2007-08-24 jprocterdataset alignments have a reference count which must...
2007-08-24 jprocterremove null pointer exception when embl file is not...
2007-08-24 jproctertodo comments
2007-08-23 jprocterproper vamsas style binding of alignment sequence objec...
2007-08-23 jprocterslightly faster validation patch (logging message conca...
2007-08-23 jprocterbugfixed and removed some inefficiencies in marshalling
2007-08-22 jprocterpopup for non-fatal tree parsing error
2007-08-22 jprocterquick fix for exceptions due to invalid embl refs
2007-08-22 jprocterfix serious repetitive exceptions if user closes colour...
2007-08-22 jproctercatch occasional -ve imgWidth exception
2007-08-22 jprocteradded failsafe fix for cases where null sequence names...
2007-08-22 jprocterintroduce beginning of bug fix for parsing atv style...
2007-08-22 jprocteradded facility for sending non-fatal warnings back...
2007-08-13 jprocterfixed typo in new 2_3 startup file default value
2007-08-08 jproctergive treeviewer description its own contents entry...
2007-08-08 jproctergeneralise name of prediction method
2007-08-08 jprocterensure default source dist is relative to basedir of...
2007-08-08 jprocterallow source dist archive to be an absolute filename
2007-08-08 jprocteradded source-dist task
2007-08-08 jprocterhistidine should be midblue (noticed by Peter Knight...
2007-08-06 jproctercomment concerning null exceptions generated when annot...
2007-08-06 jprocternull pointer exception blocked redraw of annotation...
2007-08-02 jprocterjavadoc and bugfix for 'save' when jalview is default...
2007-08-02 jprocterupdated vamsas library (version for iscb demo)
2007-08-01 jprocterignore contents of this directory
2007-08-01 jprocteradded the '-tree' parameter to open a tree from the...
2007-08-01 jprocterjavadoc
2007-08-01 jprocterensure current dataset reference is passed to the cross...
2007-08-01 jprocteradded tree as an applet to application servlet parameter
2007-08-01 jprocternull pointer exception bug fix
2007-07-31 jprocterdebugging cross references and duplicate sequence db...
2007-07-30 jproctertest cc change revoked.
2007-07-30 jproctertest cc
2007-07-30 jprocterjavadoc
2007-07-30 jprocterproperty for including debug info in classes
2007-07-25 jproctertodo comment
2007-07-25 jprocterfix crossRef retrieval so either protein OR nucleotide
2007-07-25 jprocteruniprot synonym
2007-07-25 jprocterbetter vamsas tree io (for when there are no nodemappings)
2007-07-25 jprocterbugfix for vamsas demo
2007-07-25 jprocterIO rearrangement for AMSAFile output
2007-07-25 jprocterbugfix for vamsas demo and IO rearrangement for AMSAFil...
2007-07-13 jprocterignore random stuff to do with eclipse
2007-07-13 jprocterpreliminary IO classes - read javadoc for purpose
2007-07-13 jprocterpickmanager on sequence and alignment position, vamsas...
2007-07-13 jprocterrefactor
2007-07-13 jprocternew DBRef management and generalised source and entry...
2007-07-13 jproctermore semantic groupings of dbs
2007-07-13 jprocterdebugged mappings and translated sequence recovery
2007-07-13 jprocterpreliminary states for pca distribution io
2007-07-13 jprocterpreliminary methods for detecting internal sequence...
2007-07-13 jprocterbugfix
2007-07-13 jproctermapping bug fixes
2007-07-13 jprocterbasic idea for recognising that a feature is a coding...
2007-07-13 jprocterbugfixes, partially working code for translation using...
2007-07-13 jproctercomments for future viz/detection of internal sequence...
2007-07-13 jprocterupdated to iscb demo vamsas-client version
2007-07-13 jprocterrefactored form of vamsas document interaction code
2007-07-13 jproctermethods for traversing database reference space
2007-07-13 jprocternew search method for finding references like other...
2007-07-13 jprocterbugfix and comments
2007-07-13 jproctermoved to castor-1.1-cycle - a specially patched version...
2007-06-18 jprocterensure lines are drawn from first alignment column.
2007-06-18 jprocter1.1 methods
2007-06-17 jproctervamsas-client-1.2 schema (mappings and Treenodes) and...
2007-06-17 jproctervamsas mouseOvers
2007-06-17 jprocterenable mouseover between DNA coding regions and transla...
2007-06-17 jprocterenable mouseover between DNA coding regions and transla...
2007-06-17 jprocterfix aligned DNA codon translation bug(s) and generate...
2007-06-17 jprocterrecovery of identical dataset sequence object on undo...
2007-06-17 jprocterAlignedCodonFrame holds mapping information between...
2007-06-17 jprocterfix modeller generated PDB file reading bug (missing...
2007-06-17 jprocterJnetFIle is a readable format
2007-06-17 jprocterscore only annotation IO
2007-06-17 jproctermouseOver highlighting and broadcasting efficiency
2007-06-17 jprocterthread safety during repaint
2007-06-17 jprocternull pointer exception fix
2007-06-17 jproctersearchresult highlighting on common dataset or specific...
2007-06-17 jproctercorrect construction of new dataset sequence when resid...
2007-06-17 jprocterjavadoc
2007-06-04 jprocterfix for 'RF' annotation tags and ensured parser is...
2007-05-28 jprocterprototype DBRef and Feature Type semantics (for annotat...
2007-05-28 jproctermoved castor-mapping.xsd to schemas
2007-05-28 jprocterjalview source development documentation
2007-05-28 jprocterfix compact annotation array routine
2007-05-28 jproctercastor mapping file schema (for mappings in resources...
2007-05-28 jproctermapping file change for castor-1.1 upgrade
2007-05-28 jproctercastor mapping unmarshalling logging
2007-05-28 jprocterloglevel property constants and castor validation logge...
2007-05-24 jproctercastor-1.1 classes (descriptors moved to subpackage)
2007-05-24 jproctercastor-1.1 compatible classes from ant task
2007-05-24 jprocterjalview 2.0 XML schema versions for backwards compatibi...
2007-05-24 jprocterNew file for /homes/www-jalview
2007-05-22 jprocterfixed jalview 2.3 bug where gapped aligned codons were...
2007-05-22 jprocter1.4 version of vamsas-client
2007-05-22 jprocterrefactored document objects and bugfix on jvdataset...
2007-05-22 amwaterhouseDONT SET PICKING LABEL
2007-05-21 jproctervamsas svn 14.55 May 21
2007-05-18 jprocterfixed getObject(VorbaId) lookup in vamsas-client
2007-05-18 amwaterhouse2.3