From: jprocter Web services A variety of web services are available from the Alignment window's
- Web Service menu. Jalview's distributed computations are SOAP based services exposing
- protein sequence alignment and secondary structure prediction programs. These services actually run
- on the cluster based in the School of Life Sciences, University of
- Dundee, and are maintained by the Barton group.
- Web Service Dialog Box
- This dialog box is displayed when a web service job
- is submitted. It gives the name of the service and
- any method citation information, and monitors the
- progress of the calculation. The cancel button will
- permanently cancel the job, but this is only
- possible for some services.
- Current services:
- Multiple
- Sequence Alignment Services
- The clustal W service remains one of the more
- popular Jalview features.
- High Quality and High Throughput multiple alignments of proteins. This
- method can sometimes be more accurate than ClustalW when dealing with
- diverse sets of sequences.
- Multiple Alignment with Fast Fourier Transforms -
- a highly accurate and high throughput dna and amino
- acid alignment method, performing at least as well
- as ClustalW and Muscle.
This is a front end to the existing JNet
- www server allowing single sequence or profile
- based prediction.
Watch this space! These are some of the services - planned to be released soon:
Web services
+ +Jalview includes clients for a variety of web services for both bioinformatic data retrieval and analysis. +
Jalview's distributed computations are SOAP based services exposing + protein sequence alignment and secondary structure prediction programs. These services actually run + on the cluster based in the School of Life Sciences, University of + Dundee, and are maintained by the Barton group. +
+Web Service Dialog Box
+ ++ This dialog box is displayed when a web service job + is submitted. It gives the name of the service and + any method citation information, and monitors the + progress of the calculation. The cancel button will + permanently cancel the job, but this is only + possible for some services. +
+Current services: +
Watch this space! These are some of the services + planned to be released soon: