<li><!-- JAL-2164,JAL-1919,-->Jmol now primary parser for importing structure data to Jalview. Enables mmCIF and better PDB parsing.</li>
<li><!-- JAL-192 --->Alignment ruler shows positions relative to reference sequence</li>
<li><!-- JAL-2202 -->Position/residue shown in status bar when mousing over sequence associated annotation</li>
+ <li><!-- JAL-2171 -->Default RNA SS symbol to 'matching bracket' for manual entry</li>
+ <li><!-- JAL-2214 -->RNA Structure consensus indicates wc-only '()', canonical '[]' and invalid '{}' base pair populations for each column</li>
</ul> <em>Application</em>
<li><!-- JAL---></li>
<li><!-- JAL-2146 -->Alignment column in status incorrectly shown as "Sequence position" when mousing over annotation</li>
<li><!-- JAL-2099 -->Incorrect column numbers in ruler when hidden columns present</li>
<li><!-- JAL-1577 -->Colour by RNA Helices not enabled when user created annotation added to alignment</li>
+ <li><!-- JAL-1841 -->RNA Structure consensus only computed for '()' base pair annotation</li>
+ <li><!-- JAL-2215, JAL-1841 -->Enabling 'Ignore Gaps' results in zero scores for all base pairs in RNA Structure Consensus</li>
<li><!-- JAL-1989 -->Hide columns not mirrored in complement view in a cDNA/Protein splitframe</li>
<li><!-- JAL-1369 -->Cannot save/restore representative sequence from project when only one sequence is represented</li>
<li><!-- JAL-2002 -->Disabled 'Best Uniprot Coverage' option in Structure Chooser</li>
+ <li><!-- JAL-2215 -->Modifying 'Ignore Gaps' on consensus or structure consensus didn't refresh annotation panel</li>
<!-- may exclude, this is an external service stability issue JAL-1941 /> RNA 3D structure not added via DSSR service</li> -->