2 <head><title>Desktop Menus</title></head>
5 <p><strong>Desktop Menus</strong></p>
7 <li><strong>File</strong><em> </em>
9 <li><strong>Input Alignment from</strong><em> (See more on <a href="../io/index.html">file
12 <li><strong>File</strong><br>
13 <em>open file(s) on your local file system</em></li>
14 <li><strong>URL</strong><br>
15 <em>open a file from a website. The URL MUST start with http://</em></li>
16 <li><strong>Textbox</strong><br>
17 <em>copy and paste an alignment into a text window</em></li>
20 <li><strong>Fetch Sequence<br>
21 </strong><em>Shows a dialog window in which you can select known ids from
22 Uniprot, EMBL, EMBLCDS or PDB database using Web Services provided by
23 the European Bioinformatics Institute.</em></li>
24 <li><strong>Save Project</strong><br>
25 <em>Saves all currently open alignment windows with their current view
26 settings and any associated trees, as a <a href="../features/jalarchive.html">Jalview
27 Archive</a> (which has a .jar extension).</em></li>
28 <li><strong>Load Project</strong><br>
29 <em>Loads Jalview archives <strong>only</strong>.</em></li>
30 <li><strong>Quit</strong><br>
31 <em>Close Jalview. Warning - any annotations you have made on alignments
32 will be lost unless you Save your work before quitting.</em><br>
36 <li><strong>Tools </strong>
38 <li><strong><a href="../features/preferences.html">Preferences<br>
39 </a></strong><em>Change the default visual settings for opening new alignment
40 windows.</em><strong><br>
44 <li><strong>Help </strong>
46 <li><strong>About<br>
47 </strong><em>Displays the version and creation date of the application,
48 as well as acknowledgements and a citation reference. </em></li>
49 <li><strong>Documentation<br>
50 </strong><em>Displays help files as a browseable, searchable set of pages
51 with a table of contents. </em><strong><br>
55 <li><strong>Window<br>
56 </strong><em>Each time a new window is added to the Jalview Desktop a new
57 menu item will be added to the "Window" menu. If you are working
58 with several alignments, trees or other types of windows use the "Window"
59 menu to bring your window of choice to the top of the pile if it has been
60 hidden by other windows. </em></li>