2010-02-19 jprocterbugfix and new containment test method from jalview...
2010-02-18 jprocterverson 0.2 LGPL licensed source and jars
2010-02-18 jprocterline rather than class output for info messages
2010-02-18 jprocterSAXTreeViewer requires java 1.5 or later.
2010-02-18 jproctervamsas API version 0.2 - allow new sessions or imported...
2010-02-18 jprocterflag for suppressing unresolved xmlId warnings
2010-02-18 jproctersuppress unresolved xmlId warnings for initial unmarsha...
2010-02-18 jprocterremoved Appdata test TODO
2010-02-18 jproctersupress occasional null pointer exceptions (unverified...
2010-02-18 jprocterefficiency
2010-02-18 jprocterempty selection message not terminated with '\n'
2009-06-08 jprocteruse simpleclientsession handle rather than bare session...
2009-06-08 jprocterlocate first session or sessions for a given URN
2009-06-08 jprocterlocate simpleclientsession handle for any session URN
2009-06-08 jprocterstore simpleclientsession handle rather than bare sessi...
2009-06-08 jprocterdisplayed urn is either vamsasdocument reference or...
2009-06-08 jprocternew URN hold external session URI and internal referenc...
2009-05-12 jprocteradded GPLv3 as per LGPL requirements.
2009-05-07 jprocterupdated eclipse resources (under ganymede) and tidied...
2009-05-07 jprocterapplied LGPLv3 and source code formatting.
2009-05-07 jprocterschema documentation autogenerated using Oxygen v10.
2008-11-12 jprocteradded SelectionMessage, Properties.isValid methods...
2008-11-12 jprocternew Selection message. This still needs work!
2008-11-12 jprocteradded validation method to perform minimal check that...
2008-11-12 jprocterfix minor exception when syncing document with appdata...
2008-11-12 jprocteradded more types and type validation method
2008-11-12 jprocterapache license for the commons-zip code used to read...
2008-11-05 jprocterProper README and LICENCE inclusion in vamsas-client...
2007-11-05 jproctertry to set sessionmodified flag if the client document...
2007-11-05 jprocterrequesttoclose event is raised if session modified...
2007-10-19 jproctermade SimpleClientConfig externally configurable and...
2007-09-27 jprocterapache zip has no FileName method.
2007-09-27 jprocterlegalass-coverage (for use of third party and modified...
2007-09-27 jprocterhack to minimise IO interruption when SimpleClient...
2007-09-27 jprocterultraparanoid zip entry safename function
2007-09-27 jprocterSwitched to using pure java Apache Zip implementation
2007-09-27 jprocterimported from ant 1.7 source distribution
2007-09-27 jproctermade finalize check before zeroing self-references...
2007-09-27 jprocterAdded test to ensure all bytes are transferred during...
2007-09-24 jproctertest for property type and property type constants
2007-09-18 jprocterfixed pathological vamsas archive issue related to...
2007-09-18 jprocterreally simple test for accessibility of a zip file...
2007-09-18 jprocterJava ZipFile code does not cope with entries with lots...
2007-09-18 jprocteradded retry mechanism for opening of vamsas archives...
2007-09-18 jprocternote on occasional null pointer exceptions raised on...
2007-09-18 jprocteradded two tests to ensure a vamsasArchive is readable...
2007-09-14 jprocteradded openSession from Stored Document ClientFactory...
2007-09-14 jproctertidied command line interface (a bit) and implement...
2007-09-14 jprocterimplement low level functions for initialising a new...
2007-09-14 jproctermoved methods for opening a stored session document...
2007-09-14 jprocterimplement new client factory methods to open a stored...
2007-09-14 jproctertodo on importDocument (whether to exclude from interfa...
2007-09-14 jprocteradded new client factory methods to open a stored sessi...
2007-09-14 jprocterset printRootInfo so root labels are not lost.
2007-09-11 jprocterun-necessary spaces for bootstrap separator in root...
2007-09-11 jprocterbootstrap value parsing/recovery only for nodes with...
2007-09-11 jprocterrefactored initialisation of new session with existing...
2007-09-11 jproctertodo for importing stored session as a new session
2007-09-11 jprocterensure that document updates only occur if the vamsas...
2007-09-04 jproctermade serializable
2007-08-31 jprocterformatting
2007-08-31 jprocterrefactoring to enable initialisation of session from...
2007-08-31 jprocterbugfix for new appdata writes not overwriting existing...
2007-08-31 jproctervamsas client build with new ClientFactory methods...
2007-08-31 jprocterflags for reading/writing client or user appdata only.
2007-08-31 jprocteradded newSession methods to create a new vamsas session...
2007-08-28 jprocterlast core object source generation on...
2007-08-28 jprocternotional testing of client and user app data read and...
2007-08-28 jproctermore rar friendly appdata reference name and uniqueness...
2007-08-22 jprocterhacked castor to be a bit faster (IdentitySet and log...
2007-08-22 jprocterRemoved clientfile watcher elements in attempt to remov...
2007-08-22 jprocterattempts to remove any locks after client is finalized
2007-08-22 jprocterfixed regex and made 'improper' support for parsing...
2007-08-22 jprocterbetter 'main' test and support creation of treenodes...
2007-08-21 jprocterbeginning of 'simple' interface for newick string based...
2007-08-21 jprocterrefactored and new methods for making and processing...
2007-08-21 jprocterrefactored from newickfile
2007-08-21 jprocternewickfile class moved into its own package ready for...
2007-08-21 jprocternew marshaller instance ensures we use marshalling...
2007-08-17 jprocterformatting changes
2007-08-17 jproctersafety checks and informational Errors generated when...
2007-08-17 jprocterTODO comments
2007-08-17 jprocternew method to test if a particular file is or is relate...
2007-08-17 jprocterportability issue error messages
2007-08-17 jprocterfixed update of existing appdata jar entry bug (raised...
2007-08-16 jprocterrefactored IClientAppdata and implementation has been...
2007-08-16 jprocterrefactored AppData stream classes so they are returned...
2007-07-30 jprocterupdated classpath for eclipse project
2007-07-30 jprocternull pointer exception on attempt to release lock expli...
2007-07-15 jproctervorbaId generator constructs valid ID strings (NCNames)
2007-06-29 jprocter0 to unbounded Dataset/Sequence/DbRef/Map elements...
2007-06-28 jprocterlogic for debug message (if either or both mapped eleme...
2007-06-28 jprocterdebug message for default mapping
2007-06-28 jprocteradded mapType utilities.
2007-06-28 jprocterimported utility classes for working with MapTypes...
2007-06-28 jprocterquieter logging
2007-06-28 jprocterbuild on 28th June
2007-06-28 jprocterupdated castor to castor-1.1-cycle
2007-06-28 jprocterprototype of Newick string parsing code and node bindin...
2007-06-28 jprocterraise the DOCUMENT_REQUESTTOCLOSE event and debug output.