From: jprocter
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 15:37:08 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: documentation for PCA calculation parameters and reset button.
X-Git-Tag: Jalview_2_9~417
documentation for PCA calculation parameters and reset button.
diff --git a/help/html/calculations/pca.html b/help/html/calculations/pca.html
index b042dd8..695c45a 100755
--- a/help/html/calculations/pca.html
+++ b/help/html/calculations/pca.html
@@ -65,20 +65,28 @@ to be saved (File→Save submenu) as an EPS or PNG
image or printed, and the original alignment data and matrix resulting
from its PCA analysis to be retrieved. The coordinates for the whole PCA
space, or just the current view may also be exported as CSV files for
-visualization in another program or further analysis.
+visualization in another program or further analysis.
Options for coordinates export are:
+- Output Values - complete dump of analysis (TxT* matrix computed from sum of scores for all pairs of aligned residues from from i->j and j->i, conditioned matrix to be diagonalised, tridiagonal form, major eigenvalues found)
+- Output Points - The eigenvector matrix - rows correspond to sequences, columns correspond to each dimension in the PCA
+- Transformed Points - The 3D coordinates for each sequence as shown in the PCA plot
A tool tip gives the sequence ID corresponding to a point in the
space, and clicking a point toggles the selection of the corresponding
-sequence in the associated alignment window views. Rectangular region
+sequence in the associated alignment window views. By default,
points are only associated with the alignment view from which the PCA
was calculated, but this may be changed via the View→Associate
Nodes sub-menu.
Initially, the display shows the first three components of the
similarity space, but any eigenvector can be used by changing the
selected dimension for the x, y, or z axis through each ones menu
-located below the 3d display.
+located below the 3d display. The Reset button will reset axis and rotation settings to their defaults.
+The output of points and transformed point coordinates was added to the Jalview desktop in v2.7.
+The Reset button, and Nucleotide or Protein calculation settings were added in Jalview 2.8.