last changeMon, 8 Nov 2021 16:16:47 +0000 (16:16 +0000)
2021-11-08 Jim Procteradjust wording in secondary structure prediction exerci... master
2021-11-08 Jim Proctertweak wording in feature creation exercise
2020-10-02 Jim Proctertodo for reinstating exercise on editing alignment...
2020-10-02 Jim Procterminor tweak wording
2020-10-02 Jim Procterhttp to https
2020-10-02 Jim Procterfix up ‘enabling group consensus’ in column-based subgr...
2020-10-02 Jim ProcterClarify instructions on how to insert gaps with the...
2020-10-02 Jim Procterexplaining in more detail about disabling feature colou...
2020-10-02 Jim Procterminor rewording/style fixing
2020-10-02 Jim Procterremind people to look at next page for exercises, and...
2020-10-02 Jim Procterspell out path to menu items in hide/show exercise
2020-10-02 Jim Procterctrl/CMD for toggling sequences in creating groups...
2020-10-02 Jim Proctercomment to slduce about section about jalview projects...
2020-10-02 Jim Proctertweaked jalview projects section
2020-10-02 Jim ProcterRevised exercise 1 - launching Jalview in line with...
2020-10-02 Jim ProcterRevised intro about launching Jalview and removed comme...
5 years ago Version_1.9.2
3 years ago master
4 years ago developer_todos