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[jalview.git] / forester / test_data / phyloxml_test_1.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <phyloxml xmlns:xsi=""
3           xsi:schemaLocation=""
4           xmlns="">
5     <phylogeny branch_length_unit="c" rooted="true" rerootable="true" type="gene_tree">
6         <name>tree 0</name>
7         <id provider="treebank">1-1</id>
8         <description>test phylogeny</description>
9         <date>2002-05-30T09:00:00</date>
10         <confidence type="ml">0.999</confidence>
11         <confidence type="pp">0.955</confidence>
12         <clade branch_length="0.1" id_source="id111" collapse="true">
13             <name>root node</name>
14             <confidence type="bootstrap">90</confidence>
15             <confidence type="ml" stddev="1.1E-10">1e-3</confidence>
16             <confidence type="decay">2</confidence>
17             <width>10.5</width>
18             <color>
19                 <red>2</red>
20                 <green>22</green>
21                 <blue>33</blue>
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24             <taxonomy id_source="qwerty1">
25                 <id provider="ncbi">1</id>
26                 <code>ECDYS</code>
27                 <scientific_name>ecdysozoa</scientific_name>
28                 <authority>authority, 1999</authority>
29                 <common_name>molting animals</common_name>
30                 <synonym>Ecdy</synonym>
31                 <synonym>The Ecdysozoa</synonym>
32                 <rank>phylum</rank>
33                 <uri type="img"></uri>
34                 <uri type="source" desc="original source"></uri>
35             </taxonomy>
36             <taxonomy>
37                 <id provider="ncbi">123</id>
38                 <synonym>Æ Ä ä, ö and ü>– —</synonym>
39                 <synonym>한글</synonym>
40                 <synonym>日本語ひらがなカタカナ</synonym>
41                 <synonym>русский алфавит</synonym>
42                 <synonym>繁體字</synonym>
43                 <synonym>ภาษาไทย</synonym>
44                 <synonym>Tiếng Việt</synonym>
45             </taxonomy>
46             <sequence type="protein" id_source="idsource">
47                 <symbol>BCL2L14</symbol>
48                 <accession source="UniProtKB" comment="outdated">Q9BZR8</accession>
49                 <name>Apoptosis facilitator Bcl-2-like 14 protein</name>
50                 <gene_name>bcl2l14</gene_name>
51                 <location>12p13-p12</location>
52                 <mol_seq is_aligned="true">MCSTSGCDLEEIPLDDDDLNTIEFKILAYY</mol_seq>
53                 <uri type="source" desc="UniProt link"></uri>
54                 <annotation>
55                     <desc>intracellular organelle</desc>
56                 </annotation>
57                 <annotation ref="GO:0005829"/>
58                 <annotation ref="GO:0006915" source="UniProtKB" evidence="experimental" type="function">
59                     <desc>apoptosis</desc>
60                     <confidence type="ml" stddev="0.3">1</confidence>
61                     <property datatype="xsd:double" applies_to="annotation" ref="AFFY:expression" unit="AFFY:x">0.2
62                     </property>
63                     <property datatype="xsd:string" applies_to="annotation" ref="MED:disease">lymphoma</property>
64                     <uri type="source" desc="google"></uri>
65                     <uri type="source2" desc="bing"></uri>
66                 </annotation>
67                 <cross_references>
68                     <accession source="UNIPROTKB">383</accession>
69                     <accession source="PDB">1G5M</accession>
70                     <accession source="KEGG">hsa:596</accession>
71                     <accession source="PDB" comment="?">2G5M</accession>
72                 </cross_references>
73             </sequence>
74             <sequence type="protein">
75                 <symbol>BCL2</symbol>
76             </sequence>
77             <events>
78                 <type>mixed</type>
79                 <duplications>1</duplications>
80                 <confidence type="bs">99</confidence>
81             </events>
82             <distribution>
83                 <desc>irgendwo</desc>
84                 <point geodetic_datum="WGS84" alt_unit="m">
85                     <lat>35.9296730123456789</lat>
86                     <long>-78.9482370123456789</long>
87                     <alt>1303</alt>
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89                 <point geodetic_datum="WGS84" alt_unit="m">
90                     <lat>129.549495485834893</lat>
91                     <long>-78.00000000000000</long>
92                     <alt>1400</alt>
93                 </point>
94             </distribution>
95             <distribution>
96                 <desc>anderswo</desc>
97             </distribution>
98             <date unit="MYA">
99                 <desc>Silurian</desc>
100             </date>
101             <reference doi="10.1038/387489a0">
102                 <desc>
103                     Aguinaldo, A. M. A.; J. M. Turbeville, L. S. Linford, M. C. Rivera, J. R. Garey, R. A. Raff, &amp;
104                     J. A. Lake (1997). "Evidence for a clade of nematodes, arthropods and other moulting animals".
105                     Nature 387 (6632): 489–493.
106                 </desc>
107             </reference>
108             <reference doi="10.1036/59494">
109             </reference>
110             <property ref="F:foo" datatype="xsd:int" applies_to="clade">2</property>
111             <property ref="F:bar" datatype="xsd:int" applies_to="clade">33</property>
112             <clade>
113                 <name>node a</name>
114                 <branch_length>0.2</branch_length>
115                 <color>
116                     <red>12</red>
117                     <green>14</green>
118                     <blue>16</blue>
119                 </color>
120                 <taxonomy>
121                     <id provider="ncbi">123</id>
122                     <code>CAEEL</code>
123                     <scientific_name>C elegans</scientific_name>
124                     <common_name>elegant nematode worm</common_name>
125                     <rank>species</rank>
126                     <uri></uri>
127                 </taxonomy>
128                 <sequence id_source="xyz">
129                     <name>CAEEL_XYZ</name>
130                 </sequence>
131                 <sequence id_source="abc">
132                     <name>CAEEL_ABC</name>
133                 </sequence>
134                 <events>
135                     <type>other</type>
136                     <duplications>58</duplications>
137                     <speciations>59403</speciations>
138                     <losses>58485</losses>
139                     <confidence type="p">0.9901</confidence>
140                 </events>
141             </clade>
142             <clade>
143                 <name>node b</name>
144                 <events>
145                     <duplications>1</duplications>
146                     <confidence type="">80</confidence>
147                 </events>
148                 <binary_characters type="characters" present_count="2" lost_count="3" gained_count="1">
149                     <gained>
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151                     </gained>
152                     <lost>
153                         <bc>d</bc>
154                         <bc>e</bc>
155                         <bc>f</bc>
156                     </lost>
157                     <present>
158                         <bc>a</bc>
159                         <bc>b</bc>
160                     </present>
161                 </binary_characters>
162                 <clade>
163                     <name>node ba</name>
164                     <distribution>
165                         <desc>Africa</desc>
166                     </distribution>
167                     <date unit="mya">
168                         <desc>Silurian</desc>
169                         <value>435</value>
170                         <minimum>416</minimum>
171                         <maximum>443.7</maximum>
172                     </date>
173                 </clade>
174                 <clade collapse="false">
175                     <name>node bb</name>
176                     <taxonomy>
177                         <id provider="EOL">704294</id>
178                         <code>NEMVE</code>
179                         <scientific_name>Nematostella vectensis</scientific_name>
180                         <authority>Stephenson, 1935</authority>
181                         <common_name>starlet sea anemone</common_name>
182                         <synonym>Nematostella vectensis Stephenson1935</synonym>
183                         <synonym>See
184                             Anemone
185                         </synonym>
186                         <synonym></synonym>
187                         <rank>species</rank>
188                         <uri desc="EOL" type="linkout"></uri>
189                     </taxonomy>
190                     <binary_characters type="domains">
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193                             <bc>B</bc>
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195                         </gained>
196                         <lost>
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198                         </lost>
199                         <present>
200                             <bc>X</bc>
201                             <bc>M</bc>
202                         </present>
203                     </binary_characters>
204                     <date>
205                         <desc>Triassic</desc>
206                     </date>
207                 </clade>
208                 <clade>
209                     <name>node bc</name>
210                     <sequence>
211                         <name>bc seq</name>
212                         <domain_architecture length="124">
213                             <domain from="120" to="130" confidence="0.9">A</domain>
214                             <domain from="21" to="44" confidence="0" id="pfam">B</domain>
215                             <domain to="43" confidence="1.0E-89" from="34" id="">C</domain>
216                             <domain id="123" from="34" to="43" confidence="1.3e-34">D</domain>
217                         </domain_architecture>
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219                     <events>
220                         <speciations>1</speciations>
221                     </events>
222                     <date>
223                         <value>433</value>
224                     </date>
225                 </clade>
226             </clade>
227         </clade>
228         <sequence_relation id_ref_0="abc" id_ref_1="xyz" distance="0.34" type="ultra_paralogy">
229             <confidence type="pp" stddev="1.1E-10">1e-3</confidence>
230         </sequence_relation>
231         <sequence_relation id_ref_0="xyz" id_ref_1="abc" distance="2" type="unknown">
232             <confidence type="pp" stddev="1.245836">99.0000001</confidence>
233         </sequence_relation>
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235         <property datatype="xsd:string" applies_to="phylogeny" ref="GO:function">cell death</property>
236     </phylogeny>
237     <phylogeny rooted="true" rerootable="true">
238         <name>phylogeny2</name>
239         <clade>
240             <clade>
241                 <name>A</name>
242             </clade>
243             <clade>
244                 <name>B</name>
245             </clade>
246         </clade>
247     </phylogeny>
248     <phylogeny rooted="true" rerootable="true">
249         <name>phylogeny3</name>
250         <clade>
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252                 <name>C</name>
253             </clade>
254             <clade id_source="i1">
255                 <name>D</name>
256             </clade>
257         </clade>
258         <clade_relation id_ref_0="i0" id_ref_1="i1" distance="0.34" type="parent">
259             <confidence type="pp" stddev="1.1E-10">1e-3</confidence>
260         </clade_relation>
261         <clade_relation id_ref_0="i1" id_ref_1="i0" distance="2" type="child">
262             <confidence type="pp" stddev="1.1E-20">1e-4</confidence>
263         </clade_relation>
264     </phylogeny>
265 </phyloxml>