label.enter_label_for_the_structure = Enter a label for the structure?\r
label.pdb_entry_is_already_displayed = {0} is already displayed.\nDo you want to re-use this viewer ?\r
label.map_sequences_to_visible_window = Map Sequences to Visible Window: {0}\r
-label.add_pdbentry_to_view = Do you want to add {0} to the view called\n'{1}'\n\r
+label.add_pdbentry_to_view = Do you want to add {0} to the view called\n{1}\n\r
label.align_to_existing_structure_view = Align to existing structure view\r
label.pdb_entries_couldnt_be_retrieved = The following pdb entries could not be retrieved from the PDB\:\n{0}\nPlease try downloading them manually.\r
label.couldnt_load_file = Couldn't load file\r
label.public_das_source = Public DAS source - not editable\r
label.input_alignment_from_url = Input Alignment From URL\r
label.input_alignment = Input Alignment\r
-label.couldnt_import_as_vamsas_session = Couldn't import '{0}' as a new vamsas session.\r
+label.couldnt_import_as_vamsas_session = Couldn't import {0} as a new vamsas session.\r
label.vamsas_document_import_failed = Vamsas Document Import Failed\r
label.couldnt_locate = Couldn't locate {0}\r
label.url_not_found = URL not found\r
label.open_new_jmol_view_with_all_structures_associated_current_selection_superimpose_using_alignment = Open a new Jmol view with all structures associated with the current selection and superimpose them using the alignment.\r
label.open_url_param = Open URL {0}\r
label.open_url_seqs_param = Open URL ({0}..) ({1} seqs)\r
-label.load_pdb_file_associate_with_sequence = Load a PDB file and associate it with sequence '{0}'\r
+label.load_pdb_file_associate_with_sequence = Load a PDB file and associate it with sequence {0}\r
label.reveal_hidden_columns = Reveal Hidden Columns with Right Mouse Button\r
label.dark_colour = Dark Colour\r
label.light_colour = Light Colour\r
label.analysis = Analysis\r
label.protein_disorder = Protein Disorder \r
label.source_from_db_source = Sources from {0}\r
-label.from_msname = from '{0}'\r
+label.from_msname = from {0}\r
label.superpose_with = Superpose with ...\r = Do\r
label.scale_label_to_column = Scale Label to Column\r
error.mismatch_between_number_of_sequences_in_block = Mismatch between number of sequences in block {0} ({1}) and the original view ({2})\r
error.padding_not_yet_implemented = Padding not yet implemented\r
error.mismatch_between_visible_blocks_to_update_and_number_of_contigs_in_view = Mismatch between visible blocks to update and number of contigs in view (contigs=0,blocks={0})\r
-error.unknown_seq_cigar_operation = Unknown SeqCigar operation '{0}'\r
+error.unknown_seq_cigar_operation = Unknown SeqCigar operation {0}\r
error.implementation_bug_parse_cigar_string = Implementation bug in parseCigarString\r
error.implementation_error_invalid_operation_string = Implementation error. Invalid operation string.\r
error.invalid_range_string = Invalid range string (must be zero or positive number)\r
error.implementation_error_delete_range_out_of_bounds = Implementation Error: deleteRange out of bounds: start must be non-negative and less than end.\r
error.implementation_error = Implementation error\r
-error.implementation_error_unknown_operation = Implementation Error! Unknown operation '{0}'\r
+error.implementation_error_unknown_operation = Implementation Error! Unknown operation {0}\r
error.implementation_error_unexpected_null_from_get_sequence_and_deletions = Implementation Error - unexpected null from getSequenceAndDeletions\r
error.implementation_error_set_seq_null = Implementation Error - _setSeq(null,...)\r
error.implementation_error_s = Implementation Error: _s= {0}\r
error.implmentation_bug_seq_null = Implementation Bug. Null seq\r
error.implementation_bug_cigar_operation_list_range_list = Implementation Bug. Cigar Operation list!= range list\r
error.not_yet_implemented_cigar_object_from_cigar_string = NOT YET Implemented: Constructing a Cigar object from a cigar string and a gapped sequence.\r
-error.implementation_bug_cigar_operation = Implementation Bug. Cigar Operation '{0}' '{1}' not one of '{2}', '{3}', or '{4}'.\r
+error.implementation_bug_cigar_operation = Implementation Bug. Cigar Operation {0} {1} not one of {2}, {3}, or {4}.\r
error.implementation_error_for_new_cigar = Implementation error for new Cigar(SequenceI)\r
-error.implementation_error_cigar_seq_no_operations = Implementation error: {0}'th sequence Cigar has no operations.\r
+error.implementation_error_cigar_seq_no_operations = Implementation error: {0}th sequence Cigar has no operations.\r
error.implementation_error_jmol_getting_data = Implementation error - Jmol seems to be still working on getting its data - report at\r
error.implementation_error_no_pdbentry_from_index = Implementation error - no corresponding pdbentry (for index {0}) to add sequences mappings to\r
error.jmol_version_not_compatible_with_jalview_version = Jmol version {0} is not compatible with this version of Jalview. Report this problem at\r
error.implementation_error_can_only_instantiate_jaba_param_sets = Implementation error: Can only instantiate Jaba parameter sets\r
error.no_aacon_service_found = No AACon service found\r
error.implementation_error_couldnt_copy_value_constraint = Implementation error: could not copy ValueConstrain!\r
-error.couldnt_encode_as_utf8 = Couldn't encode '{0}' as UTF-8.\r
+error.couldnt_encode_as_utf8 = Couldn't encode {0} as UTF-8.\r
error.tree_inputtype_not_yet_implemented = Tree InputType not yet implemented\r
error.implementation_error_need_to_have_httpresponse = Implementation Error: need to have an HttpResponse to process\r
error.dbrefsource_implementation_exception =DBRefSource Implementation Exception\r
exception.mismatched_closing_char = Mismatched closing character {0}\r
exception.mismatched_opening_char = Mismatched opening character {0} at {1}\r
exception.invalid_datasource_couldnt_obtain_reader = Invalid datasource. Could not obtain Reader\r
-exception.index_value_not_in_range = {0}: Index value '{1}' not in range [0..{2}]\r
+exception.index_value_not_in_range = {0}: Index value {1} not in range [0..{2}]\r
exception.unterminated_cigar_string = Unterminated cigar string\r
-exception.unexpected_operation_cigar_string_pos = Unexpected operation '{0}' in cigar string (position {1} in '{2}'\r
+exception.unexpected_operation_cigar_string_pos = Unexpected operation {0} in cigar string (position {1} in {2}\r
exception.couldnt_parse_responde_from_annotated3d_server = Couldn't parse response from Annotate3d server\r
exception.application_test_npe = Application test: throwing an NullPointerException It should arrive at the console\r
exception.overwriting_vamsas_id_binding = Overwriting vamsas id binding\r
exception.no_init_source_stream = Unitialised Source Stream\r
exception.invalid_source_stream = Invalid Source Stream: {0}\r
error.implementation_error_reset_called_for_invalid_source = Implementation Error: Reset called for invalid source.\r
-exception.number_of_residues_in_query_sequence_differ_from_prediction = Number of residues in {0} supposed query sequence ('{1}'\n{2})\ndiffer from number of prediction sites in prediction ({3})\r
+exception.number_of_residues_in_query_sequence_differ_from_prediction = Number of residues in {0} supposed query sequence ({1}\n{2})\ndiffer from number of prediction sites in prediction ({3})\r
label.mapped = mapped\r
exception.jpredconcide_entry_has_unexpected_number_of_columns = JPredConcise: Entry ({0}) has an unexpected number of columns\r
exception.couldnt_parse_concise_annotation_for_prediction = Couldn't parse concise annotation for prediction profile.\n{0}\r