From: jprocter <Jim Procter>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 15:05:13 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: optional dialog to report any problematic web service URLs ( JAL-343 )
X-Git-Tag: Release_2_7~396

optional dialog to report any problematic web service URLs ( JAL-343 )

diff --git a/help/html/webServices/index.html b/help/html/webServices/index.html
index 25a5bef..a12d7b3 100755
--- a/help/html/webServices/index.html
+++ b/help/html/webServices/index.html
@@ -44,20 +44,22 @@ bioinformatic data retrieval and analysis.
 		<li>Services for submitting IDs and sequences to external
 		bioinformatics services such as <a href="#envision2">Envision2</a>.</li>
 		<li>Programs for multiple sequence alignment, made available <em>via</em>
-		<a href="JABAWS.html">Java Bioinformatic
-		Analysis Web Service (JABAWS)</a> servers.</li>
+		<a href="JABAWS.html">Java Bioinformatic Analysis Web Service
+		(JABAWS)</a> servers.</li>
 	The <a href="webServicesPrefs.html">Web Services Preference panel</a>
 	controls the display and appearance of the submission and analysis
 	services in the <strong>Web Services</strong> menu.</li>
+	<li>If Jalview encounters problems accessing any services, it may
+	display a <a href="webServicesPrefs.html#wswarnings">warning dialog
+	box</a> (this can be turned off using the web services preferences tab).</li>
-<p>Jalview's distributed computations are SOAP based services
-exposing protein sequence alignment and secondary structure prediction
-programs. These services actually run on the cluster based in the School
-of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, and are maintained by the Barton
+<p><strong>More about Jalview's Web Services</strong> <br>
+Jalview's distributed computations are SOAP based services exposing
+protein sequence alignment and secondary structure prediction programs.
+These services actually run on the cluster based in the School of Life
+Sciences, University of Dundee, and are maintained by the Barton group.</p>
 <p><strong><a name="envision2">Envision2 Services</a></strong></p>
 <p>Since version 2.5, Jalview has included a client to enable the
 user to submit one or more sequences or sequence IDs to analysis
diff --git a/help/html/webServices/invalidurldialog.gif b/help/html/webServices/invalidurldialog.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acd6ce7
Binary files /dev/null and b/help/html/webServices/invalidurldialog.gif differ
diff --git a/help/html/webServices/webServicesPrefs.html b/help/html/webServices/webServicesPrefs.html
index 9a8a388..a581761 100644
--- a/help/html/webServices/webServicesPrefs.html
+++ b/help/html/webServices/webServicesPrefs.html
@@ -56,5 +56,24 @@ define the layout of the menus provided for JABAWS services by sorting
 them into submenus according to analysis type and/or host server.</p>
 <p><em>The web services preferences panel was added in Jalview
+<p><strong><a name="wswarnings">Web Services Invalid
+URL warnings</a></strong><br>
+Jalview may inform you of any problems contacting the web services by
+showing a dialog box like the one below:<br>
+<center><img src="invalidurldialog.gif" align="center"
+	alt="Web Services Invalid URL Warning dialog box" width="389"
+	height="258"><br>
+Web Services Invalid URL Warning dialog box</center>
+<strong><em>Note:</em></strong> this warning will be shown if you are running the Jalview desktop
+without any network connection, or if you have configured
+<a href="JABAWS.html">JABA services</a>
+which cannot be accessed from your location. Should you wish to disable
+these warnings, then uncheck the
+<em>Display warnings</em>
+check box in the web services preferences.
+<p><em>The web services warnings dialog box was added in
+Jalview 2.6.1</em></p>
diff --git a/help/html/webServices/wsprefs.gif b/help/html/webServices/wsprefs.gif
index 96b9a5a..d53dd59 100644
Binary files a/help/html/webServices/wsprefs.gif and b/help/html/webServices/wsprefs.gif differ