--- channel: release version: date: 2022-04-05 --- ## New Features - Distribution Tarball includes git commit and branch details ## Issues Resolved - Keyboard mode (F2) stops working after using the "Create sequence feature" dialog - 3D Structure chooser fails to select structures from 3D-beacons and pops up a 'null' dialog - PDB FTS query results in error dialog containing '414' [URL too long] - Sequence ID tooltip not shown during long running retrieval/crossref operations (affects at least 2.11.1 onwards) - Cannot build Jalview via gradle from its source tarball ### New Known Issues - Keyboard mode (F2) stops working after using the "Text Colour" dialog - Colour by->all views doesn't allow colouring same structure from different views (since - Pfam and Rfam alignment retrieval as gzipped stockholm doesn't work on JalviewJS build of 2.11.2 - Java 11 Only: Jalview OSX install not working due to VAqua requiring sun.awt.image.MultiResolutionImage - Sequence Details can take a long time to be displayed for heavily annotated sequences (all versions)