final URLConnection url_connection = url.openConnection();
[jalview.git] / forester / java / src / org / forester / archaeopteryx /
1 // $Id:
2 // FORESTER -- software libraries and applications
3 // for evolutionary biology research and applications.
4 //
5 // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Christian M. Zmasek
6 // Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Burnham Institute for Medical Research
7 // All rights reserved
8 //
9 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 //
19 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
22 //
23 // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com
24 // WWW:
26 package org.forester.archaeopteryx;
28 import;
29 import;
30 import;
31 import;
32 import java.util.Date;
34 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
36 import org.forester.archaeopteryx.webservices.PhylogeniesWebserviceClient;
37 import org.forester.archaeopteryx.webservices.WebserviceUtil;
38 import org.forester.archaeopteryx.webservices.WebservicesManager;
39 import;
40 import;
41 import;
42 import;
43 import;
44 import;
45 import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny;
46 import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyMethods;
47 import;
48 import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory;
49 import org.forester.phylogeny.factories.PhylogenyFactory;
50 import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil;
52 public class UrlTreeReader implements Runnable {
54     private final MainFrame _main_frame;
55     private final int       _webservice_client_index;
57     UrlTreeReader( final MainFrame mf, final int webservice_client_index ) {
58         _main_frame = mf;
59         _webservice_client_index = webservice_client_index;
60     }
62     @Override
63     public void run() {
64         readPhylogeniesFromWebservice();
65     }
67     synchronized void readPhylogeniesFromWebservice() {
68         final long start_time = new Date().getTime();
69         URL url = null;
70         Phylogeny[] trees = null;
71         final WebservicesManager webservices_manager = WebservicesManager.getInstance();
72         final PhylogeniesWebserviceClient client = webservices_manager
73                 .getAvailablePhylogeniesWebserviceClient( _webservice_client_index );
74         String identifier = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( _main_frame, client.getInstructions() + "\n(Reference: "
75                 + client.getReference() + ")", client.getDescription(), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE );
76         if ( ( identifier != null ) && ( identifier.trim().length() > 0 ) ) {
77             identifier = identifier.trim();
78             if ( client.isQueryInteger() ) {
79                 identifier = identifier.replaceAll( "^\\D+", "" );
80                 int id = -1;
81                 try {
82                     id = Integer.parseInt( identifier );
83                 }
84                 catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
85                     id = -1;
86                 }
87                 if ( id < 1 ) {
88                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _main_frame,
89                                                    "Identifier is expected to be a number",
90                                                    "Can not open URL",
91                                                    JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
92                     return;
93                 }
94                 identifier = id + "";
95             }
96             boolean exception = false;
97             try {
98                 String url_str = client.getUrl();
99                 url_str = url_str.replaceFirst( PhylogeniesWebserviceClient.QUERY_PLACEHOLDER, identifier );
100                 url = new URL( url_str );
101                 PhylogenyParser parser = null;
102                 switch ( client.getReturnFormat() ) {
103                     case TOL_XML_RESPONSE:
104                         parser = new TolParser();
105                         break;
106                     case NEXUS:
107                         parser = new NexusPhylogeniesParser();
108                         ( ( NexusPhylogeniesParser ) parser ).setReplaceUnderscores( true );
109                         break;
110                     case TREEBASE_TREE:
111                         parser = new NexusPhylogeniesParser();
112                         ( ( NexusPhylogeniesParser ) parser ).setReplaceUnderscores( true );
113                         ( ( NexusPhylogeniesParser ) parser ).setTaxonomyExtraction( NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO );
114                         break;
115                     case TREEBASE_STUDY:
116                         parser = new NexusPhylogeniesParser();
117                         ( ( NexusPhylogeniesParser ) parser ).setReplaceUnderscores( true );
118                         ( ( NexusPhylogeniesParser ) parser ).setTaxonomyExtraction( NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO );
119                         break;
120                     case NH:
121                         parser = new NHXParser();
122                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setTaxonomyExtraction( NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO );
123                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setReplaceUnderscores( true );
124                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setGuessRootedness( true );
125                         break;
126                     case NH_EXTRACT_TAXONOMY:
127                         parser = new NHXParser();
128                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setTaxonomyExtraction( NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.AGGRESSIVE );
129                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setReplaceUnderscores( false );
130                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setGuessRootedness( true );
131                         break;
132                     case PFAM:
133                         parser = new NHXParser();
134                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser )
135                                 .setTaxonomyExtraction( NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.PFAM_STYLE_STRICT );
136                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setReplaceUnderscores( false );
137                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setGuessRootedness( true );
138                         break;
139                     case NHX:
140                         parser = new NHXParser();
141                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setTaxonomyExtraction( NHXParser.TAXONOMY_EXTRACTION.NO );
142                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setReplaceUnderscores( false );
143                         ( ( NHXParser ) parser ).setGuessRootedness( true );
144                         break;
145                     case PHYLOXML:
146                         parser = PhyloXmlParser.createPhyloXmlParserXsdValidating();
147                         break;
148                     default:
149                         throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown format: " + client.getReturnFormat() );
150                 }
151                 if ( _main_frame.getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) {
152                     _main_frame.getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().setWaitCursor();
153                 }
154                 else {
155                     _main_frame.getMainPanel().setWaitCursor();
156                 }
157                 final PhylogenyFactory factory = ParserBasedPhylogenyFactory.getInstance();
158                 trees = factory.create( url.openStream(), parser );
159             }
160             catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
161                 exception = true;
162                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _main_frame,
163                                                "Malformed URL: " + url + "\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage(),
164                                                "Malformed URL",
165                                                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
166             }
167             catch ( final IOException e ) {
168                 exception = true;
169                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _main_frame,
170                                                "Could not read from " + url + "\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage(),
171                                                "Failed to read tree from " + client.getName() + " for " + identifier,
172                                                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
173             }
174             catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) {
175                 exception = true;
176                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _main_frame,
177                                                "Could not read from " + url + "\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage(),
178                                                "Failed to read tree from " + client.getName() + " for " + identifier,
179                                                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
180             }
181             catch ( final Exception e ) {
182                 exception = true;
183                 e.printStackTrace();
184                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _main_frame,
185                                                e.getLocalizedMessage(),
186                                                "Unexpected Exception",
187                                                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
188             }
189             finally {
190                 if ( _main_frame.getCurrentTreePanel() != null ) {
191                     _main_frame.getCurrentTreePanel().setArrowCursor();
192                 }
193                 else {
194                     _main_frame.getMainPanel().setArrowCursor();
195                 }
196             }
197             if ( ( trees != null ) && ( trees.length > 0 ) ) {
198                 for( final Phylogeny phylogeny : trees ) {
199                     if ( !phylogeny.isEmpty() ) {
200                         if ( client.getName().equals( WebserviceUtil.TREE_FAM_NAME ) ) {
201                             phylogeny.setRerootable( false );
202                             phylogeny.setRooted( true );
203                         }
204                         if ( client.getProcessingInstructions() != null ) {
205                             try {
206                                 WebserviceUtil.processInstructions( client, phylogeny );
207                             }
208                             catch ( final PhyloXmlDataFormatException e ) {
209                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _main_frame,
210                                                                "Error:\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage(),
211                                                                "Error",
212                                                                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
213                             }
214                         }
215                         if ( client.getNodeField() != null ) {
216                             try {
217                                 PhylogenyMethods.transferNodeNameToField( phylogeny, client.getNodeField(), false );
218                             }
219                             catch ( final PhyloXmlDataFormatException e ) {
220                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _main_frame,
221                                                                "Error:\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage(),
222                                                                "Error",
223                                                                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
224                             }
225                         }
226                         phylogeny.setIdentifier( new Identifier( identifier, client.getName() ) );
227                         _main_frame.getJMenuBar().remove( _main_frame.getHelpMenu() );
228                         _main_frame.getMenuBarOfMainFrame().add( _main_frame.getHelpMenu() );
229                         _main_frame.getMainPanel().addPhylogenyInNewTab( phylogeny,
230                                                                          _main_frame.getConfiguration(),
231                                                                          new File( url.getFile() ).getName(),
232                                                                          url.toString() );
233                         String my_name_for_file = "";
234                         if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( phylogeny.getName() ) ) {
235                             my_name_for_file = new String( phylogeny.getName() ).replaceAll( " ", "_" );
236                         }
237                         else if ( phylogeny.getIdentifier() != null ) {
238                             final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
239                             if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( phylogeny.getIdentifier().getProvider() ) ) {
240                                 sb.append( phylogeny.getIdentifier().getProvider() );
241                                 sb.append( "_" );
242                             }
243                             sb.append( phylogeny.getIdentifier().getValue() );
244                             my_name_for_file = new String( sb.toString().replaceAll( " ", "_" ) );
245                         }
246                         _main_frame.getMainPanel().getCurrentTreePanel().setTreeFile( new File( my_name_for_file ) );
247                         AptxUtil.lookAtSomeTreePropertiesForAptxControlSettings( phylogeny, _main_frame.getMainPanel()
248                                 .getControlPanel(), _main_frame.getConfiguration() );
249                         _main_frame.getMainPanel().getControlPanel().showWhole();
250                     }
251                 }
252             }
253             else if ( !exception ) {
254                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ForesterUtil.wordWrap( "Failed to read in tree(s) from [" + url
255                         + "]", 80 ), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
256             }
257             _main_frame.getContentPane().repaint();
258             if ( ( trees != null ) && ( trees.length > 0 ) ) {
259                 try {
260                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,
261                                                    ForesterUtil.wordWrap( "Successfully read in " + trees.length
262                                                            + " tree(s) from [" + url + "]", 80 ),
263                                                    "Success",
264                                                    JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
265                 }
266                 catch ( final Exception e ) {
267                     // Not important if this fails, do nothing.
268                 }
269                 _main_frame.getContentPane().repaint();
270             }
271         }
272         _main_frame.activateSaveAllIfNeeded();
273         System.gc();
274     }
275 }