<strong>What's new ?</strong></p>
- <p>Jalview 2.8.1 includes a range of new features developed over the last 12 months. <br /> As usual you can find the
- highlights below, and the comprehensive list is given in the <a
+ <p>
+ Jalview 2.8.1 includes new features for group creation, RNA secondary
+ structure prediction and a host bug fixes. It also includes support
+ for <a href="http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/JABAWS">version 2.1
+ of JABA</a> and includes a Spanish translation of its user interface.<br />
+ The highlights are detailed below, and the full list is given in the <a
href="releases.html#Jalview2.8.1">Jalview 2.8.1 Release Notes</a>.
<p>The Desktop and web based applet include new keystrokes for