eclipseJavaVersion = "55"
jalviewjsJ2sPlugin = jalviewjs_j2s_plugin
- def eclipseJavaVersion =["java.class.version"]
+ //def eclipseJavaVersion =["java.class.version"]
if (Float.parseFloat(eclipseJavaVersion) >= 55 && file(jalviewjs_j2s_plugin_j11).exists()) { // 55 is Java 11
jalviewjsJ2sPlugin = jalviewjs_j2s_plugin_j11
task jalviewjsIDE_checkJ2sPlugin {
group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
- description "Compare the swingjs/net.sf.j2s.core.jar file with the Eclipse IDE's plugin version (found in the 'dropins' dir)"
+ description "Compare the swingjs/net.sf.j2s.core(-j11)?.jar file with the Eclipse IDE's plugin version (found in the 'dropins' dir)"
doFirst {
def j2sPlugin = string("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsJ2sPlugin}")
def j2sPluginFile = file(j2sPlugin)
- def copyPlugin = jalviewjs_eclipseIDE_auto_copy_j2s_plugin == "true"
def eclipseHome =["eclipse.home.location"]
- def doCopy = false
if (eclipseHome == null || ! IN_ECLIPSE) {
throw new StopExecutionException("Cannot find running Eclipse home from['eclipse.home.location']. Skipping J2S Plugin Check.")
def eclipseJ2sPlugin = "${eclipseHome}/dropins/${j2sPluginFile.getName()}"
def eclipseJ2sPluginFile = file(eclipseJ2sPlugin)
if (!eclipseJ2sPluginFile.exists()) {
- def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is not installed (could not find '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}')"
+ def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is not installed (could not find '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}')\nTry running task jalviewjsIDE_copyJ2sPlugin"
- if (! copyPlugin) {
- throw new GradleException(msg)
- }
- doCopy = true
+ throw new StopExecutionException(msg)
def digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
if (! copyPlugin) {
throw new StopExecutionException(msg)
- doCopy = true
- }
- if (doCopy) {
- def msg = "WARNING! Auto-copying this commit's j2s plugin version '${j2sPlugin}' to Eclipse J2S Plugin '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}'\n May require an Eclipse restart"
- println(msg)
- copy {
- from j2sPlugin
- eclipseJ2sPluginFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()
- into eclipseJ2sPluginFile.getParent()
- }
} else {
def msg = "Eclipse J2S Plugin is the same as '${j2sPlugin}' (this is good)"
+task jalviewjsIDE_copyJ2sPlugin {
+ group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
+ description "Copy the swingjs/net.sf.j2s.core(-j11)?.jar file into the Eclipse IDE's 'dropins' dir"
+ doFirst {
+ def j2sPlugin = string("${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsJ2sPlugin}")
+ def j2sPluginFile = file(j2sPlugin)
+ def eclipseHome =["eclipse.home.location"]
+ if (eclipseHome == null || ! IN_ECLIPSE) {
+ throw new StopExecutionException("Cannot find running Eclipse home from['eclipse.home.location']. NOT copying J2S Plugin.")
+ }
+ def eclipseJ2sPlugin = "${eclipseHome}/dropins/${j2sPluginFile.getName()}"
+ def eclipseJ2sPluginFile = file(eclipseJ2sPlugin)
+ def msg = "WARNING! Copying this commit's j2s plugin '${j2sPlugin}' to Eclipse J2S Plugin '${eclipseJ2sPlugin}'\n May require an Eclipse restart"
+ println(msg)
+ copy {
+ from j2sPlugin
+ eclipseJ2sPluginFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ into eclipseJ2sPluginFile.getParent()
+ }
+ }
task jalviewjsIDE_j2sFile {
group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
eclipse_bin_dir = bin
eclipse_debug = false
-# for developing in Eclipse as IDE, set this to automatically copy current swingjs/net.sf.j2s.core.jar to your dropins dir
-jalviewjs_eclipseIDE_auto_copy_j2s_plugin = false
# Override this in a file
jalviewjs_eclipse_root = ~/buildtools/eclipse/jee-2019-09
jalviewjs_ignore_transpile_errors = true
j2s.compiler.status = enable = 11 = null ## site defined from buildDir+'/jalviewjs/'+jalviewjs_site_dir
#j2s.log.methods.declared = j2s_methods_declared.log
#j2s.log.methods.called = j2s_methods_called.log