import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertSame;
import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue;
+import static;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+ import java.awt.Color;
+ import;
+ import java.util.ArrayList;
+ import java.util.Arrays;
+ import java.util.Iterator;
+ import java.util.List;
+ import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
+ import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import jalview.api.AlignViewportI;
import jalview.bin.Cache;
import jalview.commands.EditCommand;
assertEquals(9, ranges.get(0)[1]);
+ @Test(groups = "Functional")
+ public void testListToArray()
+ {
+ List<int[]> ranges = new ArrayList<>();
+ int[] result = MappingUtils.rangeListToArray(ranges);
+ assertEquals(result.length, 0);
+ ranges.add(new int[] { 24, 12 });
+ result = MappingUtils.rangeListToArray(ranges);
+ assertEquals(result.length, 2);
+ assertEquals(result[0], 24);
+ assertEquals(result[1], 12);
+ ranges.add(new int[] { -7, 30 });
+ result = MappingUtils.rangeListToArray(ranges);
+ assertEquals(result.length, 4);
+ assertEquals(result[0], 24);
+ assertEquals(result[1], 12);
+ assertEquals(result[2], -7);
+ assertEquals(result[3], 30);
+ try
+ {
+ MappingUtils.rangeListToArray(null);
+ fail("Expected exception");
+ } catch (NullPointerException e)
+ {
+ // expected
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test mapping a sequence group where sequences in and outside the group
+ * share a dataset sequence (e.g. alternative CDS for the same gene)
+ * <p>
+ * This scenario doesn't arise after JAL-3763 changes, but test left as still valid
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
+ public void testMapSequenceGroup_sharedDataset() throws IOException
+ {
+ /*
+ * Set up dna and protein Seq1/2/3 with mappings (held on the protein
+ * viewport). CDS sequences share the same 'gene' dataset sequence.
+ */
+ SequenceI dna = new Sequence("dna", "aaatttgggcccaaatttgggccc");
+ SequenceI cds1 = new Sequence("cds1/1-6", "aaattt");
+ SequenceI cds2 = new Sequence("cds1/4-9", "tttggg");
+ SequenceI cds3 = new Sequence("cds1/19-24", "gggccc");
+ cds1.setDatasetSequence(dna);
+ cds2.setDatasetSequence(dna);
+ cds3.setDatasetSequence(dna);
+ SequenceI pep1 = new Sequence("pep1", "KF");
+ SequenceI pep2 = new Sequence("pep2", "FG");
+ SequenceI pep3 = new Sequence("pep3", "GP");
+ pep1.createDatasetSequence();
+ pep2.createDatasetSequence();
+ pep3.createDatasetSequence();
+ /*
+ * add mappings from coding positions of dna to respective peptides
+ */
+ AlignedCodonFrame acf = new AlignedCodonFrame();
+ acf.addMap(dna, pep1,
+ new MapList(new int[]
+ { 1, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2 }, 3, 1));
+ acf.addMap(dna, pep2,
+ new MapList(new int[]
+ { 4, 9 }, new int[] { 1, 2 }, 3, 1));
+ acf.addMap(dna, pep3,
+ new MapList(new int[]
+ { 19, 24 }, new int[] { 1, 2 }, 3, 1));
+ List<AlignedCodonFrame> acfList = Arrays
+ .asList(new AlignedCodonFrame[]
+ { acf });
+ AlignmentI cdna = new Alignment(new SequenceI[] { cds1, cds2, cds3 });
+ AlignmentI protein = new Alignment(
+ new SequenceI[]
+ { pep1, pep2, pep3 });
+ AlignViewportI cdnaView = new AlignViewport(cdna);
+ AlignViewportI peptideView = new AlignViewport(protein);
+ protein.setCodonFrames(acfList);
+ /*
+ * Select pep1 and pep3 in the protein alignment
+ */
+ SequenceGroup sg = new SequenceGroup();
+ sg.setColourText(true);
+ sg.setIdColour(Color.GREEN);
+ sg.setOutlineColour(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
+ sg.addSequence(pep1, false);
+ sg.addSequence(pep3, false);
+ sg.setEndRes(protein.getWidth() - 1);
+ /*
+ * Verify the mapped sequence group in dna is cds1 and cds3
+ */
+ SequenceGroup mappedGroup = MappingUtils.mapSequenceGroup(sg,
+ peptideView, cdnaView);
+ assertTrue(mappedGroup.getColourText());
+ assertSame(sg.getIdColour(), mappedGroup.getIdColour());
+ assertSame(sg.getOutlineColour(), mappedGroup.getOutlineColour());
+ assertEquals(2, mappedGroup.getSequences().size());
+ assertSame(cds1, mappedGroup.getSequences().get(0));
+ assertSame(cds3, mappedGroup.getSequences().get(1));
+ // columns 1-6 selected (0-5 base zero)
+ assertEquals(0, mappedGroup.getStartRes());
+ assertEquals(5, mappedGroup.getEndRes());
+ /*
+ * Select mapping sequence group from dna to protein
+ */
+ sg.clear();
+ sg.addSequence(cds2, false);
+ sg.addSequence(cds1, false);
+ sg.setStartRes(0);
+ sg.setEndRes(cdna.getWidth() - 1);
+ mappedGroup = MappingUtils.mapSequenceGroup(sg, cdnaView, peptideView);
+ assertTrue(mappedGroup.getColourText());
+ assertSame(sg.getIdColour(), mappedGroup.getIdColour());
+ assertSame(sg.getOutlineColour(), mappedGroup.getOutlineColour());
+ assertEquals(2, mappedGroup.getSequences().size());
+ assertSame(protein.getSequenceAt(1), mappedGroup.getSequences().get(0));
+ assertSame(protein.getSequenceAt(0), mappedGroup.getSequences().get(1));
+ assertEquals(0, mappedGroup.getStartRes());
+ assertEquals(1, mappedGroup.getEndRes()); // two columns
+ }