2006-05-19 jprocterstill refactoring the rangeType and features/annotation...
2006-05-18 jproctercurrent vamsas type document. Still being worked on...
2006-03-27 jprocteradded registration/object retrieval methods to ClientDoc.
2006-03-27 jprocterIncorrect bounds for Provenance type in Dataset.Dataset...
2006-03-27 jprocterIncorrect bounds for Provenance type in Dataset.Dataset...
2006-03-26 jprocterdebugged the runnable main for ArchiveClient. ClientDoc...
2006-03-26 jprocterlatest version is Beta. but we might change this :)
2006-03-26 jprocteradded new constructor and File object accessor to make...
2006-03-24 jprocterfixed (hopefully) locking/read problems in test.simplec...
2006-03-24 jprocterfixed leaky lock (answers todo about verifying that...
2006-03-24 jprocternew target - jar, and added an 'exclude' for Pierre...
2006-03-24 jproctersimple test of locked IO based on ArchiveWatcher. Exten...
2006-03-24 jproctercommented out stream constructor for vamsasArchive.
2006-03-24 pmargueritevamsas api example classes - AstexViewer@MSD-EBI
2006-03-24 jprocterdeveloping streamReader tests.
2006-03-23 jprocterstill dealing with JarInputStream issues.
2006-03-23 jprocterfixed exception when trying to cancel unwritten archives.
2006-03-23 jprocterdebug output - just incase strange things are happening...
2006-03-23 pmargueritefix call of the argument parsing - '!' missing
2006-03-23 jprocterlocking for windows (XP) partly debugged. ClientsFileTe...
2006-03-22 pmarguerite'!' missing for testing if the session directory is...
2006-03-22 jproctermore fixes for clientdocument/simpleclient. Testign...
2006-03-22 jprocterfinished the Appdata/ClientDocument update mechanism...
2006-03-22 jprocteradded new method for writing an AppData jar entry direc...
2006-03-21 jprocterintermediate cjeckin - nfs woes!
2006-03-21 jprocterrearranged some todos and preparing to implement Simple...
2006-03-21 jprocterrefactored generally useful higher level document IO...
2006-03-20 jprocterSimpleClientAppdata implemented but untested.
2006-03-20 jprocterhalf implemented the SimpleClientAppdata interface.
2006-03-20 jprocteradded for completeness, but may not be necessary.
2006-03-20 pmargueriteAdd object casting for instrospection methods
2006-03-20 pmargueriteRemove local file Jim local file path for the current...
2006-03-20 jprocterdebugging the org.vamsas.client.SessionUrn selection...
2006-03-19 jprocterremoved todo
2006-03-17 jprocterrenamed base class for all vamsas document objects...
2006-03-16 jprocterchanged semaphore implementation and session modified...
2006-03-16 jproctersimplification of some events and clarification.
2006-03-16 jprocteradded simple semaphore file mechanism for session direc...
2006-03-16 jprocternull sessionUrn parameter to create a new session
2006-03-15 jprocteradding various state flags for events
2006-03-14 jprocterpartly finished analysis of vamsas client session events.
2006-03-14 jprocterpartly finished analysis of vamsas client session events.
2006-03-14 jproctertrivial typo
2006-03-14 jprocterextended clientfactory interface for session discovery...
2006-03-14 jprocterreprioritising TODOs and LATERs and fixing documentatio...
2006-01-24 jprocterremoved unnecessary createdummyVamsasDocument private...
2006-01-24 jprocterinitial org.vamsas.client.IClientAppData implementation...
2006-01-24 jprocterfixed a slight bug in AppData entry searching, and...
2006-01-24 jprocterintroduced org.vamsas.client.IClientAppData interface...
2006-01-24 jprocterfixed probable bug
2006-01-24 jprocterupdated example application to handle IClient.getDocume...
2006-01-24 jprocterparameterised the default empty document construction
2006-01-24 jprocterSimpleClient creates dummy documents.
2006-01-24 jprocternote about making default provenance entries at same...
2006-01-23 jprocterimplementing minimal set : SimpleClientFactory createSe...
2006-01-23 jprocterbeginning refactoring of locked IO for lists.
2006-01-23 jprocterbeginning refactoring of locked IO for lists.
2006-01-23 jprocterclarified the getSessionUrn function and added new...
2006-01-23 jprocteradded some more comments about event types/implementation
2006-01-23 jprocteradded asFile method to get urn path as a file object.
2006-01-23 jprocterurn classes for different kinds of vamsas object.
2006-01-23 jprocterurn classes for different kinds of vamsas object.
2006-01-20 jprocterpartially implemented simpleclient.EventGenerator
2006-01-20 jprocteradded Appender for the VAMSAS session.
2006-01-20 jproctercomments and removed spurious todo:
2006-01-20 jproctertidying IO.
2006-01-20 jprocteradded overwrite flag to VamsasArchive writer class...
2006-01-20 jprocterVamsasArchive tested. Locked IO routines to be implemen...
2006-01-20 jprocterremoved after schema modification,
2006-01-20 jproctermore locked IO performance tests.
2006-01-19 jprocterintroduced locked IO testing for Archive IO
2006-01-19 jprocterstarted on ClientDocument implementation and Locked...
2006-01-19 jprocteradded skeleton class for vorbaId methods and comments
2006-01-19 jproctertodo
2006-01-19 jproctermoved IClientDocument implementation into the simplecli...
2006-01-19 jprocterset correct get/Set VamsasRoots type, added addVamsasRo...
2006-01-19 jproctergeneralised ArchiveReports functions to output on any...
2006-01-19 jproctercomments - explanation of bad heuristic that has to...
2006-01-17 jprocteradded and tested simple document handling and update...
2006-01-17 jprocterdebugged VamsasArchive and rationalised debugging messages.
2006-01-17 jprocterfixed the User element and the form of the ApplicationD...
2006-01-16 jprocterfound cyclic dependency problems in schema and in Vorba...
2006-01-16 jprocterminimally debugged idFactory and vorbaId mechanism...
2006-01-16 jproctertypo
2006-01-16 jprocterchanged textual references for Class.class initializer...
2006-01-16 jprocterrefactored - Vorba object binding machinery and interfa...
2006-01-16 jprocterdebug as far as test marshalling - a vorbaIdFactory...
2006-01-15 jprocterdebugging.
2006-01-15 jprocterdebugging.
2006-01-15 jprocterminimal output for commons-logging (commented...
2006-01-15 jproctermore verbose reports and demo VamsasDocument testing
2006-01-15 jprocterControlled versionString vocabulary, newVamsasDocument...
2006-01-13 jproctersave on nasty svn conflicts.
2006-01-13 jproctergit-svn-id:
2006-01-13 jprocterwhere packaged build will go
2006-01-13 jproctereclipse builder
2006-01-13 jprocterrefactored and incorporated basic io routines from...
2006-01-13 jprocterimported from the old vamsas webservices datatypes...
2006-01-13 jprocterbasic class defining symbol dictionaries
2006-01-13 jproctermore plus added VAMAS: tag for a policy decision