrix => "$prefix.profile",
+ database => $database->{$db_entry}{database},
+ );
+ # For reduced databases, get the size of the orginal and use this as
+ # the equivilent DB size
+ if ( $db_entry =~ /^sp_red_/ ) {
+ ( my $entry = $db_entry ) =~ s/^sp_red_/sp_/;
+ $psi_run->args(
+ $psi_run->args . " -z " . fasta_seq_length( $database->{$entry}{database} ) # CC sub is below
+ );
+ }
+ print "BLAST matrix: $ENV{BLASTMAT}\n" if $DEBUG;
+ print "BLASTDB path: $ENV{BLASTDB}\n" if $DEBUG;
+ print $LOG "BLAST matrix: $ENV{BLASTMAT}\n" if $LOG;
+ print $LOG "BLASTDB path: $ENV{BLASTDB}\n" if $LOG;
+ print "Running PSI-BLAST on query against \'$database->{$db_entry}{database}\'...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Running PSI-BLAST on query against \'$database->{$db_entry}{database}\'...\n" if $LOG;
+ $psi_run->run or die; # CC sub is from PSIBLAST::Run
+ $psi->read_file("$prefix.blast"); # CC PSIBLAST.pm doesn't have a read_file(), but Read.pm does?
+ system("gzip -9f $prefix.blast");
+ } else {
+ if ( $psiblast =~ /.gz$/ ) { $psi->read_gzip_file($psiblast) } # CC PSIBALST.pm doesn't have a read_gzip_file() object, but Read.pm does?
+ else { $psi->read_file($psiblast) } # CC ditto above
+ }
+ # Convert the last itteration into a collection of PSISEQ objects
+ for ( $psi->get_all ) { # CC sub is from PSIBLAST.pm
+ my ( $id, $start, $align ) = @{$_};
+ push @seqs,
+ PSISEQ->new(
+ id => $id,
+ start => $start,
+ align => [ split( //, $align ) ]
+ );
+ }
+ # When there are no PSI-BLAST hits generate an HMM from the query and run Jnet against that only.
+ # Accuracy won't be as good, but at least it's a prediction
+ if ( @seqs == 0 ) {
+ if ( $predNoHits == 0 ) {
+ warn "\nJPRED: Warning! no PSI-BLAST hits found and '-pred-nohits' option not set. Exiting...\n";
+ print ">>100% complete\n";
+ print $LOG "\nJPRED: Warning! no PSI-BLAST hits found and '-pred-nohits' option not set. Exiting...\n" if $LOG;
+ print $LOG ">>100% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ close($LOG) if $LOG;
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ print ">>50% complete\n";
+ warn "\nJPRED: no PSI-BLAST hits found. Continuing with single query sequence only.\n\n";
+ print "Running HMMer on query...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG ">>50% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ print $LOG "\nJPRED: no PSI-BLAST hits found. Continuing with single query sequence only.\n\n" if $LOG;
+ print $LOG "Running HMMer on query...\n" if $LOG;
+ # copy input query to alignment
+ #system("cp $path $prefix.align") == 0 or croak "Error: unable to copy '$path'\n";
+ open( my $ifh, "<", $infile ) or die "JPRED: cannot open file $infile: $!";
+ open( my $ofh, ">", $prefix . ".align" ) or die "JPRED: cannot open file $prefix\.align: $!";
+ while (<$ifh>) { print $ofh, $_ }
+ close $ifh;
+ close $ofh;
+ # Temp files required for HMMer
+ my ( $hmmbuild_out, $hmmconvert_out ) = map { File::Temp->new->filename } 1 .. 2;
+ system("$hmmbuild -F --fast --amino --gapmax 1 --wblosum $hmmbuild_out $infile");
+ system("$hmmconvert -F -p $hmmbuild_out $hmmconvert_out");
+ unlink $hmmbuild_out;
+ # Read in the HMMER file
+ my $hmmer = HMMER::Profile->new( read_file => $hmmconvert_out );
+ # Convert from HMMER::Profile to HMMER::Profile::Jnet
+ my $hmmer_jnet = HMMER::Profile::Jnet->new;
+ $hmmer_jnet->add_line( @{$_} ) for $hmmer->get_line;
+ $hmmer_jnet->write_file("$prefix.hmm");
+ print ">>70% complete\n";
+ print $LOG ">>70% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ # Run Jnet for the prediction
+ print "Running JNet using the generated inputs from HMM only...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Running JNet using the generated inputs from HMM only...\n" if $LOG;
+ my $jnetlog = jnet( map { "$prefix.$_" } qw(hmm jnet) );
+ print ">>90% complete\n";
+ print $LOG ">>90% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ print $jnetlog if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG $jnetlog if $LOG;
+ }
+ } else {
+ psiseq2fasta( "0.fasta.gz", @seqs ) if $DEBUG;
+ print ">>40% complete\n";
+ print $LOG ">>40% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Make PSIBLAST truncated alignments the right length
+ print "Untruncating the PSIBLAST alignments...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Untruncating the PSIBLAST alignments...\n" if $LOG;
+ @seqs = extend( $query, @seqs );
+ psiseq2fasta( "1.fasta.gz", @seqs ) if $DEBUG;
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Remove masking from PSIBLAST alignment
+ print "Unmasking the alignments...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Unmasking the alignments...\n" if $LOG;
+ my $idx = Index->new( type => "Index::FastaCMD" ) or die "Index type cannot be found.";
+ remove_seq_masks( $idx, $_ ) for @seqs[ 1 .. $#seqs ];
+ psiseq2fasta( "2.fasta.gz", @seqs ) if $DEBUG;
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Convert the sequences to upper case
+ print "Converting sequences to the same case...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Converting sequences to the same case...\n" if $LOG;
+ toupper($_) for @seqs; # CC sub is below
+ psiseq2fasta( "${prefix}_backup.fasta.gz", @seqs );
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Remove excessive sequences
+ print "Remove excessive sequences...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Remove excessive sequences...\n" if $LOG;
+ @seqs = reduce( $MAX_ALIGN, @seqs );
+ psiseq2fasta( "3.fasta.gz", @seqs ) if $DEBUG;
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Remove sequences that are too long or too short
+ print "Remove sequences which too long or short...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Remove sequences which too long or short...\n" if $LOG;
+ @seqs = del_long_seqs( 50, @seqs );
+ psiseq2fasta( "4.fasta.gz", @seqs ) if $DEBUG;
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Remove redundant sequences based upon pairwise identity and OC clustering
+ print "Remove redundant sequences...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Remove redundant sequences...\n" if $LOG;
+ @seqs = nonred( $NR_CUT, @seqs );
+ psiseq2fasta( "5.fasta.gz", @seqs ) if $DEBUG;
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Check that we haven't got rid of all of the sequences
+ if ( @seqs < 2 ) {
+ warn "JPRED: All the sequences found by PSIBLAST were removed during filtering, reverting to prefiltered sequences\n";
+ print $LOG "JPRED: All the sequences found by PSIBLAST were removed during filtering, reverting to prefiltered sequences\n" if $LOG;
+ @seqs = fasta2psiseq("${prefix}_backup.fasta.gz");
+ }
+ unlink("${prefix}_backup.fasta.gz") unless $DEBUG;
+ # Remove gaps in the query sequence and same positions in the alignment
+ print "Removing gaps in the query sequence...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Removing gaps in the query sequence...\n" if $LOG;
+ degap(@seqs);
+ psiseq2fasta( "6.fasta.gz", @seqs ) if $DEBUG;
+ # Output the alignment for the prediction
+ print "Outputting cleaned-up PSI_BLAST alignment...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Outputting cleaned-up PSI_BLAST alignment...\n" if $LOG;
+ psiseq2fasta( "$prefix.align", @seqs );
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Equivilent to getpssm script
+ print "Output the PSSM matrix from the PSI-BLAST profile...\n";
+ print $LOG "Output the PSSM matrix from the PSI-BLAST profile...\n" if $LOG;
+ my $pssm = PSIBLAST::PSSM->new( read_file => "$prefix.profile" );
+ $pssm->write_file("$prefix.pssm"); # CC write_file() sub is in Write.pm loaded via PSIBLAST::PSSM
+ print ">>50% complete\n";
+ print $LOG ">>50% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ #####################################################################################################
+ # Run HMMER on the sequences
+ print "Running HMMer on sequences found by PSI-BLAST...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Running HMMer on sequences found by PSI-BLAST...\n" if $LOG;
+ my $hmmer = hmmer(@seqs); # CC sub is below
+ $hmmer->write_file("$prefix.hmm"); # write_file is in the Read.pm called from the HMMER::Profile module
+ print ">>70% complete\n";
+ print $LOG ">>70% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ # Run Jnet for the prediction
+ print "Running JNet using the generated inputs from HMM and PSI-BLAST...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Running JNet using the generated inputs from HMM and PSI-BLAST...\n" if $LOG;
+ my $jnetlog = jnet( map { "$prefix.$_" } qw(hmm jnet pssm) ); # CC sub is below
+ print ">>90% complete\n";
+ print $LOG ">>90% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ print $jnetlog if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG $jnetlog if $LOG;
+ }
+} else {
+ if ( 'fasta' eq $format ) {
+ print "Read FASTA file\n";
+ my $hmmer1 = hmm_for_align($infile);
+ $hmmer1->write_file("$prefix.hmm"); # write_file is in the Read.pm called from the HMMER::Profile module
+ } elsif ( 'msf' eq $format ) {
+ msf2fasta( $infile, $infastafile );
+ my $hmmer2 = hmm_for_align($infastafile);
+ $hmmer2->write_file("$prefix.hmm"); # write_file is in the Read.pm called from the HMMER::Profile module
+ } elsif ( 'blc' eq $format ) {
+ my $tmpfile = File::Temp->new->filename;
+ blc2msf( $infile, $tmpfile );
+ msf2fasta( $infile, $infastafile );
+ my $hmmer3 = hmm_for_align($infastafile);
+ $hmmer3->write_file("$prefix.hmm"); # write_file is in the Read.pm called from the HMMER::Profile module
+ } else {
+ die "ERROR! unknown input format '$format'. exit...\n";
+ }
+ print ">>70% complete\n";
+ print $LOG ">>70% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ # Run Jnet for the prediction
+ print "Running JNet using the generated inputs from HMM only...\n" if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG "Running JNet using the generated inputs from HMM only...\n" if $LOG;
+ my $jnetlog = jnet( map { "$prefix.$_" } qw(hmm jnet) ); # CC sub is below
+ print ">>90% complete\n";
+ print $LOG ">>90% complete\n" if $LOG;
+ print $jnetlog if $VERBOSE;
+ print $LOG $jnetlog if $LOG;
+unless ( defined $nofinal ) {
+ my $aligfile = $prefix . ".align";
+ my $jnetfile = $prefix . ".jnet";
+ my $jnetfastafile = $prefix . ".jnet.fasta";
+ $aligfile = $infile if ( 'fasta' eq $format );
+ $aligfile = $infastafile if ( 'msf' eq $format or 'blc' eq $format );
+ concise2fasta( $jnetfile, $jnetfastafile );
+ open( my $IN1, "<", $aligfile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$aligfile': ${!}\nDied";
+ open( my $IN2, "<", $jnetfastafile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$jnetfastafile': ${!}\nDied";
+ open( my $OUT, ">", $outfile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$outfile': ${!}\nDied";
+ while (<$IN2>) { print $OUT $_; }
+ while (<$IN1>) { print $OUT $_; }
+ close($IN1);
+ close($IN2);
+ close($OUT);
+ unlink $jnetfastafile;
+ my $seqs = FASTA::File->new( read_file => $outfile );
+ open( my $OUT2, ">", $outfile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$outfile': ${!}\n";
+ $seqs->write($OUT2);
+ close($OUT2);
+} else {
+ if ( defined $outfile and $prefix . ".jnet" ne $outfile ) {
+ rename $prefix . ".jnet", $outfile;
+ }
+print ">>100% complete\n";
+print "Jpred Finished\n";
+print $LOG ">>100% complete\n" if $LOG;
+print $LOG "Jpred Finished\n" if $LOG;
+close($LOG) if $LOG;
+# Functions
+sub check_FASTA_format {
+ my $infile = shift;
+ open( my $IN, "<", $infile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$infile': ${!}\n";
+ my $check_first_line = 1;
+ my $nseq = 0;
+ local $/ = "\n>";
+ while (<$IN>) {
+ if ($check_first_line) {
+ return 0 unless (/^>/);
+ $check_first_line = 0;
+ }
+ s/^>//g;
+ s/>$//g;
+ my ( $id, @seqs ) = split /\n/, $_;
+ return 0 unless ( defined $id or @seqs );
+ my $seq = join( "", @seqs );
+ return 0 unless ( $seq =~ /[a-zA-Z\.-]/ );
+ ++$nseq;
+ }
+ close($IN);
+ return $nseq;
+sub check_MSF_format {
+ my $infile = shift;
+ $? = 0;
+ system("$readseq -fMSF -a -p < $infile > /dev/null");
+ return 0 if ($?);
+ return 1;
+sub check_BLC_format {
+ my $infile = shift;
+ my ( $tmpfile1, $tmpfile2 ) = map { File::Temp->new->filename } 1 .. 2;
+ open my $fh, ">$tmpfile1" or die "$tmpfile1: $!\n";
+ print $fh "silent_mode\nblock_file $infile\n";
+ print $fh "output_file /dev/null\nmax_nseq 2000\n";
+ print $fh "pir_save $tmpfile2\nsetup\n";
+ close $fh;
+ $? = 0;
+ system("$alscript -s -f $tmpfile1");
+ $? = 0;
+ system("$readseq -f8 -a -p < $tmpfile2 > /dev/null");
+ unlink $tmpfile1;
+ unlink $tmpfile2;
+ return 0 if ($?);
+ return 1;
+# convertor BLC -> MSF
+sub msf2fasta {
+ my $infile = shift;
+ my $outfile = shift;
+ my $sequence = "";
+ open( my $IN, "<", $infile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$infile': ${!}\n";
+ while (<$IN>) {
+ $sequence .= $_;
+ }
+ close($IN);
+ $sequence =~ s/~/\./g;
+ ## check for non-unique sequence names - readseq has problems with these
+ my @lines = split /\n/, $sequence;
+ my %names;
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ if ( $line =~ /Name:\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ die "ERROR! Alignment has non-unique sequence ids. exit...\n" if ( defined( $names{$1} ) && $names{$1} >= 1 );
+ $names{$1}++;
+ }
+ }
+ my $tmpfile1 = File::Temp->new->filename;
+ my $tmpfile2 = File::Temp->new->filename;
+ open my $FILE, ">$tmpfile1" or die "open $tmpfile1 failed: $!";
+ print $FILE $sequence;
+ close $FILE;
+ $? = 0;
+ system("$readseq -fMSF -a -p < $tmpfile1 > $tmpfile2");
+ die "Reformatting of $infile failed. exit...\n" if ($?);
+ unlink $tmpfile1;
+ $? = 0;
+ system("$readseq -f8 -a -p < $tmpfile2 > $outfile");
+ die "Reformatting of $infile failed. exit...\n" if ($?);
+ unlink $tmpfile2;
+ die "Reformatting the input alignment has failed. exit...\n" unless ( -e $outfile );
+# convertor BLC -> MSF
+sub blc2msf {
+ my ( $in, $out ) = @_;
+ my ( $tmp, $tmp_pir ) = map { File::Temp->new->filename } 1 .. 2;
+ open my $fh, ">$tmp" or die "$tmp: $!\n";
+ print $fh "silent_mode\nblock_file $infile\n";
+ print $fh "output_file /dev/null\nmax_nseq 2000\n";
+ print $fh "pir_save $tmp_pir\nsetup\n";
+ close $fh;
+ $? = 0;
+ system("$alscript -s -f $tmp");
+ die "Reformatting of $infile failed. exit...\n" if ($?);
+ system("$readseq -f=MSF -o=$out -a $tmp_pir");
+ unlink $tmp;
+ unlink $tmp_pir;
+=begin :private
+=head2 fasta2concise ($infile, $outfile)
+Convert a file with PSI-BLAST sequences and prediction in the fasta format into concise file
+sub fasta2concise {
+ my $infile = shift;
+ my $outfile = shift;
+ open( my $IN, "<", $infile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$infile': ${!}\nDied";
+ my ( $seq, @seqs, @title );
+ while (<$IN>) {
+ if (s/^>//) {
+ if ($seq) {
+ $seq =~ s/\n|\s//g;
+ $seq =~ s/(.)/$1,/g;
+ push @seqs, $seq;
+ $seq = "";
+ }
+ chomp;
+ push @title, $_;
+ } else {
+ chomp;
+ $seq .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ $seq =~ s/\n|\s//g;
+ $seq =~ s/(.)/$1,/g;
+ push @seqs, $seq;
+ close($IN);
+ if ( @title != @seqs ) {
+ die("non matching number of titles and sequences!\n");
+ }
+ open( my $OUT, ">", $outfile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$outfile': ${!}\nDied";
+ foreach ( 0 .. $#title ) {
+ print $OUT "align" . ( $_ + 1 ) . ";$title[$_]:$seqs[$_]\n";
+ }
+ close($OUT);
+=begin :private
+=head2 concise2fasta ($infile, $outfile)
+Convert a file with PSI-BLAST sequences and prediction in the concise format into fasta file
+sub concise2fasta {
+ my $infile = shift;
+ my $outfile = shift;
+ my ( @seqs, %seq, @pred, %pred );
+ my @var = (
+ "Lupas_21", "Lupas_14", "Lupas_28", "MULTCOIL", "MULTCOIL_TRIMER", "MULTCOIL_DIMER", "JNETPSSM", "JNETFREQ",
+ "JNETALIGN", "JNETHMM", "JNETSOL5", "JNETSOL25", "JNETSOL0", "jnetpred", "jpred"
+ );
+ # parse input concise file
+ open( my $IN, "<", $infile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$infile': ${!}\nDied";
+ while (<$IN>) {
+ unless (/^\n/) {
+ my ( $id, $seq ) = split( ":", $_ );
+ if ( defined $id and defined $seq ) { # Check we have proper values
+ $seq =~ s/,//g;
+ chomp $seq;
+ if ( $id =~ /;/ ) { # Then it's an alignment
+ @_ = split( ";", $id );
+ push @seqs, $_[1];
+ $seq{ $_[1] } = $seq;
+ }
+ foreach my $v (@var) {
+ if ( $v eq $id ) {
+ push @pred, $v;
+ $pred{$v} = $seq;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($IN);
+ open( my $OUT, ">", $outfile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$outfile': ${!}\nDied";
+ # print out sequences found with PSI-BLAST
+ foreach (@seqs) {
+ $seq{$_} =~ s/(.{72})/$1\n/g;
+ print $OUT ">$_\n$seq{$_}\n";
+ }
+ # print out predictions
+ foreach my $p (@pred) {
+ $pred{$p} =~ s/[TCYWXZSI\?_]/-/g;
+ $pred{$p} =~ s/B/E/g;
+ $pred{$p} =~ s/G/H/g;
+ if ( $p =~ /SOL/ ) {
+ $pred{$p} =~ s/E/B/g;
+ }
+ $pred{$p} =~ s/(.{72})/$1\n/g;
+ print $OUT ">$p\n$pred{$p}\n";
+ }
+ close($OUT);
+=begin :private
+=head2 $PSISEQ = remove_seq_masks($PSISEQ)
+Returns a PSISEQ object which has any masked residues replaced by their entry from the unfiltered database.
+Does it in place.
+sub remove_seq_masks {
+ my $idx = shift;
+ my $seq = shift;
+ # Only bother if we have a sequence which has been masked
+ return unless grep { uc $_ eq 'X' } @{ $seq->align };
+ my ( $id, $start, @align ) = ( $seq->id, $seq->start, @{ $seq->align } );
+ my $searchdb = $database->{$db_entry}{unfiltered};
+ $start--; # We need this to be zero based
+ my $f = $idx->get_sequence( $id, $searchdb ) or croak "JPRED: No such entry for $id in $searchdb\n" and return;
+ my @seqs = $f->get_entries;
+ my $db = shift @seqs;
+ unless ($db) {
+ confess "JPRED: remove_seq_masks: Accession number $id returned no sequences";
+ } elsif (@seqs) {
+ confess "JPRED: remove_seq_masks: Accession number $id returned more than one sequence";
+ }
+ my @db_seq = @{ $db->seq };
+ # $i is a pointer into the original, ungapped, unmasked sequence. $_ is for the aligned sequence
+ my $i = 0;
+ for ( 0 .. $#align ) {
+ next if $align[$_] =~ /$GAP/;
+ if ( $align[$_] eq 'X' ) {
+ unless ( defined $db_seq[ $i + $start ] ) {
+ croak "JPRED: remove_seq_masks: the database sequence is not as long as the query sequence!";
+ }
+ $align[$_] = $db_seq[ $i + $start ];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $seq->align( \@align );
+=head2 @PSISEQS_OUT = reduce ($max, @PSISEQS_IN);
+Reduces @PSISEQS_IN to at most $max sequences by taking every n sequences in @PSISEQ_IN.
+Equivilent to reduce script.
+sub reduce {
+ my ( $max, @seqs ) = @_;
+ my $num = int( @seqs / $max );
+ my @res = shift @seqs;
+ # Don't bother if we have less than the required sequences
+ if ( @seqs < $max or 0 == $num ) {
+ return @res, @seqs;
+ }
+ for ( 0 .. $#seqs ) {
+ push @res, $seqs[$_] if ( 0 == $_ % $num );
+ }
+ return @res;
+=head2 nonred($cutoff, @PSISEQS);
+Removes redundant sequences at $cutoff level of sequence identity.
+Equivilent to nonred script.
+sub nonred {
+ my ( $cutoff, @seqs ) = @_;
+ # Run pairwise and then OC and remove similar sequences
+ unless ( defined $cutoff ) { croak "JPRED: nonred() not passed a cutoff" }
+ unless (@seqs) { croak "JPRED: No sequences passed to nonred()" }
+ if ( @seqs == 1 ) {
+ warn "JPRED: Only one sequence passed to nonred(). Not reducing sequence redundancy\n";
+ return @seqs;
+ }
+ # Convert the sequences into a FASTA object, which is what pairwise expects (simpler version).
+ my $fasta = FASTA::File->new;
+ foreach (@seqs) {
+ my $f = FASTA->new( id => $_->id );
+ $f->seq( @{ $_->align } );
+ $fasta->add_entries($f);
+ }
+ # Run pairwise
+ my $pair = Pairwise->new( path => $pairwise );
+ my $foo = join "\n", $pair->run($fasta) or die $!;
+ # Run OC
+ my $ocres = OC->new( path => "$oc sim complete cut $cutoff" );
+ $ocres->read_string( join "", $ocres->run($foo) );
+ # Now found those entries that are unrelated
+ my @keep;
+ for ( $ocres->get_groups ) {
+ my ( $group, $score, $size, @labels ) = @{$_};
+ # Keep the QUERY from the cluster, otherwise just get onelt
+ if ( grep { /QUERY/ } @labels ) {
+ # Make sure the query stays at the start
+ unshift @keep, "QUERY";
+ next;
+ } else {
+ push @keep, shift @labels;
+ }
+ }
+ push @keep, $ocres->get_unclustered;
+ # Return the matching entries.
+ # We use the temporay to mimic the selection of sequences in the nonred
+ # script, which took the sequences in the order they occured in the file.
+ my @filtered_res;
+ for (@seqs) {
+ my $label = $_->id;
+ if ( grep { $_ =~ /^$label$/ } @keep ) {
+ push @filtered_res, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ return @filtered_res;
+=head2 @seqs = del_long_seqs($percentage, @PSISEQS)
+Removes those sequences that are more than $percentage longer or shorter than the first
+sequence in @seqs. @seqs is an array of PSISEQ objects.
+Equivilent to trim_seqs script.
+sub del_long_seqs {
+ my ( $factor, @seqs ) = @_;
+ # Keep the query sequence (we assume query is the 1st FASTA record)
+ my $query = shift @seqs;
+ my @res = $query;
+ # Find the length of the query sequence without any gaps
+ my $length = ( () = ( join '', @{ $query->align } ) =~ /[^$GAP]/g );
+ # Calculate the upper and lower allowed bounds
+ my ( $upper, $lower );
+ {
+ my $bounds = ( $length / 100 ) * $factor;
+ ( $upper, $lower ) = ( $length + $bounds, $length - $bounds );
+ }
+ # Now try each sequence and see how long they are
+ for (@seqs) {
+ my $l = ( () = ( join '', @{ $_->align } ) =~ /[^$GAP]/g );
+ if ( $l >= $lower && $l <= $upper ) { push @res, $_ }
+ }
+ return @res;
+=head2 toupper ($PSISEQ)
+Converts sequence held in PSISEQ object to uppercase.
+sub toupper {
+ $_[0]->align( [ split //, uc join '', @{ $_[0]->align } ] );
+=head2 degap($PSISEQ_QUERY, @PSISEQS)
+Removes gaps in the query sequence ($PSISEQ_QUERY) and corresponding positions in @PSISEQS. Change made in place.
+Equivilent to fasta2jnet script.
+sub degap {
+ my (@seqs) = @_;
+ # Find where the gaps in the query sequence are
+ my @gaps;
+ my $i = 0;
+ for ( @{ $seqs[0]->align } ) {
+ push @gaps, $i if $_ !~ /$GAP/;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return unless @gaps;
+ # Remove the gaps in all the sequences.
+ # Derefences the array reference and takes a slice inside the method call
+ # arguments, then coerce back to an array ref.
+ for (@seqs) {
+ $_->align( [ @{ $_->align }[@gaps] ] );
+ }
+=head2 getfreq($filename, @PSISEQS)
+Creates a PSIBLAST like profile and writes it to the $filename.
+Equivilant to profile or getfreq (older) script. This doesn't create the same answer as
+the old jpred, as it got the numbers from PSIBLAST (v2.0.3), whereas this a *similar* output,
+but it's *not* the same.
+sub getfreq {
+ my ( $fn, @seqs ) = @_;
+ #croak "JPRED: Passed non PSISEQ object" if grep { !isa( $_, 'PSISEQ' ) } @seqs;
+ # Create a PSIBLAST like profile from the alignment
+ # This doesn't greate the same result as old Jpred, I think this is because
+ # differences in the input between old and new
+ # For testing
+ # my $f = FASTA::File->new(read_file => "/homes/jon/jnet/test/1bk4/1bk4.align.fa");
+ # my @profile = profile(
+ # map { join "", @{ $_->seq } } $f->get_entries
+ # );
+ my @profile = profile( map { join "", @{ $_->align } } @seqs );
+ open my $fh, ">$fn" or die "JPRED: $fn: $!";
+ print $fh join( " ", @{$_} ), "\n" for @profile;
+=head2 HMMER::Profile::Jnet = hmmer(@PSISEQS)
+Creates a HMMER profile from the aligned sequences in @PSISEQS. Returns a HMMER::Profile::Jnet object.
+Equivilent to gethmm script.
+sub hmmer {
+ my (@seqs) = @_;
+ # Temp files required
+ my ( $hmmbuild_out, $hmmconvert_out, $tmp_fasta ) = map { File::Temp->new->filename } 1 .. 3;
+ # Create the FASTA file
+ psiseq2fasta( $tmp_fasta, @seqs );
+ # Run HMMer
+ system("$hmmbuild -F --fast --amino --gapmax 1 --wblosum $hmmbuild_out $tmp_fasta");
+ system("$hmmconvert -F -p $hmmbuild_out $hmmconvert_out");
+ # Read in the HMMER file
+ my $hmmer = HMMER::Profile->new( read_file => $hmmconvert_out );
+ # Convert from HMMER::Profile to HMMER::Profile::Jnet
+ my $hmmer_jnet = HMMER::Profile::Jnet->new;
+ $hmmer_jnet->add_line( @{$_} ) for $hmmer->get_line;
+ return $hmmer_jnet;
+=head2 jnet($hmmer, $out, $pssm )
+Runs Jnet. Pass the paths of the filenames to do the prediction on
+=head2 get_hmm($alignFile, $name)
+Adapted from the hmmer() function in Jpred as written by JDB.
+Generates an HMMer profile output compatible with Jnet.
+Equivilent to gethmm script.
+sub hmm_for_align {
+ my $fastafile = shift;
+ # Temp files required
+ print "hmm_for_align: fastafile = $fastafile\n";
+ my ( $hmmbuild_out, $hmmconvert_out ) = map { File::Temp->new->filename } 1 .. 2;
+ system("$hmmbuild -F --fast --amino --gapmax 1 --wblosum $hmmbuild_out $fastafile");
+ system("$hmmconvert -F -p $hmmbuild_out $hmmconvert_out");
+ # Read in the HMMER file
+ my $hmmer = HMMER::Profile->new( read_file => $hmmconvert_out );
+ # Read in the HMMER file
+ my $hmmer_tmp = HMMER::Profile->new( read_file => $hmmconvert_out );
+ # Convert from HMMER::Profile to HMMER::Profile::Jnet
+ my $hmmer_jnet = HMMER::Profile::Jnet->new;
+ $hmmer_jnet->add_line( @{$_} ) for $hmmer_tmp->get_line;
+ return $hmmer_jnet;
+sub jnet {
+ my ( $hmmer, $outfile, $pssm ) = @_;
+ if ($pssm) {
+ # run Jnet prediction with all the profile data
+ system("$jnet --concise --hmmer $hmmer --pssm $pssm > $outfile");
+ } else {
+ # run Jnet prediction with only HMMer and alignment data
+ system("$jnet --concise --hmmer $hmmer > $outfile");
+ }
+ check( "jnet", $? ) or exit 1;
+ my $res = "";
+ my $logging = "";
+ open( my $IN, "<", $outfile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$outfile': ${!}\nDied";
+ while (<$IN>) {
+ if (/^jnetpred:|^JNET[A-Z0-9]+:/) {
+ $res .= $_;
+ } else {
+ $logging .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close $IN;
+ open( my $OUT, ">", $outfile ) or die "ERROR! unable to open '$outfile': ${!}\nDied";
+ print $OUT "\n" . $res;
+ close $OUT;
+ return $logging;
+=head1 psiseq2fasta($path, @PSISEQ)
+Writes a FASTA file given an array of PSISEQ objects.
+sub psiseq2fasta {
+ my ( $fn, @seqs ) = @_;
+ #confess "JPRED: Not passed filename" if isa $fn, 'PSISEQ';
+ confess "JPRED: not passed PSISEQs" unless @seqs;
+ #confess "JPRED: Not PSISEQ" if grep { not isa $_, 'PSISEQ' } @seqs;
+ # Changed from using FASTA::File object due to seg faulting on some large,
+ # long alignments, presumably due to running out of memory.
+ # my $fasta = FASTA::File->new;
+ # $fasta->add_entries(
+ # map {
+ # my $f = FASTA->new(id => $_->id);
+ # $f->seq(@{$_->align});
+ # $f;
+ # } @seqs
+ # );
+ # $fasta->write_file($fn);
+ my $fh;
+ $fn =~ /\.gz$/
+ ? ( open $fh, "| gzip -9 > $fn" or die "JPRED: $!" )
+ : ( open $fh, ">$fn" or die "JPRED: $!" );
+ for (@seqs) {
+ print $fh ">", $_->id, "\n";
+ my $seq = join( "", @{ $_->align } );
+ $seq =~ s/(.{72})/$1\n/g;
+ chomp $seq;
+ print $fh $seq . "\n";
+ }
+ close $fh;
+=head1 @PSISEQ = fasta2psiseq($path)
+Reads in a FASTA file and returns an array of PSISEQ objects.
+sub fasta2psiseq {
+ my ($fn) = @_;
+ my $fasta =
+ $fn =~ /\.gz$/
+ ? FASTA::File->new( read_gzip_file => $fn )
+ : FASTA::File->new( read_file => $fn );
+ $fasta or die "JPRED: $!";
+ my @seqs;
+ for ( $fasta->get_entries ) {
+ my $seq = PSISEQ->new;
+ $seq->id( $_->id );
+ $seq->align( [ @{ $_->seq } ] );
+ push @seqs, $seq;
+ }
+ return @seqs;
+sub fasta2psiseq_lowmemory {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $fh;
+ $filename =~ /\.gz$/
+ ? ( open $fh, "gzip -dc $filename|" or die $! )
+ : ( open $fh, $filename or die $! );
+ my @seqs;
+ my ( $id, $seq );
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (s/^>//) {
+ $seq =~ s/ //g if defined $seq;
+ if ( $id and $seq ) {
+ my $psi = PSISEQ->new( id => $id );
+ $psi->align( [ split //, $seq ] );
+ push @seqs, $psi;
+ undef $id;
+ undef $seq;
+ } else {
+ $id = $_;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $seq .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $id and $seq ) {
+ my $psi = PSISEQ->new( id => $id );
+ $psi->seq($seq);
+ push @seqs, $psi;
+ }
+ return @seqs;
+=head1 extend($FASTA::File, @PSISEQ)
+Sometimes PSIBLAST truncates the outputed alignment where it can't matched residues
+against the query, this function extends the alignment so that all of the query is
+present in the alignment. The other sequences are extended with gap characters.
+sub extend {
+ my ( $query, @seqs ) = @_;
+ #croak "JPRED: Not a Sequence::File" if grep { not isa $_, 'Sequence::File' } $query;
+ #croak "JPRED: Not PSISEQ" if grep { not isa $_, 'PSISEQ' } @seqs;
+ # Get the query sequence
+ my $q_query = $query->get_entry(0);
+ # Get the query sequence from the PSIBLAST alignment
+ my $a_query = shift @seqs;
+ # The gap size required to expand the alignment
+ my ( $start_gap_length, $end_gap_length );
+ {
+ # Make handling the sequence easier
+ my $q_seq = join "", @{ [ $q_query->seq ] };
+ my $a_seq = join "", @{ $a_query->align };
+ $q_seq =~ s/-//g;
+ $a_seq =~ s/-//g;
+ ( $q_seq, $a_seq ) = map { uc $_ } $q_seq, $a_seq;
+ $start_gap_length = index( $q_seq, $a_seq );
+ croak "JPRED: query sequence from alignment not found in original query sequence" if $start_gap_length == -1;
+ $end_gap_length = length($q_seq) - length($a_seq) - $start_gap_length;
+ }
+ # Add the gaps to the end of the alignments
+ for (@seqs) {
+ $_->align( [ ($GAP) x $start_gap_length, @{ $_->align }, ($GAP) x $end_gap_length ] );
+ }
+ # Put the query sequence back
+ unshift @seqs,
+ PSISEQ->new(
+ id => $a_query->id,
+ align => [
+ ( $start_gap_length ? @{ $q_query->seq }[ 0 .. ( $start_gap_length - 1 ) ] : () ),
+ @{ $a_query->align },
+ ( $end_gap_length ? @{ $q_query->seq }[ -$end_gap_length .. -1 ] : () ),
+ ]
+ );
+ return @seqs;
+=head1 $int = fasta_seq_length($path)
+Given the path to a FASTA database, find the number of residues/bases in it. Counts whitespace as a residue.
+sub fasta_seq_length {
+ my ($fn) = @_;
+ open my $fh, $fn or croak "Can't open file $fn: $!\n";
+ my $length = 0;
+ local $_, $/ = "\n";
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ next if /^>/;
+ chomp;
+ $length += tr///c;
+ }
+ return $length;