2007-01-18 amwaterhouseDescriptions can be added to annotations
2007-01-17 amwaterhouseEdit name/description added to applet
2007-01-17 amwaterhouseFit to Window bug fixed
2007-01-17 jproctermade atom attributes public (rather than put in get...
2007-01-17 amwaterhouseDont set the font of alignFrameMenubarcvs update applet...
2007-01-04 amwaterhouseSend new sequences when firing alignment changed
2007-01-04 amwaterhouseReads in anything following seq id as a description
2007-01-04 amwaterhouseHEADER and ATOM must be position 0
2006-12-21 jproctertype change
2006-12-21 jprocterdescription from vamsas sequence and file type change
2006-12-21 amwaterhousecheck on sequence length
2006-12-21 amwaterhousegetSequenceAsString
2006-12-21 amwaterhousegetSequenceAsString
2006-12-21 amwaterhouseremove unnecessary import
2006-12-21 jproctertype change
2006-12-19 amwaterhouseorg.vamsas is now uk.ac.vamsas
2006-12-19 amwaterhousedescription may be null
2006-12-14 amwaterhouseset sequence_ref alignment
2006-12-14 amwaterhouseWatch out for - symbol lin jnet files
2006-12-14 amwaterhouseAre the labels all secondary Strutures? are the display...
2006-12-14 amwaterhouseone less cast
2006-12-11 jprocterfixed introduced bug (doh)
2006-12-11 jprocterclarified help documentation for annotation file format...
2006-12-11 amwaterhouseensure lastSeq is refreshed if new feature added
2006-12-07 amwaterhouseset labels null if not being used
2006-12-07 amwaterhousedont add char[] ref to a string
2006-12-06 jproctertype change
2006-12-06 jproctertypo fix.
2006-12-06 jproctergeneral pairwise substitution score models for pairwise...
2006-12-06 amwaterhouseprotected ok
2006-12-06 amwaterhouseChange text of ok if viewport not null
2006-12-06 amwaterhousetextfield has focus
2006-12-05 amwaterhouseSet startRes 0 for switch to wrap view
2006-12-05 amwaterhousesequence is char []
2006-12-05 amwaterhouseSequence is char []
2006-12-04 jprocterrandom notes on putting a Groovy interpreter into Jalview.
2006-11-30 amwaterhouseindexOf replaces contains
2006-11-30 amwaterhousechar array replaces string for cuts
2006-11-30 amwaterhouseDasRegistry moved again
2006-11-30 amwaterhousesg might be null if mouse released after coloumns removed
2006-11-30 amwaterhouseReturn true or false if file saved
2006-11-30 amwaterhouseWarning message if file was not saved, repaint ids...
2006-11-30 jprocterfix bad grammar in new alignment title
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseversion 2.2 Release_2_2
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseFormat changes
2006-11-28 amwaterhousejpg replaces gif
2006-11-28 amwaterhousereplace with jpg
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseClose strong tag
2006-11-28 amwaterhouselower case file
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseCurrentColour must not be accessed by multiple sequence...
2006-11-28 jprocterEBI web service interface update (and SequenceFetcher...
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseCurrentColour must not be accessed by multiple sequence...
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseDont change ap font from treePanel
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseDont change ap font from treePanel
2006-11-28 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseTree title
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseREmove system.out
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseborder 1
2006-11-28 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-28 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-28 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseLoads PDB files from jar file, new views can open PDB...
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseNo need to create tmpAnnotationPanel every paint
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseTranslation should not be adjusted outside annotation...
2006-11-28 amwaterhouseoff by one group consensus calculation
2006-11-27 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-27 amwaterhouseCant save to a URL loaded Jar file
2006-11-27 amwaterhouseCant save to a URL loaded Jar file
2006-11-27 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-27 amwaterhouseAllow new window from output sequences
2006-11-27 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-27 jprocter*** keyword substitution change ***
2006-11-27 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-27 amwaterhouseNew feature type, new colour set
2006-11-27 amwaterhouseSome reason final radioButtons added to ButtonGroups...
2006-11-27 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-26 jprocter2.2 documentation
2006-11-24 amwaterhouseseqColours null
2006-11-24 amwaterhouseFix load 1 col hidden bug
2006-11-24 amwaterhouseInvert col sel with hidden cols bug fixed
2006-11-24 jprocternew and corrected docs for 2.2 release
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseDont make groups of hidden sequences
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseIf alignment is closed, then undo performed in visible...
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseIf alignment is closed, then undo performed in visible...
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseIf alignment is closed, then undo performed in visible...
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseTransparency......
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseIf alignment is closed, then undo performed in visible...
2006-11-23 amwaterhousedefaultConnectTimeout and NO REPONSE message
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseSettooltips null
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseAssociate PCA with multiple views
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseREmove component when frame is closed
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseset icon false if raising windows
2006-11-23 amwaterhouseRegister TreePanel with paintrefresher
2006-11-22 amwaterhouseTreePanel added to PaintRefresher, not TreeCanvas
2006-11-22 amwaterhouseDynamically build tree sort menu when sort menu is...
2006-11-22 amwaterhousesort menuListener
2006-11-22 amwaterhousemenus renamed
2006-11-22 amwaterhouseAssociate trees with views
2006-11-22 amwaterhouseRenaming viewNames
2006-11-22 amwaterhouseView name