From: jprocter Viewing PDB Structures Jalview has a simple 3D structure viewer which can load PDB files and associate
- the structure with a sequence in an alignment. There are 2 ways to load and associate a PDB file into Jalview application. The PDB Viewer Window
+ This interactive structure viewing window is opened by selecting the
+"Sequence→View PDB
+entry:" entry in the sequence id pop-up menu. This can only be
+done for sequences which have an associated
+PDB structure. Controls The structure is rendered as an alpha-carbon trace.
+Moving the mouse over the structure brings up tooltips with a
+residue name and PDB sequence position. If a mapping exists to a
+residue in the associated sequence, then this will be highlighted in
+the alignment window, and vice versa for viewing the coordinates
+associated with a particular residue in the sequence. Selecting a residue highlights its associated sequence residue and
+alpha carbon location.
+Action Windows Unix Mac/OSX
ResidueLeft Click Left
+Click Click
+Rotate View Left Click and Drag Left Click and
+Drag Click and Drag
+Roll View Right Click and drag Right Click and
+Drag TODO
+Move Origin Middle-Button and
+Drag Middle-Button and Drag TODO
+Zoom In Up Arrow Up Arrow Up
+Zoom Out Down Arrow Down Arrow Down Arrow
There are three menus:
Note the applet can only load PDB files by copying and pasting the text into +
Notes for PDB Viewing in the Jalview Applet +
The applet can only load PDB files by copying and pasting the text into the popup window which appears when "Show PDB Structure" is selected after right clicking on a sequence name.
-To see a particular structure, right click on a sequence name and from the - popup menu select "Sequence -> View PDB Entry".
-The PDB Structure viewer will perform a pairwise alignment of your sequence - and each PDB chain sequence. To view the results of the mapping, select "File - -> View Mapping" from the structure viewer window.
-Moving the mouse over the structure will highlight the residue in the alignment - window, and vice versa.
-"Colour by Charge/Cysteine" will colour all Aspartate and Glutamate - residues red, Lysine and Arginine will be blue and Cysteine residues will be - coloured yellow.
-Tips for Viewing Structures
-Select the database you want to retrieve sequences from, and enter a +
Select the database you want to retrieve sequences from, and enter the database id (or a semi-colon separated list of several ids) in the text box. Finally, press OK to initiate the retrieval.
If you are retrieving sequences from the PDB, you can retrieve
specific chains by appending a colon and the chain id to the PDB
id. For example :
If you use the sequence fetcher in work for publication, then please cite:
+If you use the sequence fetcher in work for publication, please cite:
Pillai S., Silventoinen V., Kallio K., Senger M., Sobhany S., Tate J., Velankar
S., Golovin A., Henrick K., Rice P., Stoehr P., Lopez R.
SOAP-based services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute.
diff --git a/help/html/menus/popupMenu.html b/help/html/menus/popupMenu.html
index 94ffb3c..fd65178 100755
--- a/help/html/menus/popupMenu.html
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your edit.