--- channel: release version: date: 2020-10-29 --- ## Issues Resolved - Find doesn't always highlight all matching positions in a sequence (bug introduced in - Alignments containing one or more protein sequences can be classed as nucleotide - CDS alignment doesn't match original CDS sequences after alignment of protein products (known defect first reported for - No tooltip or popup menu for genomic features outwith CDS shown overlaid on protein - Overlapping CDS in ENA accessions are not correctly mapped by Jalview (e.g. affects viral CDS with ribosomal slippage, since 2.9.0) - Spliced transcript CDS sequences don't show CDS features - Selections in CDS sequence panel don't always select corresponding protein sequences - *Make groups from selection* for a column selection doesn't always ignore hidden columns ### Installer - Space character in Jalview install path on Windows prevents install4j launching getdown ### Development - Fixed typos and specified compatible gradle version numbers in doc/building.md