<p>Selecting this option causes the colour scheme to be applied to
only those residues that occur in that column more than a certain
- percentage of the time. For instance selecting the threshold to be
- 100 will only colour those columns with 100 % identity. This
- threshold option can be applied to the Zappo, Taylor, Hydrophobicity
- and User colour schemes.</p>
+ percentage of the time. For instance, selecting the threshold to be
+ 100 will only colour those columns with 100% identity.</p>
+ <p>To be coloured, a residue must match the consensus (most commonly occurring) residue for the column (or joint equal consensus).</p>
+ <p>The percentage calculation may include or exclude gaps in the column, depending on the option selected for the <a href="../calculations/consensus.html">consensus calculation</a>.</p>
+ <p>With a threshold of 0, colouring is unchanged (including non-consensus residues).</p>