[jalview.git] / releases.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>Release History</title>
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6 <p><strong>Release History</strong></p>
7 <table border="1">
8         <tr>
9                 <td width="60" nowrap>
10                 <div align="center"><em><strong>Release</strong></em></div>
11                 </td>
12                 <td>
13                 <div align="center"><em><strong>New Features</strong></em></div>
14                 </td>
15                 <td>
16                 <div align="center"><em><strong>Issues Resolved</strong></em></div>
17                 </td>
18         </tr>
19         <tr>
21                 <td>
22                 <div align="center"><strong>2.5</strong><br>
23                 <em>Not Yet Released</em></div>
24                 </td>
25                 <td>
26                 <ul>
27                         <li>URL links generated from description line for
28                         regular-expression based URL links (applet and application)
29                         <li>Non-positional feature URL links are shown in link menu</li>
30                         <li>Linked viewing of nucleic acid sequences and structures</li>
31                         <li>Automatic Scrolling option in View menu to display the
32                         currently highlighted region of an alignment.</li>
33                         <li>Optionally scale multi-character column labels to fit within each column of annotation row<!-- todo for applet --></li>
34                         <!-- introduced but not yet documented <li>Experimental blast report parser</li> -->
35                 </ul>
36                 <em>Vamsas Capabilities</em>
37                 <ul>
38                         <li>Improved VAMSAS synchronization (jalview archive used to
39                         preserve views, structures, and tree display settings)</li>
40                         <li>Import of vamsas documents from disk or URL via command line</li>
41                         <li>Sharing of selected regions between views and with other
42                         VAMSAS applications (Experimental feature!)</li>
43                         <li>Updated API to VAMSAS version 0.2</li>
44                 </ul>
45                 <em>Application</em>
46                 <ul>
47                         <li>Fetch DB References capabilities and UI expanded to support
48                         retrieval from DAS sequence sources</li>
49                         <li>Local DAS Sequence sources can be added via the command line
50                         or via the Add local source dialog box.</li>
51                         <li>DAS Dbref and DbxRef feature types are parsed as database
52                         references and protein_name is parsed as description line (BioSapiens terms).</li>
53                         <li>Enable or disable non-positional feature and database
54                         references in sequence ID tooltip from View menu in application.</li>
55         <!--                    <li>New hidden columns and rows and representatives capabilities
56                         in annotations file (in progress - not yet fully implemented)</li> -->
57                         <li>Order an alignment in order of average feature score or
58                         total feature count</li>
59                         <li>Shading features by score or associated description</li>
60                         <li>Group-associated automatic and user-defined alignment
61                         annotation</li>
62                         <li>Symbol distributions for each column can be exported and
63                         visualized as sequence logos</li>
64                         <li>Optional automatic sort of associated alignment view when a
65                         new tree is opened.</li>
66                         <li>Jalview Java Console</li>
67                         <li>New preference items for sequence ID tooltip and consensus annotation</li>
68                 </ul>
69                 <em>Applet</em>
70                 <ul>
71                         <li>Middle button resizes annotation row height</li>
72                         <li>parameter to enable automatic sort of associated alignment view when a
73                         new tree is opened.</li>
74                 <li>Non-positional features displayed in sequence ID tooltip</li>
75                 </ul>
76                 <em>Other</em>
77                 <ul>
78                         <li>Features format: graduated colour definitions and
79                         specification of feature scores</li>
80                         <li>XML formats extended to support graduated feature colourschemes, group associated annotation, and profile visualization settings.</li>
81                 </td>
82                 <td>
83                 <ul>
84                         <li>Source field in GFF files parsed as feature source rather
85                         than description</li>
86                         <li>Non-positional features are now included in sequence feature and gff files (controlled via non-positional feature visibility in tooltip).</li>
87                         <li>URL links generated for all feature links (bugfix)</li>
88                         <li>Added URL embedding instructions to features file
89                         documentation.</li>
90                         <li>Codons containing ambiguous nucleotides translated as 'X' in
91                         peptide product</li>
92                         <li>Match case switch in find dialog box works for both sequence
93                         ID and sequence string and query strings do not have to be in upper
94                         case to match case-insensitively.</li>
95                         <li>AMSA files only contain first column of multi-character column annotation labels</li>
96                         <li>PDB files without embedded PDB IDs given a friendly name</li>
97                         <li>Applet:
98                         <ul>
99                                 <li></li>
100                         </ul>
101                         </li>
102                         <li>Application:
103                         <ul>
104                                 <li>Better handling of exceptions during sequence retrieval</li>
105                                 <li>Dasobert generated non-positional feature URL link text
106                                 excludes the start_end suffix (application)</li>
107                                 <li>PDB files retrieved from URLs are cached properly</li>
108                                 <li>Sequence description lines properly shared via VAMSAS</li>
109                                 <li>Sequence fetcher fetches multiple records for all data
110                                 sources</li>
111                                 <li>Ensured that command line das feature retrieval completes
112                                 before alignment figures are generated.</li>
113                         </ul>
114                         </li>
115                 </ul>
116                 </td>
118         </tr>
119         <tr>
120                 <td>
121                 <div align="center"><strong>2.4.0.b2</strong><br>
122                 28/10/2009</div>
123                 </td>
124                 <td>
125                 <ul>
126                         <li>Experimental support for google analytics usage tracking.</li>
127                         <li>Jalview privacy settings (user preferences and docs).</li>
128                 </ul>
129                 </td>
130                 <td>
131                 <ul>
132                         <li>Race condition in applet preventing startup in jre1.6.0u12+.</li>
133                         <li>Exception when feature created from selection beyond length
134                         of sequence.</li>
135                         <li>Allow synthetic PDB files to be imported gracefully</li>
136                         <li>Sequence associated annotation rows associate with all
137                         sequences with a given id</li>
138                         <li>Find function matches case-insensitively for sequence ID
139                         string searches</li>
140                         <li>Non-standard characters do not cause pairwise alignment to
141                         fail with exception</li>
142                 </ul>
143                 <em>Application Issues</em>
144                 <ul>
145                         <li>Sequences are now validated against EMBL database</li>
146                         <li>Sequence fetcher fetches multiple records for all data
147                         sources</li>
148                 </ul>
149                 <em>InstallAnywhere Issues</em>
150                 <ul>
151                         <li>Dock icon works for Mac OS X java (Mac 1.6 update issue with
152                         installAnywhere mechanism)</li>
153                         <li>Command line launching of JARs from InstallAnywhere version
154                         (java class versioning error fixed)</li>
155                 </ul>
156                 </td>
157         </tr>
158         <tr>
159                 <td>
161                 <div align="center"><strong>2.4</strong><br>
162                 27/8/2008</div>
163                 </td>
164                 <td><em>User Interface</em>
165                 <ul>
166                         <li>Linked highlighting of codon and amino acid from translation
167                         and protein products</li>
168                         <li>Linked highlighting of structure associated with residue
169                         mapping to codon position</li>
170                         <li>Sequence Fetcher provides example accession numbers and
171                         'clear' button</li>
172                         <li>MemoryMonitor added as an option under Desktop's Tools menu</li>
173                         <li>Extract score function to parse whitespace separated numeric
174                         data in description line</li>
175                         <li>Column labels in alignment annotation can be centred.</li>
176                         <li>Tooltip for sequence associated annotation give name of
177                         sequence</li>
178                 </ul>
179                 <em>Web Services and URL fetching</em>
180                 <ul>
181                         <li>JPred3 web service</li>
182                         <li>Prototype sequence search client (no public services
183                         available yet)</li>
184                         <li>Fetch either seed alignment or full alignment from PFAM</li>
185                         <li>URL Links created for matching database cross references as
186                         well as sequence ID</li>
187                         <li>URL Links can be created using regular-expressions</li>
188                 </ul>
189                 <em>Sequence Database Connectivity</em>
190                 <ul>
191                         <li>Retrieval of cross-referenced sequences from other databases
192                         </li>
193                         <li>Generalised database reference retrieval and validation to
194                         all fetchable databases</li>
195                         <li>Fetch sequences from DAS sources supporting the sequence
196                         command</li>
197                 </ul>
198                 <em>Import and Export</em>
199                 <li>export annotation rows as CSV for spreadsheet import</li>
200                 <li>Jalview projects record alignment dataset associations, EMBL
201                 products, and cDNA sequence mappings</li>
202                 <li>Sequence Group colour can be specified in Annotation File</li>
203                 <li>Ad-hoc colouring of group in Annotation File using RGB
204                 triplet as name of colourscheme</li>
205                 </ul>
206                 <em>VAMSAS Client capabilities (Experimental)</em>
207                 <ul>
208                         <li>treenode binding for VAMSAS tree exchange</li>
209                         <li>local editing and update of sequences in VAMSAS alignments
210                         (experimental)</li>
211                         <li>Create new or select existing session to join</li>
212                         <li>load and save of vamsas documents</li>
213                 </ul>
214                 <em>Application command line</em>
215                 <ul>
216                         <li>-tree parameter to open trees (introduced for passing from
217                         applet)</li>
218                         <li>-fetchfrom command line argument to specify nicknames of DAS
219                         servers to query for alignment features</li>
220                         <li>-dasserver command line argument to add new servers that are
221                         also automatically queried for features</li>
222                         <li>-groovy command line argument executes a given groovy script
223                         after all input data has been loaded and parsed</li>
224                 </ul>
225                 <em>Applet-Application data exchange</em>
226                 <ul>
227                         <li>Trees passed as applet parameters can be passed to
228                         application (when using &quot;View in full application&quot;)</li>
229                 </ul>
230                 <em>Applet Parameters</em>
231                 <ul>
232                         <li>feature group display control parameter</li>
233                         <li>debug parameter</li>
234                         <li>showbutton parameter</li>
235                 </ul>
236                 <em>Applet API methods</em>
237                 <ul>
238                         <li>newView public method</li>
239                         <li>Window (current view) specific get/set public methods</li>
240                         <li>Feature display control methods</li>
241                         <li>get list of currently selected sequences</li>
242                 </ul>
243                 <em>New Jalview distribution features</em>
244                 <ul>
245                         <li>InstallAnywhere Installer upgraded to IA 2008 VP1</li>
246                         <li>RELEASE file gives build properties for the latest Jalview
247                         release.</li>
248                         <li>Java 1.1 Applet build made easier and donotobfuscate
249                         property controls execution of obfuscator</li>
250                         <li>Build target for generating source distribution</li>
251                         <li>Debug flag for javacc</li>
252                         <li>.jalview_properties file is documented (slightly) in
253                         jalview.bin.Cache</li>
254                         <li>Continuous Build Integration for stable and development
255                         version of Application, Applet and source distribution</li>
256                 </ul>
258                 </td>
259                 <td>
260                 <ul>
261                         <li>selected region output includes visible annotations (for
262                         certain formats)</li>
263                         <li>edit label/displaychar contains existing label/char for
264                         editing</li>
265                         <li>update PDBEntries when DBRefEntries change (vamsas)</li>
266                         <li>shorter peptide product names from EMBL records</li>
267                         <li>Newick string generator makes compact representations</li>
268                         <li>bootstrap values parsed correctly for tree files with
269                         comments</li>
270                         <li>pathological filechooser bug avoided by not allowing
271                         filenames containing a ':'</li>
272                         <li>Fixed exception when parsing GFF files containing global
273                         sequence features</li>
274                         <li>Alignment datasets are finalized only when number of
275                         references from alignment sequences goes to zero</li>
276                         <li>Close of tree branch colour box without colour selection
277                         causes cascading exceptions</li>
278                         <li>occasional negative imgwidth exceptions</li>
279                         <li>better reporting of non-fatal warnings to user when file
280                         parsing fails.</li>
281                         <li>Save works when Jalview project is default format</li>
282                         <li>Save as dialog opened if current alignment format is not a
283                         valid output format</li>
284                         <li>Uniprot canonical names introduced for both das and vamsas</li>
285                         <li>Histidine should be midblue (not pink!) in Zappo</li>
286                         <li>error messages passed up and output when data read fails</li>
287                         <li>edit undo recovers previous dataset sequence when sequence
288                         is edited</li>
289                         <li>allow PDB files without pdb ID HEADER lines (like those
290                         generated by MODELLER) to be read in properly</li>
291                         <li>allow reading of JPred concise files as a normal filetype</li>
292                         <li>Stockholm annotation parsing and alignment properties import
293                         fixed for PFAM records</li>
294                         <li>Structure view windows have correct name in Desktop window
295                         list</li>
296                         <li>annotation consisting of sequence associated scores can be
297                         read and written correctly to annotation file</li>
298                         <li>Aligned cDNA translation to aligned peptide works correctly
299                         </li>
300                         <li>Fixed display of hidden sequence markers and non-italic font
301                         for representatives in Applet</li>
302                         <li>Applet Menus are always embedded in applet window on Macs.</li>
303                         <li>Newly shown features appear at top of stack (in Applet)</li>
304                         <li>Annotations added via parameter not drawn properly due to
305                         null pointer exceptions</li>
306                         <li>Secondary structure lines are drawn starting from first
307                         column of alignment</li>
308                         <li>Uniprot XML import updated for new schema release in July
309                         2008</li>
310                         <li>Sequence feature to sequence ID match for Features file is
311                         case-insensitive</li>
312                         <li>Sequence features read from Features file appended to all
313                         sequences with matching IDs</li>
314                         <li>PDB structure coloured correctly for associated views
315                         containing a sub-sequence</li>
316                         <li>PDB files can be retrieved by applet from Jar files</li>
317                         <li>feature and annotation file applet parameters referring to
318                         different directories are retrieved correctly</li>
319                         <!--<li>DAS Histogram Features display ( (Prlic et al) </li>-->
320                         <li>Fixed application hang whilst waiting for splash-screen
321                         version check to complete</li>
322                         <li>Applet properly URLencodes input parameter values when
323                         passing them to the launchApp service</li>
324                         <li>display name and local features preserved in results
325                         retrieved from web service</li>
326                         <li>Visual delay indication for sequence retrieval and sequence
327                         fetcher initialisation</li>
328                         <li>updated Application to use DAS 1.53e version of dasobert DAS
329                         client</li>
330                         <li>Re-instated Full AMSA support and .amsa file association</li>
331                         <li>Fixed parsing of JNet Concise annotation <em>sans</em>
332                         sequences</li>
333                 </ul>
334                 </td>
335         </tr>
336         <tr>
337                 <td>
338                 <div align="center"><strong>2.3</strong><br>
339                 9/5/07</div>
340                 </td>
341                 <td>
342                 <ul>
343                         <li>Jmol 11.0.2 integration</li>
344                         <li>PDB views stored in Jalview XML files</li>
345                         <li>Slide sequences</li>
346                         <li>Edit sequence in place</li>
347                         <li>EMBL CDS features</li>
348                         <li>DAS Feature mapping</li>
349                         <li>Feature ordering</li>
350                         <li>Alignment Properties</li>
351                         <li>Annotation Scores</li>
352                         <li>Sort by scores</li>
353                         <li>Feature/annotation editing in applet</li>
354                 </ul>
355                 </td>
356                 <td>
357                 <ul>
358                         <li>Headless state operation in 2.2.1</li>
359                         <li>Incorrect and unstable DNA pairwise alignment</li>
360                         <li>Cut and paste of sequences with annotation</li>
361                         <li>Feature group display state in XML</li>
362                         <li>Feature ordering in XML</li>
363                         <li>blc file iteration selection using filename # suffix</li>
364                         <li>Stockholm alignment properties</li>
365                         <li>Stockhom alignment secondary structure annotation</li>
366                         <li>2.2.1 applet had no feature transparency</li>
367                         <li>Number pad keys can be used in cursor mode</li>
368                         <li>Structure Viewer mirror image resolved</li>
369                 </ul>
370                 </td>
372         </tr>
373         <tr>
374                 <td>
375                 <div align="center"><strong>2.2.1</strong><br>
376                 12/2/07</div>
377                 </td>
378                 <td>
379                 <ul>
380                         <li>Non standard characters can be read and displayed
381                         <li>Annotations/Features can be imported/exported to the applet
382                         via textbox
383                         <li>Applet allows editing of sequence/annotation/group name
384                         &amp; description
385                         <li>Preference setting to display sequence name in italics
386                         <li>Annotation file format extended to allow Sequence_groups to
387                         be defined
388                         <li>Default opening of alignment overview panel can be specified
389                         in preferences
390                         <li>PDB residue numbering annotation added to associated
391                         sequences
392                 </ul>
393                 </td>
394                 <td>
395                 <ul>
396                         <li>Applet crash under certain Linux OS with Java 1.6 installed
397                         <li>Annotation file export / import bugs fixed
398                         <li>PNG / EPS image output bugs fixed
399                 </ul>
400                 </td>
401         </tr>
402         <tr>
403                 <td>
404                 <div align="center"><strong>2.2</strong><br>
405                 27/11/06</div>
406                 </td>
407                 <td>
408                 <ul>
409                         <li>Multiple views on alignment
410                         <li>Sequence feature editing
411                         <li>&quot;Reload&quot; alignment
412                         <li>&quot;Save&quot; to current filename
413                         <li>Background dependent text colour
414                         <li>Right align sequence ids
415                         <li>User-defined lower case residue colours
416                         <li>Format Menu
417                         <li>Select Menu
418                         <li>Menu item accelerator keys
419                         <li>Control-V pastes to current alignment
420                         <li>Cancel button for DAS Feature Fetching
421                         <li>PCA and PDB Viewers zoom via mouse roller
422                         <li>User-defined sub-tree colours and sub-tree selection
423                         <li>'New Window' button on the 'Output to Text box'
424                 </ul>
425                 </td>
426                 <td>
427                 <ul>
428                         <li>New memory efficient Undo/Redo System
429                         <li>Optimised symbol lookups and conservation/consensus
430                         calculations
431                         <li>Region Conservation/Consensus recalculated after edits
432                         <li>Fixed Remove Empty Columns Bug (empty columns at end of
433                         alignment)
434                         <li>Slowed DAS Feature Fetching for increased robustness.
435                         <li>Made angle brackets in ASCII feature descriptions display
436                         correctly
437                         <li>Re-instated Zoom function for PCA
438                         <li>Sequence descriptions conserved in web service analysis
439                         results
440                         <li>Uniprot ID discoverer uses any word separated by &#8739;
441                         <li>WsDbFetch query/result association resolved
442                         <li>Tree leaf to sequence mapping improved
443                         <li>Smooth fonts switch moved to FontChooser dialog box.
444                 </ul>
445                 </td>
446         </tr>
447         <tr>
448                 <td>
449                 <div align="center"><strong>2.1.1</strong><br>
450                 12/9/06</div>
451                 </td>
452                 <td>
453                 <ul>
454                         <li>Copy consensus sequence to clipboard</li>
455                 </ul>
456                 </td>
457                 <td>
458                 <ul>
459                         <li>Image output - rightmost residues are rendered if sequence
460                         id panel has been resized</li>
461                         <li>Image output - all offscreen group boundaries are rendered</li>
462                         <li>Annotation files with sequence references - all elements in
463                         file are relative to sequence position</li>
464                         <li>Mac Applet users can use Alt key for group editing</li>
465                 </ul>
466                 </td>
467         </tr>
468         <tr>
469                 <td>
470                 <div align="center"><strong>2.1</strong><br>
471                 22/8/06</div>
472                 </td>
473                 <td>
474                 <ul>
475                         <li>MAFFT Multiple Alignment in default Web Service list</li>
476                         <li>DAS Feature fetching</li>
477                         <li>Hide sequences and columns</li>
478                         <li>Export Annotations and Features</li>
479                         <li>GFF file reading / writing</li>
480                         <li>Associate structures with sequences from local PDB files</li>
481                         <li>Add sequences to exisiting alignment</li>
482                         <li>Recently opened files / URL lists</li>
483                         <li>Applet can launch the full application</li>
484                         <li>Applet has transparency for features (Java 1.2 required)</li>
485                         <li>Applet has user defined colours parameter</li>
486                         <li>Applet can load sequences from parameter &quot;sequence<em>x</em>&quot;</li>
487                 </ul>
488                 </td>
489                 <td>
490                 <ul>
491                         <li>Redundancy Panel reinstalled in the Applet</li>
492                         <li>Monospaced font - EPS / rescaling bug fixed</li>
493                         <li>Annotation files with sequence references bug fixed</li>
494                 </ul>
495                 </td>
496         </tr>
497         <tr>
498                 <td>
499                 <div align="center"><strong>2.08.1</strong><br>
500                 2/5/06</div>
501                 </td>
502                 <td>
503                 <ul>
504                         <li>Change case of selected region from Popup menu</li>
505                         <li>Choose to match case when searching</li>
506                         <li>Middle mouse button and mouse movement can compress / expand
507                         the visible width and height of the alignment</li>
508                 </ul>
509                 </td>
510                 <td>
511                 <ul>
512                         <li>Annotation Panel displays complete JNet results</li>
513                 </ul>
514                 </td>
515         </tr>
516         <tr>
517                 <td>
518                 <div align="center"><strong>2.08b</strong><br>
519                 18/4/06</div>
520                 </td>
521                 <td>&nbsp;</td>
522                 <td>
523                 <ul>
524                         <li>Java 1.5 bug - InternalMessageDialog fix for threads</li>
525                         <li>Righthand label on wrapped alignments shows correct value</li>
526                 </ul>
527                 </td>
528         </tr>
529         <tr>
530                 <td>
531                 <div align="center"><strong>2.08</strong><br>
532                 10/4/06</div>
533                 </td>
534                 <td>
535                 <ul>
536                         <li>Editing can be locked to the selection area</li>
537                         <li>Keyboard editing</li>
538                         <li>Create sequence features from searches</li>
539                         <li>Precalculated annotations can be loaded onto alignments</li>
540                         <li>Features file allows grouping of features</li>
541                         <li>Annotation Colouring scheme added</li>
542                         <li>Smooth fonts off by default - Faster rendering</li>
543                         <li>Choose to toggle Autocalculate Consensus On/Off</li>
544                 </ul>
545                 </td>
546                 <td>
547                 <ul>
548                         <li>Drag &amp; Drop fixed on Linux</li>
549                         <li>Jalview Archive file faster to load/save, sequence
550                         descriptions saved.</li>
551                 </ul>
552                 </td>
553         </tr>
554         <tr>
555                 <td>
556                 <div align="center"><strong>2.07</strong><br>
557                 12/12/05</div>
558                 </td>
559                 <td>
560                 <ul>
561                         <li>PDB Structure Viewer enhanced</li>
562                         <li>Sequence Feature retrieval and display enhanced</li>
563                         <li>Choose to output sequence start-end after sequence name for
564                         file output</li>
565                         <li>Sequence Fetcher WSDBFetch@EBI</li>
566                         <li>Applet can read feature files, PDB files and can be used for
567                         HTML form input</li>
568                 </ul>
569                 </td>
570                 <td>
571                 <ul>
572                         <li>HTML output writes groups and features</li>
573                         <li>Group editing is Control and mouse click</li>
574                         <li>File IO bugs</li>
575                 </ul>
576                 </td>
577         </tr>
578         <tr>
579                 <td>
580                 <div align="center"><strong>2.06</strong><br>
581                 28/9/05</div>
582                 </td>
583                 <td>
584                 <ul>
585                         <li>View annotations in wrapped mode</li>
586                         <li>More options for PCA viewer</li>
587                 </ul>
588                 </td>
589                 <td>
590                 <ul>
591                         <li>GUI bugs resolved</li>
592                         <li>Runs with -nodisplay from command line</li>
593                 </ul>
594                 </td>
595         </tr>
596         <tr>
597                 <td height="63">
598                 <div align="center"><strong>2.05b</strong><br>
599                 15/9/05</div>
600                 </td>
601                 <td>
602                 <ul>
603                         <li>Choose EPS export as lineart or text</li>
604                         <li>Jar files are executable</li>
605                         <li>Can read in Uracil - maps to unknown residue</li>
606                 </ul>
607                 </td>
608                 <td>
609                 <ul>
610                         <li>Known OutOfMemory errors give warning message</li>
611                         <li>Overview window calculated more efficiently</li>
612                         <li>Several GUI bugs resolved</li>
613                 </ul>
614                 </td>
615         </tr>
616         <tr>
617                 <td>
618                 <div align="center"><strong>2.05</strong><br>
619                 30/8/05</div>
620                 </td>
621                 <td>
622                 <ul>
623                         <li>Edit and annotate in &quot;Wrapped&quot; view</li>
624                 </ul>
625                 </td>
626                 <td>
627                 <ul>
628                         <li>Several GUI bugs resolved</li>
629                 </ul>
630                 </td>
631         </tr>
632         <tr>
633                 <td>
634                 <div align="center"><strong>2.04</strong><br>
635                 24/8/05</div>
636                 </td>
637                 <td>
638                 <ul>
639                         <li>Hold down mouse wheel &amp; scroll to change font size</li>
640                 </ul>
641                 </td>
642                 <td>
643                 <ul>
644                         <li>Improved JPred client reliability</li>
645                         <li>Improved loading of Jalview files</li>
646                 </ul>
647                 </td>
648         </tr>
649         <tr>
650                 <td>
651                 <div align="center"><strong>2.03</strong><br>
652                 18/8/05</div>
653                 </td>
654                 <td>
655                 <ul>
656                         <li>Set Proxy server name and port in preferences</li>
657                         <li>Multiple URL links from sequence ids</li>
658                         <li>User Defined Colours can have a scheme name and added to
659                         Colour Menu</li>
660                         <li>Choose to ignore gaps in consensus calculation</li>
661                         <li>Unix users can set default web browser</li>
662                         <li>Runs without GUI for batch processing</li>
663                         <li>Dynamically generated Web Service Menus</li>
664                 </ul>
665                 </td>
666                 <td>
667                 <ul>
668                         <li>InstallAnywhere download for Sparc Solaris</li>
669                 </ul>
670                 </td>
671         </tr>
672         <tr>
673                 <td>
674                 <div align="center"><strong>2.02</strong><br>
675                 18/7/05</div>
676                 </td>
677                 <td>&nbsp;</td>
678                 <td>
679                 <ul>
680                         <li>Copy &amp; Paste order of sequences maintains alignment
681                         order.</li>
682                 </ul>
683                 </td>
684         </tr>
685         <tr>
686                 <td>
687                 <div align="center"><strong>2.01</strong><br>
688                 12/7/05</div>
689                 </td>
690                 <td>
691                 <ul>
692                         <li>Use delete key for deleting selection.</li>
693                         <li>Use Mouse wheel to scroll sequences.</li>
694                         <li>Help file updated to describe how to add alignment
695                         annotations.</li>
696                         <li>Version and build date written to build properties file.</li>
697                         <li>InstallAnywhere installation will check for updates at
698                         launch of Jalview.</li>
699                 </ul>
700                 </td>
701                 <td>
702                 <ul>
703                         <li>Delete gaps bug fixed.</li>
704                         <li>FileChooser sorts columns.</li>
705                         <li>Can remove groups one by one.</li>
706                         <li>Filechooser icons installed.</li>
707                         <li>Finder ignores return character when searching. Return key
708                         will initiate a search.<br>
709                         </li>
710                 </ul>
711                 </td>
712         </tr>
713         <tr>
714                 <td>
715                 <div align="center"><strong>2.0</strong><br>
716                 20/6/05</div>
717                 </td>
718                 <td>
719                 <ul>
720                         <li>New codebase</li>
721                 </ul>
722                 </td>
723                 <td>&nbsp;</td>
724         </tr>
725 </table>
726 <p>&nbsp;</p>
727 </body>
728 </html>