If the current alignment has been generated by one of Jalview's
alignment web services, the alignment ordering can be recovered by
its corresponding entry in the Sort menu.
+<li><p><strong>Sort by Score</strong></p>
+<p>This menu appears if the alignment contains any <a href="../features/annotationsFormat.html">sequence associated
+alignment annotation</a> with associated score values. Each entry is the
+label for a distinct group of sequence associated annotation
+scores which can be used for sorting.</p>
<p><strong>Reversing the Order</strong></p>
<p>Selecting any item from the Sort menu will sort sequences in an
identity to the consensus sequence. The most similar sequence is put at
the top. </em></li>
<li><em>The <a href="../calculations/sorting.html">Sort menu</a> will have
- some additional options if you have just done a multiple alignment calculation,
+ some additional options if the alignment has any associated
+ score annotation, or you have just done a multiple alignment calculation
or opened a tree viewer window.</em><br>