From 69a377b5ed37b141bf5673f4943cf4137f88b83f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "" Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 23:56:41 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] in progress --- forester/aptx/aptx_example_files/tol_138.xml | 4305 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 4305 insertions(+) create mode 100644 forester/aptx/aptx_example_files/tol_138.xml diff --git a/forester/aptx/aptx_example_files/tol_138.xml b/forester/aptx/aptx_example_files/tol_138.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97d3564 --- /dev/null +++ b/forester/aptx/aptx_example_files/tol_138.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4305 @@ + + + + + cellular_organisms + + Neomura + + + 2759 + Eukaryota + superkingdom + + + Unikonta + + Opisthokonta & Apusozoa + + + 33154 + Opisthokonta + Fungi/Metazoa group + + + + Holozoa + + + Choanoflagellatea & Metazoa + + Metazoa + + 33208 + Metazoa + kingdom + + + Eumetazoa + + + + Bilateria_Cnidaria + + Bilateria + + Deuterostomia + + + + Chordata + + 7711 + Chordata + phylum + + + Urochordata & Vertebrata + + + 7742 + Vertebrata + + + + 7776 + Gnathostomata + jawed vertebrates + superclass + + + + 117571 + Euteleostomi + + + Tetrapoda + + Amniota + + + 40674 + Mammalia + class + + + Theria + + + 9347 + Eutheria + Placental mammals + + + The new framework for understanding placental mammal evolution + + + + + + + + Boreoeutheria + Boreotheria + + + + 314146 + Euarchontoglires + superorder + + + + Euarchonta + + + + 9443 + Primates + order + + + + 376913 + Haplorrhini + suborder + + + + 314293 + Simiiformes + infraorder + + + + 9526 + Catarrhini + + + + 314295 + Hominoidea + Apes + superfamily + + + + 9604 + Hominidae + Great apes + family + + + + 207598 + Homininae + subfamily + + + + Hominini + tribe + + + + 9606 + HUMAN + Homo sapiens + Human + species + + + + + + + 9598 + PANTR + Pan troglodytes + Chimpanzee + species + + + + + + + 9595 + GORGO + Gorilla gorilla gorilla + Western lowland gorilla + subspecies + + + + + + + 9601 + PONAB + Pongo abelii + Sumatran orangutan + Pongo pygmaeus abelii + species + + + + + + + 61853 + NOMLE + Nomascus leucogenys + Northern white-cheeked gibbon + Hylobates leucogenys + Hylobates concolor leucogenys + species + + + + + + + + 9528 + Cercopithecinae + subfamily + + + + 9544 + MACMU + Macaca mulatta + Rhesus macaque + species + + + + + + 9557 + PAPHA + Papio hamadryas + Hamadryas baboon + species + + + + + + + + 9483 + CALJA + Callithrix jacchus + White-tufted-ear marmoset + Callithrix jacchus jacchus + species + + + + + + + 9478 + TARSY + Tarsius syrichta + Philippine tarsier + species + + + + + + + 376911 + Strepsirrhini + suborder + + + + 30611 + OTOGA + Otolemur garnettii + Garnett's greater bushbaby + Galago garnetti + Small-eared galago + Garnett's greater bushbaby + species + + + + + + 30608 + MICMU + Microcebus murinus + Lesser mouse lemur + species + + + + + + + + 37347 + TUPBE + Tupaia belangeri + Common tree shrew + Tupaia glis belangeri + species + + + + + + + 314147 + Glires + Rodents and rabbits + + + + 9989 + Rodentia + order + + + Ctenohystrica & Mouse-related clade + + Rodent phylogeny revised: analysis of six nuclear genes from all major rodent clades. + + + + Mouse-related clade + + + + 337687 + Muroidea + + + + 39107 + Murinae + subfamily + + + + 10090 + MOUSE + Mus musculus + Mouse + species + + + + + + 10116 + RAT + Rattus norvegicus + Rat + species + + + + + + + 10036 + MESAU + Mesocricetus auratus + Golden hamster + species + + + + + + + 10020 + DIPOR + Dipodomys ordii + Ord's kangaroo rat + species + + + + + + + 10141 + CAVPO + Cavia porcellus + Guinea pig + species + + + + + + + 43179 + SPETR + Spermophilus tridecemlineatus + Thirteen-lined ground squirrel + Ictidomys tridecemlineatus + species + + + + + + + 9975 + Lagomorpha + Rabbits, hares, pikas + order + + + + 9986 + RABIT + Oryctolagus cuniculus + Rabbit + species + + + + + + + 9978 + OCHPR + Ochotona princeps + Southern American pika + species + + + + + + + + + 314145 + Laurasiatheria + superorder + + + + Scrotifera + + + Perissodactyla & Cetartiodactyla & Chiroptera + + Perissodactyla & Cetartiodactyla + + + 91561 + Cetartiodactyla + Even-toed ungulates + + + Cetruminantia & Suina + + + Cetruminantia + + + + 9895 + Bovidae + family + + + + 9913 + BOVIN + Bos taurus + Bovine + Bos bovis + species + + + + + + 9940 + SHEEP + Ovis aries + Sheep + species + + + + + + + 9721 + Cetacea + Whales + order + + + + 9739 + TURTR + Tursiops truncatus + Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin + Delphinus truncatus + species + + + + + + 9771 + BALMU + Balaenoptera musculus + Blue whale + species + + + + + + + + 9823 + PIG + Sus scrofa + Pig + species + + + + + + + 30538 + LAMPA + Lama guanicoe pacos + Alpaca + Lama pacos + species + + + + + + + 9796 + HORSE + Equus caballus + Horse + species + + + + + + + 9397 + Chiroptera + Bats + order + + + + 59463 + MYOLU + Myotis lucifugus + Little brown bat + species + + + + + + 132908 + PTEVA + Pteropus vampyrus + Large flying fox + species + + + + + + + Carnivora + + 33554 + Carnivora + order + + + + 379584 + Caniformia + suborder + + + CANFA + + 9615 + CANFA + Canis familiaris + Dog + Canis lupus familiaris + subspecies + + + + + + 9646 + AILME + Ailuropoda melanoleuca + Giant panda + species + + + + + + FELCA + + 9685 + FELCA + Felis catus + Cat + Felis silvestris catus + species + + + + + + + + 9362 + Insectivora + hedgehogs, shrews, moles and others + order + + + + 9365 + ERIEU + Erinaceus europaeus + Western European hedgehog + species + + + + + + 42254 + SORAR + Sorex araneus + Eurasian common shrew + European shrew + species + + + + + + + + + Atlantogenata + + + + 311790 + Afrotheria + superorder + + + + Paenungulata + + + + 9785 + LOXAF + Loxodonta africana + African savanna elephant + species + + + + + + 9813 + PROCA + Procavia capensis + Cape hyrax + Rock dassie + species + + + + + + + 9371 + ECHTE + Echinops telfairi + Lesser hedgehog tenrec + species + + + + + + + 9348 + Xenarthra + Edentata + superorder + + + + 9358 + CHOHO + Choloepus hoffmanni + Hoffmann's two-fingered sloth + species + + + + + + 9361 + DASNO + Dasypus novemcinctus + Nine-banded armadillo + species + + + + + + + + + + 9263 + Metatheria + Marsupials + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + First combined cladistic analysis of marsupial mammal interrelationships + + + + + MONDO + + 13616 + MONDO + Monodelphis domestica + Short-tailed gray opossum + species + + + + + + Eometatheria + + + + 9315 + MACEU + Macropus eugenii + Tammar wallaby + species + + + + + + 9305 + SARHA + Sarcophilus harrisii + Tasmanian devil + Sarcophilus laniarius + species + + + + + + + + ORNAN + + 9258 + ORNAN + Ornithorhynchus anatinus + Duckbill platypus + species + + + + + + Diapsida + + Neognathae + + 8825 + Neognathae + superorder + + + Phasianidae & Anatidae (waterfowl) + + + 9005 + Phasianidae + family + + + CHICK + + 9031 + CHICK + Gallus gallus + Chicken + Gallus domesticus + species + + + + + + 9103 + MELGA + Meleagris gallopavo + Common turkey + species + + + + + + + 8839 + ANAPL + Anas platyrhynchos + Domestic duck + Anas boschas + species + + + + + + TAEGU + + 59729 + TAEGU + Taeniopygia guttata + Zebra finch + Poephila guttata + species + + + + + + ANOCA + + 795869 + ANOCA + Anolis carolinensis + Voigt, 1832 + Green anole + American chameleon + species + + + + + + + + XENTR + + 8364 + XENTR + Xenopus tropicalis + Western clawed frog + Silurana tropicalis + species + + + + + + Teleostei + + 32443 + Teleostei + + + + 123368 + Acanthomorpha + + + + 32485 + Percomorpha + + + Smegmamorpha + + GASAC + + 69293 + GASAC + Gasterosteus aculeatus + Three-spined stickleback + species + + + + + ORYLA + + 8090 + ORYLA + Oryzias latipes + Medaka fish + Japanese ricefish + species + + + + + + + 31031 + Tetraodontidae + puffers + family + + + FUGRU + + 31033 + FUGRU + Takifugu rubripes + Japanese pufferfish + Fugu rubripes + species + + + + + TETNG + + 99883 + TETNG + Tetraodon nigroviridis + Green puffer + Chelonodon nigroviridis + species + + + + + + + + 8049 + GADMO + Gadus morhua + Atlantic cod + species + + + + + + DANRE + + 7955 + DANRE + Danio rerio + Zebrafish + Brachydanio rerio + species + + + + + + + + 7868 + CALMI + Callorhynchus milii + Australian ghost shark + Australian ghost shark + species + + + + + + + 7757 + PETMA + Petromyzon marinus + Sea lamprey + species + + + + + + Urochordata + + 7712 + Urochordata + subphylum + + + + 7718 + Ciona + genus + + + CIOIN + + 7719 + CIOIN + Ciona intestinalis + Transparent sea squirt + Ascidia intestinalis + species + + + + + CIOSA + + 51511 + CIOSA + Ciona savignyi + Pacific transparent sea squirt + species + + + + + + OIKDI + + 34765 + OIKDI + Oikopleura dioica + Tunicate + species + + + + + + + BRAFL + + 7739 + BRAFL + Branchiostoma floridae + Florida lancelet + Amphioxus + species + + + + + + Hemichordata & Echinodermata + + STRPU + + 7668 + STRPU + Strongylocentrotus purpuratus + Purple sea urchin + species + + + + + SACKO + + 10224 + SACKO + Saccoglossus kowalevskii + Agassiz, 1873 + Acorn worm + species + + + + + + + Protostomia + + Ecdysozoa + + + 6656 + Arthropoda + phylum + + + + 197563 + Mandibulata + + + Pancrustacea + + + 33340 + Neoptera + subclass + + + + 33392 + Endopterygota + infraclass + + + Hymenoptera & Lepidoptera & Diptera + + Lepidoptera & Diptera + + + 7147 + Diptera + order + + + + 7157 + Culicidae + mosquitos + family + + + AEDAE + + 7159 + AEDAE + Aedes aegypti + Yellowfever mosquito + Culex aegypti + species + + + + + ANOGA + + 7165 + ANOGA + Anopheles gambiae + African malaria mosquito + species + + + + + CULPI + + 7175 + CULPI + Culex pipiens + House mosquito + species + + + + + + + 32341 + Sophophora + subgenus + + + DROME + + 7227 + DROME + Drosophila melanogaster + Fruit fly + species + + + + DROPS + + 46245 + DROPS + Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura + Fruit fly + subspecies + + + + + + BOMMO + + 7091 + BOMMO + Bombyx mori + Silk moth + species + + + + + + 7400 + Apocrita + wasps, ants and bees + + + APIME + + 7460 + APIME + Apis mellifera + Honeybee + species + + + + NASVI + + 7425 + NASVI + Nasonia vitripennis + Parasitic wasp + species + + + + + + TRICA + + 7070 + TRICA + Tribolium castaneum + Red flour beetle + species + + + + + + 7524 + Hemiptera + order + + + ACYPI + + 7029 + ACYPI + Acyrthosiphon pisum + Pea aphid + species + + + + RHOPR + + 13249 + RHOPR + Rhodnius prolixus + Triatomid bug + species + + + + + + + + 6658 + Branchiopoda + class + + + DAPPU + + 6669 + DAPPU + Daphnia pulex + Water flea + species + + + + + + 6661 + ARTSF + Artemia franciscana + Brine shrimp + Artemia sanfranciscana + species + + + + + + + + 61985 + Myriapoda + subphylum + + + + 7540 + Chilopoda + centipedes + class + + + + 126957 + Strigamia maritima + species + + + + + + 29022 + SCUCO + Scutigera coleoptrata + House centipede + species + + + + + + + 7553 + Diplopoda + millipedes + class + + + + 118561 + Helminthomorpha + subclass + + + + 174156 + NARAN + Narceus annularis + Millipede + species + + + + + + 364406 + Antrokoreana gracilipes + species + + + + + + + 52428 + Polyxenus lagurus + bristly millipede + species + + + + + + + + IXOSC + + 6945 + IXOSC + Ixodes scapularis + Black-legged tick + Deer tick + species + + + + + + + 119089 + Chromadorea + class + + + + + nematode Clade V + + Caenorhabditis + + 6237 + Caenorhabditis + genus + + + CAEEL + + 6239 + CAEEL + Caenorhabditis elegans + species + + + + CAEBR + + 6238 + CAEBR + Caenorhabditis briggsae + species + + + + + PRIPA + + 54126 + PRIPA + Pristionchus pacificus + species + + + + + BRUMA + + 6279 + BRUMA + Brugia malayi + Filarial nematode worm + species + + + + + + Lophotrochozoa + + Annelida & Mollusca + + + 6340 + Annelida + phylum + + + CAP + + 283909 + Capitella teleta + species + + + + HELRO + + 6412 + HELRO + Helobdella robusta + Californian leech + species + + + + + LOTGI + + 225164 + LOTGI + Lottia gigantea + Owl limpet + species + + + + + + 6157 + Platyhelminthes + phylum + + + SCHMA + + 6183 + SCHMA + Schistosoma mansoni + Blood fluke + species + + + + SCHMD + + 79327 + SCHMD + Schmidtea mediterranea + Freshwater planarian flatworm + species + + + + + + + + Cnidaria + + 6073 + Cnidaria + phylum + + + NEMVE + + 45351 + NEMVE + Nematostella vectensis + Starlet sea anemone + species + + + + HYDMA + + 9119928 + HYDMA + Hydra magnipapillata + Ito, 1947 + species + + + + + + + TRIAD + + 10228 + TRIAD + Trichoplax adhaerens + Trichoplax reptans + species + + + + + + + AMPQU + + 400682 + AMPQU + Amphimedon queenslandica + species + + + + + + 81524 + Codonosigidae + family + + + MONBE + + 81824 + MONBE + Monosiga brevicollis + Choanoflagellate + species + + + + + 946362 + SALS5 + Salpingoeca rosetta + Proterospongia sp. ATCC 50818 + Salpingoeca sp. ATCC 50818 + species + + + + + + Ichthyophonida & Filasterea + + + 198625 + Ichthyophonida + order + + + + 4881 + AMOPA + Amoebidium parasiticum + species + + + + + SPHARC + + 72019 + Sphaeroforma arctica + species + + + + + + + Filasterea + + + + + + + MINVIB + + 134558 + Ministeria vibrans + species + + + + CAPOWC + + 192875 + Capsaspora owczarzaki + species + + + + + + + + Holomycota + Nucletmycea + + + + 4751 + Fungi + kingdom + + + Dikarya & Mucoromycotina & Kickxellomycotina & Blastocladiomycota & Chytridiomycota + + Dikarya & Mucoromycotina & Kickxellomycotina & Blastocladiomycota + + Dikarya & Mucoromycotina & Kickxellomycotina + + Dikarya & Mucoromycotina + + + 451864 + Dikarya + subkingdom + + + + + + + + 4890 + Ascomycota + phylum + + + Pezizomycotina_Saccharomycetales + + + 147538 + Pezizomycotina + subphylum + + + Sordariomycetes & Leotiomycetes & Dothideomycetes & Eurotiales + + Sordariomycetes & Leotiomycetes & Dothideomycetes + + + 147541 + Dothideomycetes + class + + + A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes + + + + 134362 + Capnodiales + order + + + + 41254 + Mycosphaerella + genus + + + MYCFI + + 83344 + Mycosphaerella fijiensis + species + + + + MYCGR + + 54734 + MYCGR + Mycosphaerella graminicola + Speckled leaf blotch fungus + Septoria tritici + species + + + + MYCPOP + + 85929 + Mycosphaerella populorum + Septoria musiva + species + + + + MYCPJ + + 64363 + MYCPJ + Mycosphaerella pini + Red band needle blight disease fungus + Dothistroma septosporum + Dothistroma pini + species + + + + + + 430998 + BAUCOM + Baudoinia compniacensis + species + + + + + + + 715340 + Pleosporineae + suborder + + + + 28556 + Pleosporaceae + family + + + Cochliobolus & Setosphaeria + + + 5015 + Cochliobolus + genus + + + COCHE + + 5016 + COCHE + Cochliobolus heterostrophus + Drechslera maydis + species + + + + + 45130 + COCSA + Cochliobolus sativus + Bipolaris sorokiniana + species + + + + + + + 93612 + SETTU + Setosphaeria turcica + (Luttr.) K.J. Leonard & Suggs, (1974) + Northern corn leaf blight disease fungus + Exserohilum turcicum + Helminthosporium turcicum + species + + + + + + + PYRTR + + 426418 + PYRTR + Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (strain Pt-1C-BFP) + Wheat tan spot fungus + Drechslera tritici-repentis + + + + + PHANO + + 13684 + PHANO + Phaeosphaeria nodorum + Glume blotch fungus + Septoria nodorum + species + + + + + + Sordariomycetes & Leotiomycetes + + + 147550 + Sordariomycetes + class + + + Magnaporthales & Hypocreales + + + 5125 + Hypocreales + order + + + TRIVE + + 29875 + TRIVE + Trichoderma virens + Gliocladium virens + Trichoderma virens + species + + + + GIBZE + + 5518 + GIBZE + Gibberella zeae + Wheat head blight fungus + Fusarium graminearum + species + + + + ACRALC + + 398408 + Acremonium alcalophilum + species + + + + + + MAGGR + + 148305 + MAGGR + Magnaporthe grisea + Rice blast fungus + Pyricularia grisea + species + + + + + + 5139 + Sordariales + order + + + + 35718 + Chaetomiaceae + family + + + + 35719 + Thielavia + genus + + + THITER + + 193532 + Thielavia terrestris + Malloch & Cain 1972 + Acremonium alabamense + species + + + + + MYCTHE + + 573728 + Myceliophthora thermophila + (Apinis) Oorschot 1977 + Sporotrichum thermophilum + anamorph of Thielavia heterothallica + species + + + + + + CHAGB + + 1029505 + CHAGB + Chaetomium globosum + Kunze 1817 + Soil fungus + species + + + + + NEUCR + + 5141 + NEUCR + Neurospora crassa + species + + + + + + + 147548 + Leotiomycetes + class + + + + 28983 + Sclerotiniaceae + family + + + + 40559 + BOTFU + Botryotinia fuckeliana + Noble rot fungus + Botrytis cinerea + species + + + + + 5180 + SCLSC + Sclerotinia sclerotiorum + White mold + Whetzelinia sclerotiorum + species + + + + + OIDMAI + + 78148 + Oidiodendron maius + species + + + + + + + + 28568 + Trichocomaceae + family + + + Neosartorya_Emericella + + NEOFI + + 331117 + NEOFI + Neosartorya fischeri (strain ATCC 1020 / DSM 3700 / FGSC A1164 / NRRL 181) + Aspergillus fischerianus + + + + EMENI + + 195546 + EMENI + Emericella nidulans + Vuill. 1927 + Aspergillus nidulans + species + + + + + + 5052 + Aspergillus + genus + + + ASPFL + + 5059 + ASPFL + Aspergillus flavus + species + + + + ASPNG + + 5061 + ASPNG + Aspergillus niger + species + + + + + + + + 33183 + Onygenales + order + + + COCIM + + 5501 + COCIM + Coccidioides immitis + Valley fever fungus + species + + + + UNCRE + + 336963 + UNCRE + Uncinocarpus reesii (strain UAMH 1704) + + + + + + + 4892 + Saccharomycetales + budding yeasts + order + + + Candida & Debaryomyces & Saccharomycetacea + + + 4893 + Saccharomycetaceae + family + + + Saccharomyces_Pichia + + Saccharomyces + + YEAST + + 4932 + YEAST + Saccharomyces cerevisiae + Baker's yeast + species + + + + SACCA + + 27288 + SACCA + Saccharomyces castellii + Yeast + Saccharomyces castellii + species + + + + + PICAN + + 4905 + PICAN + Pichia angusta + Yeast + Hansenula polymorpha + species + + + + + Kluyveromyces & Ashbya + + ASHGO + + 33169 + ASHGO + Ashbya gossypii + Yeast + Eremothecium gossypii + species + + + + Kluyveromyces + + KLULA + + 28985 + KLULA + Kluyveromyces lactis + Yeast + Candida sphaerica + species + + + + KLUWA + + 4914 + KLUWA + Kluyveromyces waltii + Yeast + species + + + + + + + Candida & Debaryomyces + + + 5475 + Candida + genus + + + CANAL + + 5476 + CANAL + Candida albicans + Yeast + species + + + + CANTR + + 5482 + CANTR + Candida tropicalis + Yeast + species + + + + + DEBHA + + 4959 + DEBHA + Debaryomyces hansenii + Yeast + Torulaspora hansenii + species + + + + + + YARLI + + 4952 + YARLI + Yarrowia lipolytica + Candida lipolytica + species + + + + + + + 451866 + Taphrinomycotina + subphylum + + + Pneumocystidomycetes & Schizosaccharomycetes + + + 4895 + Schizosaccharomyces + genus + + + SCHPO + + 4896 + SCHPO + Schizosaccharomyces pombe + Fission yeast + species + + + + SCHJP + + 4897 + SCHJP + Schizosaccharomyces japonicus + Fission yeast + species + + + + + 4899 + SCHOT + Schizosaccharomyces octosporus + Fission yeast + species + + + + + + PNECA + + 4754 + PNECA + Pneumocystis carinii + species + + + + + SAICOM + + 5606 + Saitoella complicata + species + + + + + + + 5204 + Basidiomycota + phylum + + + Agaricomycotina & Ustilaginomycotina & Pucciniomycotina + + Agaricomycotina & Ustilaginomycotina + + + 5302 + Agaricomycotina + + + + 155619 + Homobasidiomycetes + class + + + Evolution of complex fruiting–body morphologies in homobasidiomycetes + + + Agaricomycetidae & Gloeophyllum & Aphyllophorales + + Agaricomycetidae & Gloeophyllum + + + 452333 + Agaricomycetidae + subclass + + + + 5338 + Agaricales + order + + + Agaricus & Coprinopsis & Laccaria + + Agaricus & Coprinopsis + + AGABB + + 192524 + Agaricus bisporus var. burnettii + + + + COPCI + + 5346 + COPCI + Coprinopsis cinerea + Inky cap fungus + Hormographiella aspergillata + species + + + + + LACBI + + 29883 + LACBI + Laccaria bicolor + Bicoloured deceiver + Laccaria laccata var. bicolor + species + + + + + PLEOS + + 5322 + PLEOS + Pleurotus ostreatus + Oyster mushroom + White-rot fungus + species + + + + + + 227334 + Coniophorineae + suborder + + + SERLA + + 85982 + Serpula lacrymans + dry rot fungus + species + + + + CONPUT + + 80637 + Coniophora puteana + Schum. ex Fries + cellar fungus + species + + + + + + + GLOTR + + 104355 + GLOTR + Gloeophyllum trabeum + Brown rot fungus + species + + + + + + 5303 + Aphyllophorales + Gäum. (1926) + Shelf Fungi + Polyporales + order + + + + 83233 + Coriolaceae + family + + + The phylogenetic distribution of resupinate forms across the major clades of mushroom-forming fungi (Homobasidiomycetes) + + + + + + + Postia & Fomitopsis & Wolfiporia & Trametes + + Antrodia clade + + Antrodia clade + + + POSPL + + 104341 + Postia placenta + species + + + + + FOMPIN + + 40483 + Fomitopsis pinicola + P. Karst. 1881 + Red banded polypore + Fomes pinicola + species + + + + + + core polyporoid clade + + core polyporoid clade + + + WOLCOC + + 81056 + Wolfiporia cocos + species + + + + + TRAVE + + 5325 + TRAVE + Trametes versicolor + (L.) Lloyd 1921 + White-rot fungus + Coriolus versicolor + Bjerkandera versicolor + species + + + + + + + + + + CERSU + + 42742 + CERSU + Ceriporiopsis subvermispora + species + + + + + DICSQU + + 114155 + Dichomitus squalens + (P. Karst.) D. A. Reid 1965 + Red rot + Polyporus anceps + species + + + + + + + HETAN + + 13563 + HETAN + Heterobasidion annosum + Root rot fungus + species + + + + + + 5215 + Tremellaceae + family + + + CRYNE + + 5207 + CRYNE + Cryptococcus neoformans + Filobasidiella neoformans + species + + + + TREME + + 1029985 + TREME + Tremella mesenterica + Pers. 1800 + Jelly fungus + Yellow Brain + Tremella lutescens + species + + + + + + + 452284 + Ustilaginomycotina + subphylum + + + USTMA + + 5270 + USTMA + Ustilago maydis + Smut fungus + species + + + + + 425265 + MALGO + Malassezia globosa (strain ATCC MYA-4612 / CBS 7966) + Dandruff-associated fungus + + + + + + + 29000 + Pucciniomycotina + subphylum + + + + 5258 + Pucciniales + rusts + order + + + PUCGR + + 1029947 + PUCGR + Puccinia graminis + Pers. 1794 + Black stem rust fungus + Wheat rust + species + + + + MELLP + + 156696 + MELLP + Melampsora laricis-populina + Kleb. 1902 + Melampsora larici-populina + Melampsora laricipopulina + species + + + + + + 89013 + mitosporic Sporidiobolales + + + SPORO + + 1013696 + Sporobolomyces roseus + Kluyver & C. B. Niel 1924 + species + + + + RHOGR + + 29898 + RHOGR + Rhodotorula graminis + Yeast + species + + + + + + + WALSE + + 148960 + WALSE + Wallemia sebi + species + + + + + + + 451507 + Mucoromycotina + subphylum + + + + 34489 + Mucoraceae + family + + + MUCCI + + 36080 + MUCCI + Mucor circinelloides + Mucor griseo-roseus + species + + + + PHYBL + + 4837 + PHYBL + Phycomyces blakesleeanus + species + + + + RHIOR + + 64495 + RHIOR + Rhizopus oryzae + Rhizopus delemar + species + + + + + MORVER + + 78898 + Mortierella verticillata + species + + + + + + + COEREV + + 61392 + Coemansia reversa + species + + + + + + 28583 + ALLMA + Allomyces macrogynus + species + + + + + + 451435 + Chytridiomycetes + class + + + BATDE + + 109871 + BATDE + Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis + Frog chytrid fungus + species + + + + SPIPN + + 109760 + SPIPN + Spizellomyces punctatus + species + + + + + + ENCCU + + 6035 + ENCCU + Encephalitozoon cuniculi + Microsporidian parasite + species + + + + + Fonticula & Nucleariidae + + + + FONALB + + 691883 + Fonticula alba + Fonticula alba Worley, Raper & Hohl. 1979 + species + + + + NUCSIM + + 154970 + Nuclearia simplex + species + + + + + + + THETRA + + 529818 + Thecamonas trahens + species + + + + + Amoebozoa + + 554915 + Amoebozoa + + + Dictyostelium + + 5782 + Dictyostelium + genus + + + DICDI + + 44689 + DICDI + Dictyostelium discoideum + Slime mold + species + + + + DICPU + + 5786 + DICPU + Dictyostelium purpureum + Slime mold + species + + + + + ENTHI + + 5759 + ENTHI + Entamoeba histolytica + species + + + + + + Bikonta + + + + Corticata + + Archaeplastida + + + 33090 + Viridiplantae + green plants + kingdom + + + + 3193 + Embryophyta + + + + 58023 + Tracheophyta + + + + 3398 + Magnoliophyta + flowering plants + Angiospermae + + + + 71240 + eudicotyledons + + + + 91827 + core eudicotyledons + + + + 71275 + rosids + Rosidae + subclass + + + fabids & malvids + + + 91835 + fabids + eurosids I + + + + 3646 + Malpighiales + order + + + + 3977 + Euphorbiaceae + spurge family + family + + + MANES + + 3983 + MANES + Manihot esculenta + Tapioca + Jatropha manihot + species + + + + + RICCO + + 3988 + RICCO + Ricinus communis + Castor bean + Ricinus sanguineus + species + + + + + + POPTR + + 3694 + POPTR + Populus trichocarpa + Western balsam poplar + Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa + species + + + + + Rosales & Cucurbitales & Fabales + + + 3814 + Papilionoideae + Faboideae + subfamily + + + SOYBN + + 3847 + SOYBN + Glycine max + cv. Wye + Soybean + Glycine hispida + species + + + + MEDTR + + 3880 + MEDTR + Medicago truncatula + Barrel medic + Medicago tribuloides + species + + + + + + Rosales & Cucurbitales + + CUCSA + + 3659 + CUCSA + Cucumis sativus + Cucumber + species + + + + + 3745 + Rosaceae + rose family + family + + + PRUPE + + 3760 + PRUPE + Prunus persica + Peach + Persica vulgaris + Amygdalus persica + species + + + + + FRAVE + + 57918 + FRAVE + Fragaria vesca + Woodland strawberry + Fragaria vesca L. + European strawberry + alpine strawberry + species + + + + + + + + + + + 91836 + malvids + eurosids II + + + Brassicales & Sapindales + + + 3699 + Brassicales + Capparales + order + + + + 3700 + Brassicaceae + family + + + + 3701 + Arabidopsis + genus + + + ARATH + + 3702 + ARATH + Arabidopsis thaliana + Mouse-ear cress + species + + + + ARALY + + 59689 + ARALY + Arabidopsis lyrata + Lyre-leaved rock-cress + species + + + + + + 98038 + THEHA + Thellungiella halophila + Salt cress + species + + + + + + CARPA + + 3649 + CARPA + Carica papaya + Papaya + species + + + + + + + + 2706 + Citrus + genus + + + CITSI + + 2711 + CITSI + Citrus sinensis + Sweet orange + Citrus x sinensis + species + + + + + CITCLE + + 85681 + Citrus clementina + Citrus clementina hort. ex Tanaka + species + + + + + + + EUCGR + + 71139 + EUCGR + Eucalyptus grandis + Flooded gum + species + + + + + + + + VITVI + + 582304 + VITVI + Vitis vinifera + Grape + species + + + + + MIMGU + + 4155 + MIMGU + Mimulus guttatus + Yellow monkey flower + Yellow monkey flower + species + + + + + AQUCA + + 218851 + AQUCA + Aquilegia caerulea + E.James + Rocky mountain columbine + Aquilegia coerulea + species + + + + + + + 4479 + Poaceae + grass family + Gramineae + family + + + + 359160 + BEP clade + + + + 4527 + Oryza + genus + + + ORYSJ + + 39947 + ORYSJ + Oryza sativa subsp. japonica + Rice + + + + ORYSA + + 4530 + ORYSA + Oryza sativa + Rice + species + + + + + BRADI + + 15368 + BRADI + Brachypodium distachyon + Purple false brome + Trachynia distachya + species + + + + + + + 147369 + Panicoideae + Link, 1827 + Centothecoideae + subfamily + + + + 147429 + Andropogoneae + Dumort., 1824 + tribe + + + SORBI + + 4558 + SORBI + Sorghum bicolor + Sorghum + Sorghum vulgare + species + + + + MAIZE + + 4577 + MAIZE + Zea mays + Maize + species + + + + + SETIT + + 4555 + SETIT + Setaria italica + Foxtail millet + Panicum italicum + species + + + + + + + + SELMO + + 34167 + SELMO + Selaginella mollis + Moss + species + + + + + PHYPA + + 145481 + PHYPA + Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens + Moss + subspecies + + + + + + 3041 + Chlorophyta + phylum + + + + 13792 + Mamiellales + order + + + + 70447 + Ostreococcus + genus + + + OSTLU + + 436017 + OSTLU + Ostreococcus lucimarinus (strain CCE9901) + + + + OSTTA + + 70448 + OSTTA + Ostreococcus tauri + species + + + + OSTRC + + 385169 + Ostreococcus sp. RCC809 + species + + + + + + 38832 + Micromonas + genus + + + MICPC + + 564608 + MICPC + Micromonas pusilla (strain CCMP1545) + Picoplanktonic green alga + + + + MICSR + + 296587 + MICSR + Micromonas sp. (strain RCC299 / NOUM17) + Picoplanktonic green alga + Micromonas sp. RCC299 + species + + + + + + Trebouxiophyceae_Chlorophyceae + + + 3042 + Chlamydomonadales + order + + + CHLRE + + 3055 + CHLRE + Chlamydomonas reinhardtii + Chlamydomonas smithii + species + + + + VOLCA + + 3067 + VOLCA + Volvox carteri + Green alga + species + + + + + + 75966 + Trebouxiophyceae + class + + + CHLSP + + 554065 + Chlorella variabilis + Chlorella sp. NC64A + species + + + + CHLVUL + + 574566 + Coccomyxa sp. C-169 + Chlorella vulgaris C-169 + species + + + + + + + + CYAME + + 45157 + CYAME + Cyanidioschyzon merolae + Red alga + species + + + + + + Chromalveolate + + + + Heterokonta_Alveolata + + Alveolata + + 33630 + Alveolata + + + + 5794 + Apicomplexa + phylum + + + + 422676 + Aconoidasida + class + + + + 5820 + Plasmodium + genus + + + PLAFA + + 5833 + PLAFA + Plasmodium falciparum + species + + + + PLAYO + + 73239 + PLAYO + Plasmodium yoelii yoelii + subspecies + + + + PLACH + + 5825 + PLACH + Plasmodium chabaudi + species + + + + + Theileria + + 5873 + Theileria + genus + + + THEPA + + 5875 + THEPA + Theileria parva + species + + + + THEAN + + 5874 + THEAN + Theileria annulata + species + + + + + + + 423054 + Eimeriorina + suborder + + + + 5806 + Cryptosporidium + genus + + + CRYHO + + 237895 + CRYHO + Cryptosporidium hominis + species + + + + CRYPV + + 5807 + CRYPV + Cryptosporidium parvum + species + + + + + Eimeria & Toxoplasma + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + The Apicomplexan Whole-Genome Phylogeny: An Analysis of Incongruence among Gene Trees + + + + + TOXGO + + 5811 + TOXGO + Toxoplasma gondii + species + + + + + 5802 + EIMTE + Eimeria tenella + Coccidian parasite + species + + + + + + + + + 6020 + Oligohymenophorea + class + + + TETTH + + 5911 + TETTH + Tetrahymena thermophila + species + + + + PARTE + + 5888 + PARTE + Paramecium tetraurelia + species + + + + + + Heterokonta + + 33634 + stramenopiles + Chromophyta + + + Pelagophyceae_Bacillariophyta + + + 2836 + Bacillariophyta + diatoms + phylum + + + + 33850 + Bacillariophycidae + + + PHATR + + 912693 + PHATR + Phaeodactylum tricornutum + Bohlin + species + + + + FRACY + + 911694 + FRACY + Fragilariopsis cylindrus + Krieger + Nitzschia cylindrus + species + + + + + THAPS + + 916868 + THAPS + Thalassiosira pseudonana + Hasle & Heimdal + Marine diatom + Cyclotella nana + species + + + + + AURAN + + 912461 + AURAN + Aureococcus anophagefferens + Hargraves & Sieburth + species + + + + + + 4783 + Phytophthora + genus + + + PHYIN + + 4787 + PHYIN + Phytophthora infestans + Potato late blight fungus + species + + + + PHYRM + + 164328 + PHYRM + Phytophthora ramorum + Sudden oak death agent + species + + + + PHYSO + + 67593 + Phytophthora sojae + species + + + + + + + EMIHU + + 2903 + EMIHU + Emiliania huxleyi + species + + + + + + Excavata + + + + Kinetoplastida_Heterolobosea + + + 5654 + Trypanosomatidae + family + + + LEIMA + + 5664 + LEIMA + Leishmania major + species + + + + TRYBB + + 5702 + TRYBB + Trypanosoma brucei brucei + subspecies + + + + + NAEGR + + 5762 + NAEGR + Naegleria gruberi + Amoeba + species + + + + + Metamonada + + GIALA + + 5741 + GIALA + Giardia lamblia + Giardia intestinalis + Giardia lamblia + species + + + + TRIVA + + 5722 + TRIVA + Trichomonas vaginalis + species + + + + + + + + + 2157 + Archaea + superkingdom + + + a5 + + a1 + + + 183924 + Thermoprotei + class + + + AERPE + + 272557 + AERPE + Aeropyrum pernix (strain ATCC 700893 / DSM 11879 / JCM 9820 / NBRC 100138 / K1) + + + + SULSO + + 273057 + SULSO + Sulfolobus solfataricus (strain ATCC 35092 / DSM 1617 / JCM 11322 / P2) + + + + + + 2302 + Thermoplasma + genus + + + THEVO + + 273116 + THEVO + Thermoplasma volcanium (strain ATCC 51530 / DSM 4299 / JCM 9571 / NBRC 15438 / GSS1) + + + + THEAC + + 273075 + THEAC + Thermoplasma acidophilum (strain ATCC 25905 / DSM 1728 / JCM 9062 / NBRC 15155 / AMRC-C165) + + + + + + + 28890 + Euryarchaeota + phylum + + + a4 + + a3 + + a2 + + METKA + + 190192 + METKA + Methanopyrus kandleri (strain AV19 / DSM 6324 / JCM 9639 / NBRC 100938) + + + + METJA + + 243232 + METJA + Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (strain ATCC 43067 / DSM 2661 / JAL-1 / JCM 10045 / NBRC 100440) + Methanococcus jannaschii + + + + + METTH + + 187420 + METTH + Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (strain Delta H) + + + + + ARCFU + + 224325 + ARCFU + Archaeoglobus fulgidus (strain ATCC 49558 / VC-16 / DSM 4304 / JCM 9628 / NBRC 100126) + + + + + + 2260 + Pyrococcus + genus + + + PYRAB + + 272844 + PYRAB + Pyrococcus abyssi (strain GE5 / Orsay) + + + + PYRHO + + 70601 + PYRHO + Pyrococcus horikoshii (strain ATCC 700860 / DSM 12428 / JCM 9974 / NBRC 100139 / OT-3) + + + + + + + HALSP + + 2243 + HALSP + Halobacterium sp. + species + + + + + + + 2 + Bacteria + superkingdom + + + b9 + + b2 + + b1 + + + 213849 + Campylobacterales + order + + + HELPH + + 357544 + HELPH + Helicobacter pylori (strain HPAG1) + Campylobacter pylori + species + + + + CAMJE + + 197 + CAMJE + Campylobacter jejuni + species + + + + + AQUAE + + 63363 + AQUAE + Aquifex aeolicus + species + + + + + b3 + + + 2092 + Mycoplasmataceae + family + + + + Mycoplasma + + + MYCGE + + 243273 + MYCGE + Mycoplasma genitalium (strain ATCC 33530 / G-37 / NCTC 10195) + + + + MYCPN + + 272634 + MYCPN + Mycoplasma pneumoniae (strain ATCC 29342 / M129) + + + + + UREPA + + 134821 + UREPA + Ureaplasma parvum + Ureaplasma urealyticum biotype 1 + species + + + + + BORBU + + 139 + BORBU + Borrelia burgdorferi + Lyme disease spirochete + species + + + + + + b8 + + b6 + + b5 + + b4 + + + 1117 + Cyanobacteria + phylum + + + NOSS7 + + 28072 + NOSS7 + Nostoc sp. (strain PCC 7524) + species + + + + SYNY3 + + 1148 + SYNY3 + Synechocystis sp. (strain ATCC 27184 / PCC 6803 / N-1) + species + + + + + DEIRA + + 1299 + DEIRA + Deinococcus radiodurans + species + + + + + MYCTU + + 1773 + MYCTU + Mycobacterium tuberculosis + species + + + + + + 1236 + Gammaproteobacteria + class + + + b7 + + + 543 + Enterobacteriaceae + family + + + ECOLI + + 83333 + ECOLI + Escherichia coli (strain K12) + + + + SALTY + + 90371 + SALTY + Salmonella typhimurium + + + + + VIBCH + + 666 + VIBCH + Vibrio cholerae + species + + + + + HAEIN + + 71421 + HAEIN + Haemophilus influenzae (strain ATCC 51907 / DSM 11121 / KW20 / Rd) + + + + + + + 1239 + Firmicutes + phylum + + + + 91061 + Bacilli + Bacillus/Lactobacillus/Streptococcus group + class + + + STRPN + + 1313 + STRPN + Streptococcus pneumoniae + species + + + + BACSU + + 1423 + BACSU + Bacillus subtilis + species + + + + + EUBR3 + + 515619 + EUBR3 + Eubacterium rectale (strain ATCC 33656 / VPI 0990) + + + + + + BACTN + + 818 + BACTN + Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron + species + + + + + THEMA + + 2336 + THEMA + Thermotoga maritima + species + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file --