From: jprocter <Jim Procter>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 16:51:29 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: refactored code for creating JNet annotations
X-Git-Tag: Release_2_1~400

refactored code for creating JNet annotations

diff --git a/src/jalview/ws/ b/src/jalview/ws/
index 2d49ac6..08d7271 100755
--- a/src/jalview/ws/
+++ b/src/jalview/ws/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import jalview.analysis.*;
 import jalview.datamodel.*;
 import jalview.gui.*;
 public class JPredClient
     extends WSClient
@@ -127,6 +128,8 @@ public class JPredClient
       this.server = loc.getjpred(new; // JBPNote will be set from properties
       ( (JpredSoapBindingStub)this.server).setTimeout(60000); // one minute stub
+      //((JpredSoapBindingStub)this.server)._setProperty(org.apache.axis.encoding.C, Boolean.TRUE);
     catch (Exception ex)
@@ -238,6 +241,7 @@ public class JPredClient
         catch (Exception ex)
           wsInfo.appendProgressText("\nJPredWS Server exception!\n" +
@@ -441,110 +445,13 @@ public class JPredClient
-        AlignmentAnnotation annot;
-        Annotation[] annotations = null;
-        int i = 0;
-        int width = preds[0].getSequence().length();
-        int[] gapmap = al.getSequenceAt(FirstSeq).gapMap();
-        if (gapmap.length != width)
-        {
-          throw (new Exception(
-              "Jnet Client Error\nNumber of residues in supposed query sequence :\n" +
-              al.getSequenceAt(FirstSeq).getName() + "\n" +
-              al.getSequenceAt(FirstSeq).getSequence() +
-              "\nDiffer from number of prediction sites in \n" +
-              result.getPredfile() + "\n"));
+        try {
+, al, FirstSeq,
+              noMsa);
-        // JBPNote Should also rename the query sequence sometime...
-        i = 0;
-        SequenceI seqRef = al.getSequenceAt(FirstSeq);
-        while (i < preds.length)
-        {
-          String id = preds[i].getName().toUpperCase();
-          if (id.startsWith("LUPAS") || id.startsWith("JNET") ||
-              id.startsWith("JPRED"))
-          {
-            annotations = new Annotation[al.getWidth()];
-            if (id.equals("JNETPRED") || id.equals("JNETPSSM") ||
-                id.equals("JNETFREQ") || id.equals("JNETHMM") ||
-                id.equals("JNETALIGN") || id.equals("JPRED"))
-            {
-              for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
-              {
-                annotations[gapmap[j]] = new Annotation("", "",
-                    preds[i].getCharAt(j), 0);
-              }
-            }
-            else if (id.equals("JNETCONF"))
-            {
-              for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
-              {
-                float value = Float.parseFloat(preds[i].getCharAt(
-                    j) + "");
-                annotations[gapmap[j]] = new Annotation(preds[i].getCharAt(
-                    j) + "", "", preds[i].getCharAt(j),
-                    value);
-              }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
-              {
-                annotations[gapmap[j]] = new Annotation(preds[i].getCharAt(
-                    j) + "", "", ' ', 0);
-              }
-            }
-            if (id.equals("JNETCONF"))
-            {
-              annot = new AlignmentAnnotation(preds[i].getName(),
-                                              "JNet Output", annotations, 0f,
-                                              10f,
-                                              AlignmentAnnotation.BAR_GRAPH);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              annot = new AlignmentAnnotation(preds[i].getName(),
-                                              "JNet Output", annotations);
-            }
-            if (seqRef != null)
-            {
-              annot.createSequenceMapping(seqRef, 0);
-              seqRef.addAlignmentAnnotation(annot);
-            }
-            al.addAnnotation(annot);
-            if (noMsa)
-            {
-              al.deleteSequence(preds[i]);
-            }
-          }
-          i++;
+        catch (Exception e) {
+          jalview.bin.Cache.log.error("JNet Client: JPred Annotation Parse Error", e);
-        //Hashtable scores = prediction.getScores();
-        /*  addFloatAnnotations(al, gapmap,  (Vector)scores.get("JNETPROPH"),
-                              "JnetpropH", "Jnet Helix Propensity", 0f,1f,1);
-          addFloatAnnotations(al, gapmap,  (Vector)scores.get("JNETPROPB"),
-         "JnetpropB", "Jnet Beta Sheet Propensity", 0f,1f,1);
-          addFloatAnnotations(al, gapmap,  (Vector)scores.get("JNETPROPC"),
-                              "JnetpropC", "Jnet Coil Propensity", 0f,1f,1);
-         */
         jalview.bin.Cache.log.debug("Finished parsing output.");
         AlignFrame af = new AlignFrame(al);