+// a helper task to allow getdown digest of any dir: `gradle getdownDigestDir -PDIGESTDIR=/path/to/my/random/getdown/dir
+task getdownDigestDir(type: JavaExec) {
+ def digestDirPropertyName = "DIGESTDIR"
+ description = "Digest a local dir (-P${digestDirPropertyName}=...) for getdown"
+ doFirst {
+ classpath = files(getdownLauncher)
+ def digestDir = findProperty(digestDirPropertyName)
+ if (digestDir == null) {
+ throw new GradleException("Must provide a DIGESTDIR value to produce an alternative getdown digest")
+ }
+ args digestDir
+ }
+ main = "com.threerings.getdown.tools.Digester"
task getdownDigest(type: JavaExec) {
group = "distribution"
description = "Digest the getdown website folder"