From: jprocter
-When retrieving from DAS sequence sources, coordinate range arguments
-can be passed to the server using the standard DAS sequence command
-format (
Retrieving parts of large sequence records
-Some sequence sources allow a range query to be appended to the sequence
-ID - e.g. 'Mito:1,85779'. If you know a source understands this type of
-query format, then you should untick the checkbox for 'replace commas
-with semi-colons' so the range query can be passed to the server
-(otherwise the query will be split up into two 'Mito:1' and '85779'). In
-some cases, a source that supports range queries usually include a range
-qualification in its example query. In this case, Jalview will
-automatically disable the 'replace commas with semi-colons' option.
-Support for range queries was added in Jalview 2.6
+ <AccessionId>:<start>,<end>If you know a source +understands this type of query format, then you should untick the +checkbox for 'replace commas with semi-colons' so the range query can be +passed to the server; otherwise, the query will be split into two (e.g +'Mito:1' and '85779' rather than 'Mito:1,85779'). In most cases, +however, a source that supports range queries will include a range +qualification in its example query, and Jalview will then automatically +disable the 'replace commas with semi-colons' option.
If you use the WSDBFetch sequence fetcher services (EMBL, Uniprot, PDB and PFAM) in work for publication, please cite:
Pillai S., Silventoinen V., Kallio K., Senger M., Sobhany S.,