Gap open : 12 <br> Gap extend : 2
- <p>When you select the pairwise alignment option, a new window will
- come up which displays the alignments in a text format, for example:</p>
- <p style="font-family:'Lucida Console', monospace">
- <pre>
- |. .. ||<br/>
+ <p>When you select the pairwise alignment option, a new window
+ will come up which displays the alignments in a text format, for
+ example:</p>
+ <p>
+ <pre>
+ FER1_SPIOL/5-13 TTMMGMAT<br />
+ |. .. ||<br />
- </pre>shows the aligned sequences, where '|' links identical residues, and (for peptide) '.' links residues that have a positive PAM250 score.
- <p>The window also shows information about the alignment such as alignment score, length and percentage identity between the sequences.</p>
- <p>A button is also provided to allow you to view the sequences as an alignment.</p>
+ </pre>
+ shows the aligned sequences, where '|' links identical residues, and
+ (for peptide) '.' links residues that have a positive PAM250 score.
+ <p>The window also shows information about the alignment such as
+ alignment score, length and percentage identity between the
+ sequences.</p>
+ <p>A button is also provided to allow you to view the sequences as
+ an alignment.</p>