record for each sequence are displayed on the alignment.</p>\r
<p>Jalview will attempt to retrieve sequence features from Uniprot files using \r
the EBI dbFetch web service using the given sequence names. A 100% match with \r
- the Uniprot record is required to view the Sequence Features. If the match is \r
- not 100%, Jalview will run EBI web service WUBlast to find unknown sequences. \r
- You will be asked whether to proceed with this step, as it can take some time, \r
- especially if the EBI servers are busy. </p>\r
+ the Uniprot record is required to view the Sequence Features.</p>\r
<p>More information about the feature is given in a tooltip, which is\r
viewed by moving the mouse pointer over a sequence feature. The\r
description associated with the feature will then be displayed in a small\r