--- channel: release version: date: 2022-03-10 --- ## New Features - Support for viewing 3D structures with ChimeraX and Pymol in addition to Jmol and Chimera. - Discover 3D structure data for sequences with Uniprot references via 3D-Beacons - Rank and select available structures for Uniprot sequences according to number of residues in structure mapped to positions involved in the alignment - Structure annotation rows for all mapped chains in 3D structures are included in the 'Reference Annotation' for a sequence - Import Genbank and EMBL format flatfiles - ENA record's mol_type honoured so RNA molecules imported from ENA records are shown as RNA - Support for Canonical Uniprot IDs - New Preferences tab for adjusting Jalview's memory settings at launch - Sequence IDs split on '_' as well as other non-alphanumerics when discovering database references with 'Fetch DB Refs' - Suppressed harmless exceptions output to Console whilst discovering database references for a sequence - Updated Jalview bindings for Uniprot XML schema - Uniprot and PDBe autosearch option is disabled by default - Reverted to Jalview 'classic' drop-down menu for selecting which database to fetch from in sequence fetcher dialog. - Updated Ensembl REST Client compatibility to 15.2 and revised model organism names (rat, xenopus, dmelanogaster now rattus_norvegicus, xenopus_tropicalis, drosophila_melanogaster) - -nowebservicediscovery command line argument to prevent automatic discovery of analysis webservices on launch - Allow 'App' directories to be opened when locating Chimera, ChimeraX or Pymol binaries via filechooser opened by double clicking the Structure Preferences' path textbox - support for HTTP/S access via proxies that require authentication - New mechanism for opening URLs with system default browser (works on OSX and Linux as well as Windows) - Upgraded bundled version of Jmol to 14.31.53 - GPL license info on splash screen and About text ### Jalview Native App - New command line launcher scripts (.sh, .ps1, .bat) usable on macOS, Linux/Unix, Windows and documentation in Help. Installer wizard has option to add this to PATH, or link to it in your PATH.
*This is the recommended workaround for known issue about working directory preservation when running native application from command line.* - Notarized MacOS installer for compliance with latest OSX releases (Monterey) - Uninstaller application for old (InstallAnywhere based) Jalview installations removed from the OSX disk image - Options to allow user to choose the (Swing) Look and Feel (LaF) used by Jalview - Metal LaF used to improved operation on Linux Ubuntu with HiDPI display in Java 11 (still known issues with HiDPI screens in java 8 and 11. see [JAL-3137](https://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-3137)) - Getdown launcher inherits HTTP/S proxy configuration from jalview_properties - New Jalview Develop app - making it even easier to get at Jalview's development builds - New splashscreens for Jalview, Jalview Test and Jalview Develop applications. - Jalview logos shown for Jalview Java Console and other window widgets in taskbar and dock rather than anonymous 'Java' icons ### JalviewJS - PDB structures mapped to Uniprot Sequences with SIFTS - setprop commandline argument reinstated for JalviewJS only - Missing message bundle keys are only reported once per key (avoids excessive log output in js console) - Feature type is included in the title of the Feature Settings' Colour Chooser dialog - Build details reported in About window - Numerous minor GUI additions and improvements in sync with Java application. ### Development - First integrated JalviewJS and Jalview release - Updated README and doc/building.md - Improved JalviewJS/Jalview build process, added support for system package provided eclipse installs on linux - Install4j 9.0.x used for installer packaging - Improved use of installers for unattended installation with a customizedId of "JALVIEW" in install4j's Jalview Launcher - Improved compatibility of Jalview build with Java 17 (next LTS target) ## Issues Resolved - Slow structure commands can block Jalview execution - Structure window's viewer-specific menu disappears when only one structure is shown (and many sequences:one chain mappings are present) - Annotation file: PROPERTIES apply only to the first SEQUENCE_GROUP defined - Selections not propagated between Linked CDS - Protein alignments and their trees (known defect from - Not all codon positions highlighted for overlapping exon splice sites (e.g due to RNA slippage) - X was not being recognised as the unknown base in DNA sequences - Removed RNAview checkbox and logic from Structure Preferences - Tooltip behaviour improved (slightly) - Can edit a feature so that start > end - Cancel from Amend Features doesn't reset a modified graduated colour - New View with automatic 'Show Overview' preference enabled results in Null Pointer Exceptions when clustal colouring is enabled - Can open multiple Preferences panels - Properly configure HTTPS proxy settings from Preferences - Standard out logging broken: messages only routing to stderr and appear as a raw template - Entering web service parameter values in numerical field doesn't update the value of the parameter until return is pressed. - Resolved known issue (from concerning duplicate CDS sequences generated when protein products for certain ENA records are repeatedly shown via Calculate->Show Cross Refs ### JalviewJS - Consensus profile may include zero (rounded down) percentage values causing a divide by zero - JalviewJS doesn't honour arguments passed via Info.args when there are arguments on the URL - gradle closure-compiler not using UTF-8 - Annotation file fails to load from URL in JalviewJS ### Development - Gradle - Fixed non-fatal gradle errors during build - Updated build.gradle for use with Gradle v.6.6+ ### Known Issues - Display of RESNUM sequence features are not suppressed when structures associated with a sequence are viewed with an external viewer (Regression from 2.11.1 series)