--- channel: release version: date: 2020-09-17 --- ## New Features - Shift+arrow keys navigate to next gap or residue in cursor mode - Support import of VCF 4.3 by updating HTSJDK from 2.12 to 2.23 - IntervalStore library updated to v.1.1: optimisations and improvements suggested by Bob Hanson and improved compatibility with JalviewJS - Retrieve GZipped stockholm formatted alignments from Pfam and Rfam - Recognise GZipped content for URLs and File import (no longer based on .gz extension) - Updated Spanish Translation for 2.11.1 - Migrate EMBL record retrieval to use latest ENA Browser (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/home) and EMBL flat file - Improved warning messages, debug logging and fixed Retry action when Jalview encounters errors when saving or making backup files. - Enhanced Jalview Java Console: - Jalview's logging level can be configured - Copy to Clipboard Buttion - Improved support for Hi-DPI (4K) screens when running on Linux (Requires Java 11+) - RESNUM sequence features (the green ones) are not automatically displayed when associated structures are displayed or for sequences retrieved from the PDB. ### Launching Jalview - Configure Jalview Desktop's look and feel through a system property - Improved built-in documentation and command line help for configuring Jalview's memory ## Issues Resolved - Conservation and Quality tracks are shown but not calculated and no protein or DNA score models are available for tree/PCA calculation when launched with Turkish language locale - Escape does not clear highlights on the alignment (Since Jalview 2.10.3) - Alt+Left or Right arrow in cursor mode doesn't slide selected sequences, just sequence under cursor - Alt+Up/Down in cursor mode doesn't move sequence under the cursor - Peptide-to-CDS tracking broken when multiple EMBL gene products shown for a single contig - Errors encountered when processing variants from VCF files yield "Error processing VCF: Format specifier '%s'" on the console - Count of features not shown can be wrong when there are both local and complementary features mapped to the position under the cursor - Sequence ID for reference sequence is clipped when Right align Sequence IDs enabled - Slider with negative range values not rendered correctly in VAqua4 (Since 2.10.4) - Single quotes not displayed correctly in internationalised text for some messages and log output - Find doesn't report matches that span hidden gapped columns - Resolved memory leaks in Tree and PCA panels, Alignment viewport and annotation renderer. - Jalview ignores file format parameter specifying output format when exporting an alignment via the command line - Windows 10: For a minority of users, if backups are not enabled, Jalview sometimes fails to overwrite an existing file and raises a warning dialog. (in 2.11.0, and, the workaround is to try to save the file again, and if that fails, delete the original file and save in place.) - Dragging a PDB file onto an alignment with sequence features displayed causes displayed features to be hidden. - Cannot process alignments from HTTPS urls via command line - References to http://www.jalview.org in program and documentation ### Launching Jalview - Jalview application fails when launched the first time for a version that has different jars to the previous launched version. ### Developing Jalview - Fixed issue with cleaning up old coverage data, causing cloverReport gradle task to fail with an OutOfMemory error. - Migrated the Jalview Version Checker to monitor the release channel ### New Known defects - CDS shown in result of submitting proteins in a CDS/Protein alignment to a web service is wrong when proteins share a common transcript sequence (e.g. genome of RNA viruses) - Co-located features exported and re-imported are ordered differently when shown on alignment and in tooltips. (Also affects v2.11.1.0) - Drag and drop of alignment file onto alignment window when in a HiDPI scaled mode in Linux only works for the top left quadrant of the alignment window - Stale build data in jalview standalone jar builds (only affects branch) - Sequence ID colourscheme not re-applied when alignment view restored from project (since Jalview 2.11.0) - Duplicate CDS sequences are generated when protein products for certain ENA records are repeatedly shown via Calculate->Show Cross Refs