2011-06-22 pvtroshinannotate test with appropriate groups
2011-06-22 pvtroshinFix for testcases
2011-06-21 pvtroshinFixes for failed test cases (most was due to the data...
2011-06-21 pvtroshincustom test suit xml
2011-06-21 pvtroshintcoffee updated docs & todo
2011-06-21 pvtroshinIA32 and x64 tcoffee binaries are added
2011-06-21 pvtroshingetting rid of ambiguous documentation folder. all...
2011-06-21 pvtroshinnew version of tcoffee 8.99 not yet compiled for ia32...
2011-06-21 pvtroshinremoving tcoffee to update
2011-06-21 pvtroshinRevert multithreading support for mafft as it does...
2011-06-21 pvtroshinRevert multithreading support for mafft as it does...
2011-06-21 pvtroshinGet rind of NativeClusterJob interface as pretty much...
2011-06-21 pvtroshinmafft new location
2011-06-21 pvtroshinChanges to accomodate new version's of mafft packaging
2011-06-21 pvtroshinadd IA32 linux muscle binary
2011-06-21 pvtroshinIA32 mafft executables
2011-06-21 pvtroshinNew Mafft binaries for 32 bit linux system
2011-06-21 pvtroshinNew Mafft binaries for 64 bit linux system
2011-06-21 pvtroshinremove mafft extensions - we do not support them
2011-06-21 pvtroshinnew mafft v 6.857 with extensions
2011-06-21 pvtroshinRemoving old version of mafft to replace with the new
2011-06-20 pvtroshintodo update
2011-06-20 pvtroshinnew version of muscle 3.8.31
2011-06-17 pvtroshintodos
2011-06-17 pvtroshinWeb services refactoring & bug fixing
2011-06-17 pvtroshinRefactoring of all SequenceAnnotation web services
2011-06-16 pvtroshintodos
2011-06-16 pvtroshinBinaries relocation
2011-06-16 pvtroshinIUPred for windows
2011-06-16 pvtroshinIntegrating IUPredWS
2011-06-16 pvtroshinA few more tests for IUPred
2011-06-16 pvtroshinIUPred final touches. All test cases pass
2011-06-16 pvtroshinImprovements to the code
2011-06-16 pvtroshinIUpred integration
2011-06-16 pvtroshinModified IUPred to read multiple fasta as input
2011-06-14 pvtroshinAdding XML executable description for IUPred
2011-06-14 pvtroshinIUPred wrapper, tester and new binary for X64 linux...
2011-06-14 pvtroshinIUPred result readers. IUpred binaries compilation...
2011-06-13 pvtroshinAdding IUPred executables for the new web service
2011-06-13 pvtroshinCommand line options are described and added to the...
2011-06-08 pvtroshinJWS2 client
2011-06-08 pvtroshinJWS2 client
2011-06-08 pvtroshin More work to disorder prediction client & services.
2011-06-08 pvtroshinWeb service stubs are regenerated to incorporate new...
2011-06-08 pvtroshinWStester & registry are completed
2011-06-07 pvtroshinfurther work on registry & WSTester nearly there
2011-06-06 pvtroshinAdding registry web service and changes to WStester...
2011-06-03 pvtroshinexclude cancelled jobs from incomplete
2011-06-01 pvtroshinChanges to return type of Executable.getType() method...
2011-05-31 pvtroshingit-svn-id: link to svn.lifesci.dundee.ac.uk/svn/barton...
2011-05-31 pvtroshinA bug fix, help text for stat jsp pages and style impro...
2011-05-31 pvtroshinLatest web site update from JABA_r1 r. 4152
2011-05-31 pvtroshinStat collection and display done
2011-05-30 pvtroshinTODO
2011-05-30 pvtroshinFurther work to enable stat collection and display
2011-05-30 pvtroshinNew properties to work with work directories
2011-05-30 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-27 pvtroshinnew properties for stat collector conf
2011-05-27 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display - improvements to...
2011-05-26 pvtroshingit-svn-id: link to svn.lifesci.dundee.ac.uk/svn/barton...
2011-05-26 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-26 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-26 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-26 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-26 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-26 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-25 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-25 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-25 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-25 pvtroshinFurther work on statistics display
2011-05-23 pvtroshinAdding JABA web services usage statistics web applicati...
2011-05-23 pvtroshinAdding JABA web services usage statistics web applicati...
2011-05-23 pvtroshinAdding JABA web services usage statistics web applicati...
2011-05-23 pvtroshinAdding JABA web services usage statistics web applicati...
2011-05-23 pvtroshinAdding JABA web services usage statistics web applicati...
2011-05-17 pvtroshinNew datamodel src v 1.1
2011-04-28 pvtroshinrevert build file changed excidentally
2011-04-28 pvtroshinAdd method to SequenceUtil to clean the protein sequence
2011-04-28 pvtroshinFastaReader build into the datamodel
2011-04-27 pvtroshinA wee improvement
2011-04-27 pvtroshinA wee improvement
2011-04-27 pvtroshinA wee improvement
2011-04-27 pvtroshinNew FastaReader implementing iterator & test case for it
2011-04-18 pvtroshinAdd task to package sources for datamodel
2011-04-18 pvtroshinRefactor:
2011-04-08 pvtroshinAdding new website from r3934 JABA_r1 branch
2011-04-08 pvtroshinRemove old web site to replace with the new web site...
2011-03-24 pvtroshinDoc update
2011-03-16 pvtroshinFix to JABAWS web.xml file to make it work with tomcat 7
2011-03-10 pvtroshinstatistics processor further work
2011-03-09 pvtroshinAdd exec statistics processor & derby database
2011-03-03 pvtroshinCentralized statistic collector. All WS are converted...
2011-02-14 pvtroshinAdd limits for presets from jws2 branch
2011-02-14 pvtroshinChange the way to deal with Limits to simplify wrapper...
2011-02-14 pvtroshinChange the way to deal with Limits to simplify wrapper...
2011-02-10 pvtroshinFinally, the new web services are working
2011-02-10 pvtroshinFixes to test cases
2011-02-10 pvtroshinReplace Map<String, HashSet<Score>> with ScoreManager...
2011-02-09 pvtroshinReplace Map<String, HashSet<Score>> with ScoreManager...
2011-02-09 pvtroshinnew services are registered in wsbuild