"Couldn't find Uniprot DBRef on re-imported sequence.");
+ @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
+ public void descriptionLineOutput() throws Exception
+ {
+ // quick test that sequence description is exported & reimported
+ SequenceI sq = new Sequence("FER2_SPIOL", "AASSDDDFFF");
+ String expected_descr="This is a description !@&^%@£@";
+ sq.setDescription(expected_descr);
+ AppletFormatAdapter af = new AppletFormatAdapter();
+ String toStockholm = af.formatSequences(FileFormat.Stockholm,
+ new Alignment(new SequenceI[]
+ { sq }), false);
+ System.out.println(toStockholm);
+ // bleh - java.util.Regex sucks
+ assertTrue(toStockholm.contains(expected_descr),"Couldn't locate expected description srting in generated Stockholm file.");
+ AlignmentI fromStockholm = af.readFile(toStockholm,
+ DataSourceType.PASTE, FileFormat.Stockholm);
+ SequenceI importedSeq = fromStockholm.getSequenceAt(0);
+ assertEquals( "Description did not get reimported.",expected_descr,importedSeq.getDescription());
+ }
* test alignment data in given file can be imported, exported and reimported