+ String appName = ChannelProperties.getProperty("app_name");
* Check to see that the JVM version being run is suitable for the Java
* version this Jalview was compiled for. Popup a warning if not.
Console.warn("The Java version being used (Java "
+ LaunchUtils.getJavaVersion()
- + ") may lead to problems. This installation of Jalview should be used with Java "
+ + ") may lead to problems. This installation of "
+ + appName + " should be used with Java "
+ LaunchUtils.getJavaCompileVersion() + ".");
if (!LaunchUtils
+ /**
+ * Check to see if we've been launched from the installer volume
+ * (macOS).
+ */
+ String installerappdirString = System
+ .getProperty("installer.appdir");
+ if (Platform.isMac() && installerappdirString != null
+ && installerappdirString.startsWith("/Volumes/"))
+ {
+ Console.warn("You appear to be running " + appName
+ + " from the Installer volume. Please drag and drop the "
+ + appName + " icon into the Applications folder.");
+ Object[] options = { MessageManager.getString("action.quit") };
+ JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, MessageManager.formatMessage(
+ "warning.running_from_installer_volume_message", appName),
+ MessageManager.getString(
+ "warning.running_from_installer_volume_title"),
+ null, options, options[0]);
+ quit();
+ }
boolean webservicediscovery = bootstrapArgs
if (aparser.contains("nowebservicediscovery"))