- <li><strong>BAR_GRAPH</strong><br> Plots a histogram with labels below each
- bar.<br> <em>number</em>,<em>text character</em>,<em>Tooltip
- text</em>
- </li>
- <li><strong>LINE_GRAPH</strong><br> Draws a line between values on the
- annotation row.<br> <em>number</em>
- </li>
- <li><strong>NO_GRAPH</strong><br>For a row consisting of text labels and/or
- secondary structure symbols.<br><em>{Secondary Structure
- Symbol}</em>,<em>text label</em>,<em>Tooltip text</em><br/><br/>The type of secondary structure symbol depends on the alignment being annotated being either Protein or RNA. <br/>For proteins, structure symbols are <em>H</em> (for
- helix) and <em>E</em> (for strand)<br/><br/>For RNA, VIENNA, WUSS or extended notation can be used to specify positions that are paired (e.g. "(|(||)|)" or "|A|A|A|(|a|a|a|)")</li>
+ <li><strong>BAR_GRAPH</strong><br> Plots a histogram with
+ labels below each bar.<br> <em>number</em>,<em>text
+ character</em>,<em>Tooltip text</em></li>
+ <li><strong>LINE_GRAPH</strong><br> Draws a line between
+ values on the annotation row.<br> <em>number</em></li>
+ <li><strong>NO_GRAPH</strong><br>For a row consisting of
+ text labels and/or secondary structure symbols.<br> <em>{Secondary
+ Structure Symbol}</em>,<em>text label</em>,<em>Tooltip text</em><br /> <br />The
+ type of secondary structure symbol depends on the alignment being
+ annotated being either Protein or RNA. <br />For proteins, structure
+ symbols are <em>H</em> (for helix) and <em>E</em> (for strand)<br />
+ <br />For RNA structures, VIENNA, WUSS, and extended notations can
+ be used to specify paired positions.
+ <ul>e.g. "(|(||)|)" or "|A|A|A|(|a|a|a|)")
+ </ul></li>