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This page generated: June 8 2004

Chapter 9. JDeveloper Extension

Describes the installation and usage of the Jalopy JDeveloper Plug-in Extension.

9.1. Installation

Explains the steps involved to install the JDeveloper Plug-in.

9.1.1. System requirements

The JDeveloper Plug-in requires Oracle9i JDeveloper or later. 1.1.3 is the latest version and has only been tested with JDeveloper 10g Production. Older releases may work on JDeveloper 9.0.2 and 9.0.3. See Section 1.1, “System requirements” for the basic requirements to run Jalopy.

To obtain more information about this powerful IDE, visit the official JDeveloper homepage at the Oracle site: http://otn.oracle.com/products/jdev/

9.1.2. Installation

The Plug-in comes either as a single .zip or compressed .tar file. Unzipping either one of these files into a directory of your choice (referred to as <INST_DIR>) will produce two subdirectories /docs and /lib.

  docs/      contains the documentation
  lib/       contains all necessary libraries

Further installation is simple: just copy all files from the <INST_DIR>/lib folder into the /jdev/lib/ext directory of your JDeveloper distribution. JDeveloper will then need to be restarted before Jalopy begins working.

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