2006-01-13 jproctersynchronized AppData parsing stuff with new AppData...
2006-01-13 jprocteradded a couple of TODO: entries.
2006-01-13 jprocterpartially implemented ArchiveWriter test class (routine...
2005-11-30 jprocteradded OriginalArchiveReader access method and helper...
2005-11-30 jprocterwrapper class to prevent client from closing JarOutputS...
2005-11-30 jprocterSwitched xs:base64encoded and xs:String for type of...
2005-11-29 jprocterprobably deprecating this class.
2005-11-29 jproctersmall updates.
2005-11-29 jprocteruntested vamsasArchive class with additional method...
2005-11-23 jprocterbasic logging configs.
2005-11-23 jprocterusing commons-logging for hierarchial control of logger.
2005-11-23 jprocteruse SessionFile constructor and added todo about java...
2005-11-21 jprocterreorganising vamsasArchive (write to temp file, rather...
2005-11-11 jprocterlost from new schema
2005-11-11 jprocterbasics of arhiveWriter
2005-11-11 jprocteraccess for vamsas.xml style vamsas archive
2005-11-11 jprocterextended report of archive contents.
2005-11-10 jproctersynchronized with last schema revision.
2005-11-10 jproctersynchronized with last schema revision.
2005-11-03 jprocterVamsas Archive Reader and simple test class.
2005-11-03 amwaterhouseApplication data has choice of data or dataRef
2005-11-02 jprocterrefactored common locked IO methods from ClientsFile...
2005-11-02 jprocterdoc comment about lock holding across session client...
2005-11-02 jprocterpropagate changes from schema update.
2005-11-01 jproctercreates and holds all the watcher/io objects for a...
2005-11-01 jprocterpartially updated comments (and repurposing of class).
2005-10-28 jprocterrefactored documentHandler to VamsasFile to indicate...
2005-10-28 amwaterhouseDatasetAnnotations begin and end set as integers
2005-10-27 jprocterjavadoc typo
2005-10-25 jprocteradded more extantLock methods and test for clientList...
2005-10-24 jproctertypo fix.
2005-10-24 jprocternew fileWatcher method passes lock for changed file...
2005-10-24 jprocteradded automatic channel closure for failed locks. ...
2005-10-24 jprocterforgot to release a trial lock that failed.
2005-10-22 jprocterdebugged fileWatcher logic and Lock release function.
2005-10-20 jprocterbetter time delay in command execution.
2005-10-20 jprocterfixed change test.
2005-10-20 jprocterbetter builder
2005-10-20 jprocteradded better check for file change (length + last modified)
2005-10-20 jprocterslackened lock_release success requirement.
2005-10-14 amwaterhouseDataset should not contain gaps
2005-10-12 jprocterfranks data and topali analysis
2005-10-12 jprocterupdated core objects from latest schema (dbRef)
2005-10-12 amwaterhouseDbref attributes are of type string
2005-10-12 jproctermodified FileWatcher to only register file change after...
2005-10-11 jprocterClientsFileTest debugged and verified.
2005-10-11 jprocteradded test config for eclipse
2005-10-11 jproctertest clientsFile handlers.
2005-10-11 jprocterquick update
2005-10-11 jprocterquick update
2005-10-08 jprocteraccidental deletion of vamsas Client build config ...
2005-10-07 jprocterrandom bits and pieces whilst in hamburg - beginnings...
2005-10-06 amwaterhouseProvenance must contain 1 entry, Alignment may have...
2005-09-25 jprocterimplemented state flags and automatic call to VorbaIdFa...
2005-09-23 jprocterrefactored schema (SequenceSet to DataSet and SequenceS...
2005-09-23 jprocteradded a pollUpdate method to kick the vamsas Document...
2005-09-22 jprocterevent handler.
2005-09-22 jprocterrefactored Client to simpleClient. Implemented many...
2005-09-22 jprocterpart implementation of simpleClient and refactoring...
2005-09-22 jprocteradded sourcegen entry for the vamsasDocument.xsd objects.
2005-09-22 jproctercreated new schema to define the document XML file...
2005-09-20 jproctermade vamsas a proper root element in schema and added...
2005-09-20 amwaterhouseOptional instead of min/max
2005-09-20 jprocterbuilder for eclipse
2005-09-20 jprocterchanged vamsas.xsd filename.
2005-09-20 jproctertransient file.
2005-09-20 jprocterrefactored to vamsas.xsd
2005-09-20 jprocterrenamed.
2005-09-20 jprocterlatest schema.
2005-09-20 jprocterobjects from refactored schema.
2005-09-20 jproctermove to new eclipse version.
2005-09-20 jprocterupdated builders
2005-09-20 jproctermore comments.
2005-09-20 jprocterrefactored tree type to avoid conflicts.
2005-09-20 jprocteradded source generator and builder
2005-09-19 jprocterupdated to castor-0.9.9M2 and added some comments
2005-09-19 jproctertried to resolve some namespace clashes and add xs...
2005-09-19 jprocterupdated to castor-0.9.9M2
2005-09-19 jproctermaking more relocatable.
2005-09-19 jprocterregenerate core objects
2005-09-19 jprocterrenamed getId to avoid clashes.
2005-09-19 jprocterchanged sourcegenerator destination package
2005-09-19 jprocterrefactored core objects and regenerated.
2005-09-19 jprocterneeded for castor sourcegenerator.
2005-09-19 jprocteradded castor sourcegenerator task.
2005-09-19 jprocterdefault generation using sourcegen schema.
2005-09-19 jprocterdirectory for runtime dependencies and non-java class...
2005-09-19 jprocterant based sourcegen task
2005-09-19 jprocterlog4j
2005-09-19 jprocterfirst attempt at object build.
2005-09-19 jprocterlatestish vamsas schema
2005-09-19 jprocteradded a few more dependencies
2005-09-19 jprocteradded comments concerning provenance
2005-09-19 jprocteradded for generation of vamsas classes
2005-09-16 jprocterbasic example application skeleton and SimpleClientFact...
2005-09-16 jprocterLGPL from FSF site.
2005-09-14 jprocterseparate some interface methods into abstract classes...
2005-09-14 jprocterobject registration functions return an Id for the...
2005-09-14 jprocterrenamed Iclient and others.
2005-09-14 jprocterfirst version sent out to Iain and Pierre