From 2eeea2f43d7bbaafd79ebd4185b42fc60646d9e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: amwaterhouse Hidden Regions To hide selected sequences from an alignment, use the "View
+ -> Hide -> Selected Sequences" menu item or simply select "Hide
+ Sequences" from the Popup menu after a right click on the sequence Ids.
+ Hidden sequences will not be used in any calculations, editing or web service
+ alignments performed on visible sequences. A more advanced hide involves a right-mouse click on a sequence, then selecting
+ "SequenceID -> Represent Group with SequenceId". Using this method
+ of hiding sequences, any edits performed on the visible group representative
+ will be propogated to all the sequences in that group. To hide selected columns from an alignment, use the "View
+ -> Hide -> Selected Columns" menu item, or right click within a region
+ of selected columns in the scale above the alignment (only available in non
+ wrapped mode) and select "Hide Columns". Hidden columns will not be used in any calculations. This allows you to eg.
+ create trees from the visible alignment and ignore any poorly aligned sections
+ of the alignment, without cutting and deleting them permanently from your alignment. Editing the alignment is bound by the hidden columns, ie you cannot move residues
+ across a hidden column boundary. Any web service alignments performed on sequences which contain hidden columns
+ send the alignment as a series of chunks delimited by the hidden columns.
+ The hidden sequences will not be used in any calculations or web service alignments.
+ It is possible to retrieve the input data to any trees, PCA analysis windows
+ which were created from alignments containing hidden columns by using the "File
+ -> Input Data..." menu item from the tree window.
There are two ways to associate PDB files with sequences:
+To associate PDB files with a sequence, right click on a sequence ID and select + "Associate Structure with Sequence", and one of the submenus:
Note: You can retrieve sequences from the PDB using the Sequence Fetcher. Any sequences retrieved with this + service are automatically associated with their source database entry. For PDB + sequences, simply select PDB as the database and enter your known PDB id (appended + with ':' and a chain code, if desired).
+For help on viewing and colouring structures see the PDB Viewer help page.