This page generated: June 8 2004


Download your copy of Jalopy today!

Jalopy comes in several flavors. End users most notably want to choose between one of the available Plug-in bundles. Each bundle provides the integration with exactly one application. Note that starting with 1.0b6 only the Console Plug-in provides command line capabilities!

Read the change history for up-to-date information about the changes in the latest release.


Ant >= 1.4 (.zip)??? KB06/08/2004Ant task, contains Jalopy 1.0b11
Console (.zip)??? KB06/08/2004Command line interface, contains Jalopy 1.0b11
Eclipse >= 2.0 (.zip)??? KB06/08/2004Eclipse integration, contains Jalopy 1.0b11
JBuilder >= 5.0 (.zip)??? KB06/08/2004JBuilder integration, contains Jalopy 1.0b11
JDeveloper 9i (.zip)??? KB06/08/2004JDeveloper integration, contains Jalopy 1.0b11
jEdit >= 4.1pre1 (.zip)??? KB06/08/2004jEdit integration, contains Jalopy 1.0b11
NetBeans >= 3.3 (.zip), Sun ONE Studio 4 ??? KB06/08/2004NetBeans/Sun ONE Studio integration, contains Jalopy 1.0b11


Jalopy 1.0b11 (.src.tar.gz)??? KB06/08/2004Contains the complete Jalopy 1.0b11 sources (core runtime + all Plug-ins)

Jalopy 1.0

Jalopy 1.0b11 (.zip)??? KB06/08/2004Jalopy core runtime, for users who want to integrate Jalopy into their own applications

Prior versions can be obtained through the SourceForge file release area: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=45216

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