# and stores the result in 'report'.
options = ['--maxiterate', '1000', '--localpair']
mafft = Bio::MAFFT.new('path/to/mafft', options)
-report = mafft.query_align( seqs)
+report = mafft.query_align(seqs)
# Accesses the actual alignment
align = report.alignment
# Prints each sequence to the console.
-report.align.each { |s| puts s.to_s }
+align.each { |s| puts s.to_s }
# and stores the result in 'report'.
options = ['-quiet', '-maxiters', '64']
muscle = Bio::Muscle.new('path/to/muscle', options)
-report = muscle.query_align( seqs)
+report = muscle.query_align(seqs)
# Accesses the actual alignment
align = report.alignment
# Prints each sequence to the console.
-report.align.each { |s| puts s.to_s }
+align.each { |s| puts s.to_s }