import org.forester.phylogeny.iterators.PhylogenyNodeIterator;
+import org.forester.protein.BasicDomain;
import org.forester.protein.BasicProtein;
import org.forester.protein.BinaryDomainCombination;
import org.forester.protein.Domain;
final String outfilename_for_ancestor_species_counts,
final String outfilename_for_protein_stats,
final Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> protein_length_stats_by_dc,
- final Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> domain_number_stats_by_dc ) {
+ final Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> domain_number_stats_by_dc,
+ final Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> domain_length_stats_by_domain ) {
try {
// if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) {
final SortedMap<Integer, StringBuilder> domain_lists = new TreeMap<Integer, StringBuilder>();
final SortedMap<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics> dc_reapp_counts_to_protein_length_stats = new TreeMap<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics>();
final SortedMap<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics> dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_number_stats = new TreeMap<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics>();
+ final SortedMap<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics> dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats = new TreeMap<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics>();
final SortedMap<Integer, PriorityQueue<String>> domain_lists_go = new TreeMap<Integer, PriorityQueue<String>>();
final SortedMap<Integer, SortedSet<String>> domain_lists_go_unique = new TreeMap<Integer, SortedSet<String>>();
final Set<String> dcs = dc_gain_counts.keySet();
final DescriptiveStatistics gained_once_domain_count_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics();
final DescriptiveStatistics gained_multiple_times_lengths_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics();
final DescriptiveStatistics gained_multiple_times_domain_count_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics();
+ final DescriptiveStatistics gained_multiple_times_domain_length_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics();
+ final DescriptiveStatistics gained_once_domain_length_stats = new BasicDescriptiveStatistics();
for( final String dc : dcs ) {
final int count = dc_gain_counts.get( dc );
if ( histogram.containsKey( count ) ) {
dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_number_stats.get( count ).addValue( domain_number_stats_by_dc.get( dc )
.arithmeticMean() );
+ if ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) {
+ if ( !dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats.containsKey( count ) ) {
+ dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats.put( count, new BasicDescriptiveStatistics() );
+ }
+ final String[] ds = dc.split( "=" );
+ dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats.get( count ).addValue( domain_length_stats_by_domain
+ .get( ds[ 0 ] ).arithmeticMean() );
+ dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats.get( count ).addValue( domain_length_stats_by_domain
+ .get( ds[ 1 ] ).arithmeticMean() );
+ }
if ( count > 1 ) {
more_than_once.add( dc );
if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) {
gained_multiple_times_domain_count_stats.addValue( element );
+ if ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) {
+ final String[] ds = dc.split( "=" );
+ final DescriptiveStatistics s0 = domain_length_stats_by_domain.get( ds[ 0 ] );
+ final DescriptiveStatistics s1 = domain_length_stats_by_domain.get( ds[ 1 ] );
+ final double[] a0 = s0.getDataAsDoubleArray();
+ final double[] a1 = s1.getDataAsDoubleArray();
+ for( final double element : a0 ) {
+ gained_multiple_times_domain_length_stats.addValue( element );
+ }
+ for( final double element : a1 ) {
+ gained_multiple_times_domain_length_stats.addValue( element );
+ }
+ }
else {
if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) {
gained_once_domain_count_stats.addValue( element );
+ if ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) {
+ final String[] ds = dc.split( "=" );
+ final DescriptiveStatistics s0 = domain_length_stats_by_domain.get( ds[ 0 ] );
+ final DescriptiveStatistics s1 = domain_length_stats_by_domain.get( ds[ 1 ] );
+ final double[] a0 = s0.getDataAsDoubleArray();
+ final double[] a1 = s1.getDataAsDoubleArray();
+ for( final double element : a0 ) {
+ gained_once_domain_length_stats.addValue( element );
+ }
+ for( final double element : a1 ) {
+ gained_once_domain_length_stats.addValue( element );
+ }
+ }
final Set<Integer> histogram_keys = histogram.keySet();
- //
final SortedMap<String, Integer> lca_rank_counts = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
final SortedMap<String, Integer> lca_ancestor_species_counts = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
for( final String dc : more_than_once ) {
if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( outfilename_for_protein_stats )
&& ( ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) || ( domain_number_stats_by_dc != null ) ) ) {
final BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfilename_for_protein_stats ) );
- w.write( "Lengths: " );
+ w.write( "Domain Lengths: " );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ if ( domain_length_stats_by_domain != null ) {
+ for( final Entry<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics> entry : dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_lengths_stats
+ .entrySet() ) {
+ w.write( entry.getKey().toString() );
+ w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().arithmeticMean() );
+ w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().median() );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ w.flush();
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( "Protein Lengths: " );
w.write( "\n" );
if ( protein_length_stats_by_dc != null ) {
for( final Entry<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics> entry : dc_reapp_counts_to_protein_length_stats
.entrySet() ) {
w.write( entry.getKey().toString() );
- w.write( ": " + entry.getValue().arithmeticMean() );
+ w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().arithmeticMean() );
+ w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().median() );
w.write( "\n" );
for( final Entry<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics> entry : dc_reapp_counts_to_domain_number_stats
.entrySet() ) {
w.write( entry.getKey().toString() );
- w.write( ": " + entry.getValue().arithmeticMean() );
+ w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().arithmeticMean() );
+ w.write( "\t" + entry.getValue().median() );
w.write( "\n" );
w.write( "\n" );
w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( "Gained once, domain lengths:" );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( gained_once_domain_length_stats.toString() );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( "Gained multiple times, domain lengths:" );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( gained_multiple_times_domain_length_stats.toString() );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( "\n" );
+ w.write( "\n" );
w.write( "Gained once, protein lengths:" );
w.write( "\n" );
w.write( gained_once_lengths_stats.toString() );
final List<BinaryDomainCombination> all_binary_domains_combination_lost_fitch,
final BinaryDomainCombination.DomainCombinationType dc_type,
final Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> protein_length_stats_by_dc,
- final Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> domain_number_stats_by_dc ) {
+ final Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> domain_number_stats_by_dc,
+ final Map<String, DescriptiveStatistics> domain_length_stats_by_domain ) {
final String sep = ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR + "###################" + ForesterUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR;
final String date_time = ForesterUtil.getCurrentDateTime();
final SortedSet<String> all_pfams_encountered = new TreeSet<String>();
outfile_name + "_indep_dc_gains_fitch_lca_taxonomies.txt",
outfile_name + "_indep_dc_gains_fitch_protein_statistics.txt",
- domain_number_stats_by_dc );
+ domain_number_stats_by_dc,
+ domain_length_stats_by_domain );
+ "_MAPPED_indep_dc_gains_fitch_lca_ranks.txt", outfile_name
- + "_MAPPED_indep_dc_gains_fitch_lca_taxonomies.txt", null, null, null );
+ + "_MAPPED_indep_dc_gains_fitch_lca_taxonomies.txt", null, null, null, null );
public static void doit( final List<Protein> proteins,
ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote characters detailed HTML list: \"" + filename + "\"" );
- public static void writeBinaryStatesMatrixToListORIGIG( final Map<DomainId, List<GoId>> domain_id_to_go_ids_map,
- final Map<GoId, GoTerm> go_id_to_term_map,
- final GoNameSpace go_namespace_limit,
- final boolean domain_combinations,
- final CharacterStateMatrix<CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates> matrix,
- final CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates state,
- final String filename,
- final String indentifier_characters_separator,
- final String character_separator,
- final String title_for_html,
- final String prefix_for_html,
- final Map<DomainId, Set<String>>[] domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps,
- final SortedSet<String> all_pfams_encountered,
- final SortedSet<String> pfams_gained_or_lost,
- final String suffix_for_per_node_events_file ) {
- if ( ( go_namespace_limit != null ) && ( ( go_id_to_term_map == null ) || ( go_id_to_term_map.size() < 1 ) ) ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to use GO namespace limit without a GO-id to term map" );
- }
- else if ( ( ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map == null ) || ( domain_id_to_go_ids_map.size() < 1 ) ) ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to output detailed HTML without a Pfam to GO map" );
- }
- else if ( ( ( go_id_to_term_map == null ) || ( go_id_to_term_map.size() < 1 ) ) ) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attempt to output detailed HTML without a GO-id to term map" );
- }
- final File outfile = new File( filename );
- checkForOutputFileWriteability( outfile );
- final SortedSet<String> sorted_ids = new TreeSet<String>();
- for( int i = 0; i < matrix.getNumberOfIdentifiers(); ++i ) {
- sorted_ids.add( matrix.getIdentifier( i ) );
- }
- try {
- final Writer out = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfile ) );
- final File per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir = createBaseDirForPerNodeDomainFiles( surfacing.BASE_DIRECTORY_PER_NODE_DOMAIN_GAIN_LOSS_FILES,
- domain_combinations,
- state,
- filename );
- Writer per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer = null;
- File per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile = null;
- int per_node_counter = 0;
- out.write( "<html>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- addHtmlHead( out, title_for_html );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "<body>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "<h1>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( title_for_html );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "</h1>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "<table>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- for( final String id : sorted_ids ) {
- out.write( "<tr>" );
- out.write( "<td>" );
- out.write( "<a href=\"#" + id + "\">" + id + "</a>" );
- writeTaxonomyLinks( out, id );
- out.write( "</td>" );
- out.write( "</tr>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- }
- out.write( "</table>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- for( final String id : sorted_ids ) {
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "<h2>" );
- out.write( "<a name=\"" + id + "\">" + id + "</a>" );
- writeTaxonomyLinks( out, id );
- out.write( "</h2>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "<table>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "<tr>" );
- out.write( "<td><b>" );
- out.write( "Pfam domain(s)" );
- out.write( "</b></td><td><b>" );
- out.write( "GO term acc" );
- out.write( "</b></td><td><b>" );
- out.write( "GO term" );
- out.write( "</b></td><td><b>" );
- out.write( "Penultimate GO term" );
- out.write( "</b></td><td><b>" );
- out.write( "GO namespace" );
- out.write( "</b></td>" );
- out.write( "</tr>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "</tr>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- per_node_counter = 0;
- if ( matrix.getNumberOfCharacters() > 0 ) {
- per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile = new File( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_files_base_dir
- + ForesterUtil.FILE_SEPARATOR + id + suffix_for_per_node_events_file );
- SurfacingUtil.checkForOutputFileWriteability( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile );
- per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer = ForesterUtil
- .createBufferedWriter( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile );
- }
- else {
- per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile = null;
- per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer = null;
- }
- for( int c = 0; c < matrix.getNumberOfCharacters(); ++c ) {
- // Not nice:
- // using null to indicate either UNCHANGED_PRESENT or GAIN.
- if ( ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == state )
- || ( ( state == null ) && ( ( matrix.getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.UNCHANGED_PRESENT ) || ( matrix
- .getState( id, c ) == CharacterStateMatrix.GainLossStates.GAIN ) ) ) ) {
- final String character = matrix.getCharacter( c );
- String domain_0 = "";
- String domain_1 = "";
- if ( character.indexOf( BinaryDomainCombination.SEPARATOR ) > 0 ) {
- final String[] s = character.split( BinaryDomainCombination.SEPARATOR );
- if ( s.length != 2 ) {
- throw new AssertionError( "this should not have happened: unexpected format for domain combination: ["
- + character + "]" );
- }
- domain_0 = s[ 0 ];
- domain_1 = s[ 1 ];
- }
- else {
- domain_0 = character;
- }
- writeDomainData( domain_id_to_go_ids_map,
- go_id_to_term_map,
- go_namespace_limit,
- out,
- domain_0,
- domain_1,
- prefix_for_html,
- character_separator,
- domain_id_to_secondary_features_maps,
- null );
- all_pfams_encountered.add( domain_0 );
- if ( pfams_gained_or_lost != null ) {
- pfams_gained_or_lost.add( domain_0 );
- }
- if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( domain_1 ) ) {
- all_pfams_encountered.add( domain_1 );
- if ( pfams_gained_or_lost != null ) {
- pfams_gained_or_lost.add( domain_1 );
- }
- }
- if ( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer != null ) {
- writeDomainsToIndividualFilePerTreeNode( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer,
- domain_0,
- domain_1 );
- per_node_counter++;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer != null ) {
- per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile_writer.close();
- if ( per_node_counter < 1 ) {
- per_node_go_mapped_domain_gain_loss_outfile.delete();
- }
- per_node_counter = 0;
- }
- out.write( "</table>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "<hr>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- } // for( final String id : sorted_ids ) {
- out.write( "</body>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.write( "</html>" );
- out.write( SurfacingConstants.NL );
- out.flush();
- out.close();
- }
- catch ( final IOException e ) {
- ForesterUtil.fatalError( surfacing.PRG_NAME, e.getMessage() );
- }
- ForesterUtil.programMessage( surfacing.PRG_NAME, "Wrote characters detailed HTML list: \"" + filename + "\"" );
- }
public static void writeDomainCombinationsCountsFile( final String[][] input_file_properties,
final File output_dir,
final Writer per_genome_domain_promiscuity_statistics_writer,