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[jalview.git] / website / version2 / index.html
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5 <TITLE>JalView - Java alignment editor</TITLE>\r
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26               <td width="45%"><div align="center"><a href=""><img src="../snap22med.gif" width="291" height="116" border="0"  align="absmiddle"></a></div></td>\r
27               <td width="55%"><div align="center"><font size="+6"><strong><font face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Jalview\r
28                   </font></strong></font> </div>\r
29                 <div align="center"><font size="3" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">a\r
30                   multiple alignment editor</font> </div></td>\r
31             </tr>\r
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39       <td width="197" valign="top" nowrap> <p><strong>Downloads</strong></p>\r
40         <ul>\r
41           <li><a href="index.html">Jalview</a></li>\r
42         </ul>\r
43         <strong>Examples</strong> <ul>\r
44           <li><a href="examples/applets.html">Applet</a></li>\r
45           <li><a href="examples/examples.html">Application</a></li>\r
46         </ul>\r
47         <strong>Reference</strong> <ul>\r
48           <li> <a href="../jalview.pdf" target="_blank">&quot;The Jalview Java<br>\r
49             Alignment Editor,&quot;<br>\r
50             </a></li>\r
51           <a href="../jalview.pdf"><em>Bioinformatics</em>, 12, 426-7</a>\r
52         </ul>\r
53         <strong>Source Code</strong> <ul>\r
54           <li>Jalview 2</li>\r
55         </ul>\r
56         <p><strong>Feedback</strong></p>\r
57         <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="../help.gif" width="151" height="43"> </p>\r
58         <p><br>\r
59           <a href=""> <img border="0"src="../bbsrc.jpg"></a>\r
60         </p></td>\r
61       <td width="499" valign="top"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Contents" -->\r
62         <p>Key features of Jalview Version 2:\r
63         <ul>\r
64           <li>Remote tools implemented as web services</li>\r
65           <li>Remote alignments (<a href="" target="CLUSTAL">Clustal</a>, <a href="" target="MUSCLE">Muscle</a>...)</li>\r
66           <li>Remote alignment annotation (<a href="" target="JPRED">JPred Secondary Structure Prediction</a>)</li>\r
67           <li>Printing</li>\r
68           <li>PNG, HTML, Encapsulated PostScript output</li>\r
69         </ul>\r
70         <p>Current development allows the Jalview Application to be distributed\r
71           using Java Web Start which is installed with <a href="" target="JAVA">Java.</a>\r
72           Each time the application is started via Java Web Start an automatic\r
73           update is performed so that you will always be running the latest code.<br>\r
74           <br>\r
75           N.B. if you have a local installation of Java and clicking on the link\r
76           below prompts the question &quot;Open using application...&quot;, locate\r
77           your installation of Java Web Start - its called "javaws". Your web browser will now associate .jnlp\r
78           files with Java Web Start<br>\r
79           <br>\r
80           Try it now.\r
81         <center>\r
82           <h2><a href="">Start\r
83             Jalview</a> </h2>\r
84           <p>&nbsp;</p>\r
85         </center>\r
86         If you are having difficulties installing Java or would prefer not to\r
87         use Java Web Start you could try installing Jalview from the following\r
88         link.\r
89         <p>\r
90         <center>\r
91           <h2><a  target="NEW" href="Web_Installers/install.htm">Install with InstallAnywhere</a>\r
92           </h2>\r
93         </center>\r
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