2021-11-08 Jim Procteradjust wording in secondary structure prediction exerci... master
2021-11-08 Jim Proctertweak wording in feature creation exercise
2020-10-02 Jim Proctertodo for reinstating exercise on editing alignment...
2020-10-02 Jim Procterminor tweak wording
2020-10-02 Jim Procterhttp to https
2020-10-02 Jim Procterfix up ‘enabling group consensus’ in column-based subgr...
2020-10-02 Jim ProcterClarify instructions on how to insert gaps with the...
2020-10-02 Jim Procterexplaining in more detail about disabling feature colou...
2020-10-02 Jim Procterminor rewording/style fixing
2020-10-02 Jim Procterremind people to look at next page for exercises, and...
2020-10-02 Jim Procterspell out path to menu items in hide/show exercise
2020-10-02 Jim Procterctrl/CMD for toggling sequences in creating groups...
2020-10-02 Jim Proctercomment to slduce about section about jalview projects...
2020-10-02 Jim Proctertweaked jalview projects section
2020-10-02 Jim ProcterRevised exercise 1 - launching Jalview in line with...
2020-10-02 Jim ProcterRevised intro about launching Jalview and removed comme...
2020-09-30 Jim Procterignore eclipse project metadata directory
2020-09-25 sduceJust notice an extra space introduced in error. So...
2020-09-25 sduceI have updated the Figure 1.2 (download) and 1.3 (splas...
2020-09-25 sduceUpdated the exercise and related text about launching...
2020-09-25 sduceUpdated manual after testing Jalview develop
2020-09-25 sduceUpdated the manual after testing jalview develop
2019-05-10 Suzanne DuceI have read through the text and gone through the exerc...
2019-05-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 TODOs for next workshop/revision
2019-05-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 clarify exercise step in sub-family covariatio...
2019-05-08 Jim ProcterJAL-3111 patch exercises for revised Structure Viewer...
2019-04-26 Jim Procterversion 1.9.2 Version_1.9.2
2019-04-26 Jim Proctermany image updates and also tweaks for 2.11 release
2019-04-17 Jim ProcterUpdated .project and .gitignore after import to eclipse
2019-04-17 Jim Procterrename eclipse project
2019-04-17 Jim Procterupdate gitignore
2017-11-24 Suzanne DuceTwo issues were reported during the Jalview workshop...
2017-11-21 Jim Procterminor tweaks after proofing prior to 17th November...
2017-11-17 Suzanne DuceJust spooted a slight format issue
2017-11-17 Suzanne DuceThis is the third manual commit. I checked the exercise...
2017-11-16 Suzanne DuceModified some of the exercises esp the tree and pca...
2017-11-10 Suzanne DuceI am committing the edits to the main body of the text...
2017-02-20 Jim Procterversion 1.9 of jalview manual
2017-02-20 Jim Procterupdate version to 1.9, and date to today.
2017-02-20 Jim ProcterUpdated info on PCA calculation (SeqSpace vs BLOSUM62)
2017-02-19 Jim Procterminor rewording, typo fixes, and more complete introduc...
2017-02-15 Suzanne DuceMade changes to improve layout of manual
2017-02-15 Suzanne DuceChanged JNet to JPred in manual
2017-02-03 Suzanne DuceCorrect a few typos.
2016-12-14 Suzanne DuceUpdated the some of the images in the manual
2016-10-12 Jim Procterdropped out some sections for Glasgow 2016, and quick...
2016-10-12 Jim ProcterMore exercise tweaks - regularise warnings/platform...
2016-10-11 Jim Procterhints should always be placed on a new line in the...
2016-10-11 Jim Proctertweak formating before editing exercises.
2016-10-11 Jim Procterreplaced all instances of 'dialogue' with 'dialog'.
2016-10-10 Jim Proctercrop to make close all figure (sec 1.3 after Fig 1...
2016-10-07 Suzanne DuceI have implemented more of Kira's suggestions. Some...
2016-10-07 Suzanne DuceI have changed the manual in light of Kira's comments.
2016-09-28 Suzanne DuceJust updating the date on the manual
2016-09-16 Suzanne DuceI have proof read manual after yesterday edits and...
2016-09-15 Suzanne DuceI am committing this edits even though there are some...
2016-09-01 Suzanne Duce(A) Polishing the exercises that I have recently create...
2016-06-09 Suzanne DuceChanged pca exercise.
2016-06-09 Suzanne DuceI have correct principle/principal typos in four locati...
2016-05-13 Suzanne DuceChange wording in MSA section about ordering sequences
2016-05-13 Suzanne DuceAdded annotation sections and made few minor changes.
2016-02-18 Suzanne DuceChanges for Feb 2016 SLS course
2015-05-01 Suzanne DuceI have gone through all the exercises in the manual...
2015-04-30 Suzanne Ducethursday edits to manual
2015-04-24 Suzanne DuceReading the pdf I noticed an error in my edits for...
2015-04-24 Suzanne DuceI have added my corrections to chapter 1.
2015-04-24 Suzanne DuceChanges added after the London 2014 workshop
2014-12-19 Suzanne DuceAdded Mungo's edits and standardised layout
2014-12-12 Jim Procterupdate version/date
2014-12-12 Jim Proctercommented out defunct exercises, added others, tweaked...
2014-12-12 Jim Procternew figures for RNA section
2014-12-06 Suzanne DuceSLD has completed her text and exercise edits in Chapter 1.
2014-12-05 Suzanne Duce90% of chapter 1 edits for London workshop. Though...
2014-12-05 Suzanne Ducesecond commit (to test the process)
2014-12-05 Suzanne DuceUpdates for London 2014 workshop
2013-04-07 Jim Procterincluded instructions to use ps2pdf to reduce the size...
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv1.4.1 manual
2013-02-01 Jim ProcterManual version 1.4.1 updated 18th January for Version...
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv2.8 new website and logo
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv 2.8 logo and new top level help page
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv 2.8 logo and authors
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv 2.8 capabilitis
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv2.8 new database selector for sequence fetcher
2013-02-01 Jim Procter2.8 per sequence annotation colouring
2013-02-01 Jim Procter2.8 colourschemes
2013-02-01 Jim Procterrevised pca in v2.8
2013-02-01 Jim Procteralignment services in v2.8
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv2.8 jabaws config with server status
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv2.8 ws menu
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv2.8 sequence disorder
2013-02-01 Jim Procterv2.8 sequence details window
2013-02-01 Jim Procterignore intermediate files
2013-01-10 Jim Procterupdated tutorial for Jalview 2.7 - includes contributio...
2011-12-05 Jim Procterupdate to 1.3.01
2011-12-05 Jim Procterfix left-right page numbering and incorrect menu item
2011-11-29 Jim Procterupdated screen optimized version
2011-11-29 Jim Procterupdated master document with dna alignment tools table
2011-11-29 Jim Proctercompleted table of jabaws alignment services useful...
2011-11-28 Jim Procterjalview manual v1.3 - updated for v2.7 of Jalview with...
2011-11-28 Jim Procterdrag and drop association of PDB structures