From 5d67503042d7fbc96b0970855e3fdf0a756ea3f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Suzanne Duce Complete javadoc - for developers who want to use JABAWS framework and use Engines and Executables directly Publicly available Git repository:;a=summary Another publicly available JABAWS repository containing the code for each JABAWS public release is located at Another publicly available JABAWS repository, containing the code for each JABAWS public release, is located at The repositories contain a complete JABAWS Eclipse project. Of cause If you want to make a modification to the source code you would need to generate distributives yourself. To do that first generate JAX-WS artifacts using build-server task from wsbuild.xml ant script, than you could use build.xml tasks to generate any of the distributives you need. Of course if you want to make a modification to the source code you would need to generate distributives yourself. To do that, first generate JAX-WS artifacts using build-server task from wsbuild.xml ant script, then you could use build.xml tasks to generate any of the distributives you need.
-JABAWS uses TestNG framework for testing. The test results for the JABAWS package offered for download can be found here:
+JABAWS uses TestNG framework for testing. The test results for the JABAWS package offered for download can be found at:
Test Results Create a testcase suit for your wrapper in testsrc and run the test cases. Create parser for the output files of your executable. Suggested location
- The source code
Structure of the project
Running tests
JABAWS uses TestNG for testing. There is a TestNG plugin available for Eclipse
which has functionality similar to JUnit. However, no plugins are necessary to run the test cases, as testng jar is supplied
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ those that depends on the cluster.
Test the parser
+Test the parser.
Decide which web services interfaces your executable is going to match. For example if the executable output can be represented as SequenceAnnotation then SequenceAnnotation @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ those that depends on the cluster.
implement a web service which confirms to it within a webservices source folder.Register web service in WEB-INF/web.xml - and WEB-INF/sun-jaxws.xml
+ and WEB-INF/sun-jaxws.xml .Add generated wsdl to wsbuild.xml ant script to generate the stubs.
If you have the data on the server side, but nothing is coming through to the --