[jalview.git] / forester / java / src / org / forester / archaeopteryx / tools / SequenceDataRetriver.java
1 // Exp $
2 // forester -- software libraries and applications
3 // for genomics and evolutionary biology research.
4 //
5 // Copyright (C) 2010 Christian M Zmasek
6 // Copyright (C) 2010 Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
7 // All rights reserved
8 //
9 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 //
19 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
22 //
23 // Contact: phylosoft @ gmail . com
24 // WWW: www.phylosoft.org/forester
26 package org.forester.archaeopteryx.tools;
28 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
29 import java.io.IOException;
30 import java.net.UnknownHostException;
31 import java.util.SortedSet;
32 import java.util.TreeSet;
34 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
36 import org.forester.archaeopteryx.MainFrameApplication;
37 import org.forester.archaeopteryx.TreePanel;
38 import org.forester.phylogeny.Phylogeny;
39 import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode;
40 import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Accession;
41 import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Identifier;
42 import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Sequence;
43 import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Taxonomy;
44 import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator;
45 import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil;
46 import org.forester.util.SequenceIdParser;
47 import org.forester.ws.uniprot.SequenceDatabaseEntry;
48 import org.forester.ws.uniprot.UniProtWsTools;
50 public final class SequenceDataRetriver extends RunnableProcess {
52     private final Phylogeny            _phy;
53     private final MainFrameApplication _mf;
54     private final TreePanel            _treepanel;
55     private final static boolean       DEBUG = true;
57     private enum Db {
59     }
61     public SequenceDataRetriver( final MainFrameApplication mf, final TreePanel treepanel, final Phylogeny phy ) {
62         _phy = phy;
63         _mf = mf;
64         _treepanel = treepanel;
65     }
67     private void execute() {
68         start( _mf, "sequence data" );
69         SortedSet<String> not_found = null;
70         try {
71             not_found = obtainSeqInformation( _phy );
72         }
73         catch ( final UnknownHostException e ) {
74             final String what = "_"; //TODO FIXME 
75             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _mf,
76                                            "Could not connect to \"" + what + "\"",
77                                            "Network error during taxonomic information gathering",
78                                            JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
79             return;
80         }
81         catch ( final IOException e ) {
82             e.printStackTrace();
83             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _mf,
84                                            e.toString(),
85                                            "Failed to obtain taxonomic information",
86                                            JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
87             return;
88         }
89         finally {
90             end( _mf );
91         }
92         _treepanel.setTree( _phy );
93         _mf.showWhole();
94         _treepanel.setEdited( true );
95         if ( ( not_found != null ) && ( not_found.size() > 0 ) ) {
96             int max = not_found.size();
97             boolean more = false;
98             if ( max > 20 ) {
99                 more = true;
100                 max = 20;
101             }
102             final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
103             if ( not_found.size() == 1 ) {
104                 sb.append( "Data for the following sequence identifier was not found:\n" );
105             }
106             else {
107                 sb.append( "Data for the following sequence identifiers was not found (total: " + not_found.size()
108                         + "):\n" );
109             }
110             int i = 0;
111             for( final String string : not_found ) {
112                 if ( i > 19 ) {
113                     break;
114                 }
115                 sb.append( string );
116                 sb.append( "\n" );
117                 ++i;
118             }
119             if ( more ) {
120                 sb.append( "..." );
121             }
122             try {
123                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _mf,
124                                                sb.toString(),
125                                                "Sequence Tool Completed",
126                                                JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
127             }
128             catch ( final Exception e ) {
129                 // Not important if this fails, do nothing. 
130             }
131         }
132         else {
133             try {
134                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( _mf,
135                                                "UniProt sequence tool successfully completed",
136                                                "UniProt Sequence Tool Completed",
137                                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
138             }
139             catch ( final Exception e ) {
140                 // Not important if this fails, do nothing.
141             }
142         }
143     }
145     public static SortedSet<String> obtainSeqInformation( final Phylogeny phy ) throws IOException {
146         final SortedSet<String> not_found = new TreeSet<String>();
147         for( final PhylogenyNodeIterator iter = phy.iteratorPostorder(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
148             final PhylogenyNode node = iter.next();
149             Sequence seq = null;
150             Taxonomy tax = null;
151             if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) {
152                 seq = node.getNodeData().getSequence();
153             }
154             else {
155                 seq = new Sequence();
156             }
157             if ( node.getNodeData().isHasTaxonomy() ) {
158                 tax = node.getNodeData().getTaxonomy();
159             }
160             else {
161                 tax = new Taxonomy();
162             }
163             String query = null;
164             Identifier id = null;
165             Db db = Db.UNKNOWN;
166             if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null )
167                     && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getSource() )
168                     && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue() )
169                     && node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue().toLowerCase().startsWith( "uniprot" ) ) {
170                 query = node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue();
171                 db = Db.UNIPROT;
172             }
173             else if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence()
174                     && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null )
175                     && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getSource() )
176                     && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue() )
177                     && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue().toLowerCase().startsWith( "embl" ) || node
178                             .getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue().toLowerCase().startsWith( "ebi" ) ) ) {
179                 query = node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue();
180                 db = Db.EMBL;
181             }
182             else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getName() ) ) {
183                 if ( ( query = UniProtWsTools.parseUniProtAccessor( node.getName() ) ) != null ) {
184                     db = Db.UNIPROT;
185                 }
186                 else if ( ( id = SequenceIdParser.parse( node.getName() ) ) != null ) {
187                     db = Db.NCBI;
188                 }
189             }
190             SequenceDatabaseEntry db_entry = null;
191             if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) {
192                 if ( db == Db.UNIPROT ) {
193                     if ( DEBUG ) {
194                         System.out.println( "uniprot: " + query );
195                     }
196                     try {
197                         db_entry = UniProtWsTools.obtainUniProtEntry( query, 200 );
198                     }
199                     catch ( final FileNotFoundException e ) {
200                         // Ignore.
201                     }
202                 }
203                 if ( ( db == Db.EMBL ) || ( ( db == Db.UNIPROT ) && ( db_entry == null ) ) ) {
204                     if ( DEBUG ) {
205                         System.out.println( "embl: " + query );
206                     }
207                     try {
208                         db_entry = UniProtWsTools.obtainEmblEntry( query, 200 );
209                     }
210                     catch ( final FileNotFoundException e ) {
211                         // Ignore.
212                     }
213                     if ( ( db == Db.UNIPROT ) && ( db_entry != null ) ) {
214                         db = Db.EMBL;
215                     }
216                 }
217             }
218             else if ( ( db == Db.NCBI ) && ( id != null ) ) {
219                 System.out.println( "db == Db.NCBI && id != null" );
220                 db_entry = UniProtWsTools.obtainrefSeqentryFromEmbl( id, 200 );
221             }
222             if ( ( db_entry != null ) && !db_entry.isEmpty() ) {
223                 if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( db_entry.getAccession() ) ) {
224                     String type = null;
225                     if ( db == Db.EMBL ) {
226                         type = "embl";
227                     }
228                     else if ( db == Db.UNIPROT ) {
229                         type = "uniprot";
230                     }
231                     seq.setAccession( new Accession( db_entry.getAccession(), type ) );
232                 }
233                 if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( db_entry.getSequenceName() ) ) {
234                     seq.setName( db_entry.getSequenceName() );
235                 }
236                 if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( db_entry.getSequenceSymbol() ) ) {
237                     seq.setSymbol( db_entry.getSequenceSymbol() );
238                 }
239                 if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( db_entry.getTaxonomyScientificName() ) ) {
240                     tax.setScientificName( db_entry.getTaxonomyScientificName() );
241                 }
242                 if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( db_entry.getTaxonomyIdentifier() ) ) {
243                     tax.setIdentifier( new Identifier( db_entry.getTaxonomyIdentifier(), "uniprot" ) );
244                 }
245                 node.getNodeData().setTaxonomy( tax );
246                 node.getNodeData().setSequence( seq );
247             }
248             else {
249                 not_found.add( node.getName() );
250             }
251         }
252         return not_found;
253     }
255     @Override
256     public void run() {
257         execute();
258     }
259 }