required = true,
minItems = 1,
- maxItems = 2147483647,
- description = "A sequence group is a bracket of alignment residues spanning <br>across multiple columns and rows. These can be treated as a <br>sub-alignments.")
+ description = "An array of Sequences which makes up the Alignment")
private List<SequencePojo> seqs = new ArrayList<SequencePojo>();
required = false,
minItems = 0,
maxItems = 2147483647,
- description = "A sequence group is a bracket of alignment residues which <br>could span across multiple columns and/or rows. These can be <br>treated as a sub-alignments.")
+ description = "A sequence group is a region of an alignment which could <br>span across multiple columns and rows. These can be treated as<br> a sub-alignments.")
private List<SequenceGrpPojo> seqGroups = new ArrayList<SequenceGrpPojo>();
description = "Sequence features are associated with sequences rather than <br>alignments. A sequence feature can span across multiple <br>sequences in an alignment. They indicate features generated <br>by the same analysis process or retrieved from the same database <br>(such as Uniprot features).")
private List<SequenceFeaturesPojo> seqFeatures = new ArrayList<SequenceFeaturesPojo>();
- @Attributes(required = false, enums = { "None", "Custom", "Clustal",
- "Zappo", "Taylor", "Nucleotide", "Pyrimidine", "Purine", "Turn",
- "Strand", "Buried", "Hydro" })
+ @Attributes(
+ required = false,
+ enums = { "None", "User Defined", "Clustal", "Zappo", "Taylor",
+ "Nucleotide", "Pyrimidine", "Purine", "Turn", "Helix", "Strand",
+ "Buried", "Hydro", "T-Coffee Scores", "RNA Interaction type",
+ "Blosum62", "RNA Helices", "% Identity" },
+ description = "The <a href=\"colour_schemes.html\">Colour Scheme</a> applied to the alignment")
private String colourScheme;
@Attributes(required = true, maxItems = 1, description = "This is an array of key=value pairs for storing custom application <br>specific settings")
+++ /dev/null
-package jalview.json.binding.biojson.v1;
-public class AppSettingsPojo
- // private String globalColorScheme = "none";
- public AppSettingsPojo()
- {
- }
- //
- //
- // public void setGlobalColorScheme(String globalColorScheme)
- // {
- // for (JalviewBioJsColorSchemeMapper cs : JalviewBioJsColorSchemeMapper
- // .values())
- // {
- // if (cs.getJalviewName().equals(globalColorScheme))
- // {
- // // this.globalColorScheme = cs.getBioJsName();
- // this.settings.put("globalColorScheme", cs.getBioJsName());
- // break;
- // }
- // }
- // }
- //
- // public enum JalviewBioJsColorSchemeMapper
- // {
- // USER_DEFINED("User Defined", "user defined", null), NONE("None", "foo",
- // null), CLUSTAL("Clustal", "clustal", null), ZAPPO("Zappo",
- // "zappo", new ZappoColourScheme()), TAYLOR("Taylor", "taylor",
- // new TaylorColourScheme()), NUCLEOTIDE("Nucleotide",
- // "nucleotide", new NucleotideColourScheme()), PURINE_PYRIMIDINE(
- // "Purine/Pyrimidine", "purine",
- // new PurinePyrimidineColourScheme()), HELIX_PROPENCITY(
- // "Helix Propensity", "helix", new HelixColourScheme()), TURN_PROPENSITY(
- // "Turn Propensity", "turn", new TurnColourScheme()), STRAND_PROPENSITY(
- // "Strand Propensity", "strand", new StrandColourScheme()), BURIED_INDEX(
- // "Buried Index", "buried", new BuriedColourScheme()), HYDROPHOBIC(
- // "Hydrophobic", "hydro", new HydrophobicColourScheme()),
- //
- // // The color types below are not yet supported by BioJs MSA viewer
- // T_COFFE_SCORES("T-Coffee Scores", "T-Coffee Scores", null), RNA_INT_TYPE(
- // "RNA Interaction type", "RNA Interaction type",
- // new RNAInteractionColourScheme()), BLOSUM62("Blosum62",
- // "Blosum62", new Blosum62ColourScheme()), RNA_HELICES(
- // "RNA Helices", "RNA Helices", null), PERCENTAGE_IDENTITY(
- // "% Identity", "pid", new PIDColourScheme());
- //
- // private String jalviewName;
- //
- // private String bioJsName;
- //
- // private ColourSchemeI jvColourScheme;
- //
- // private JalviewBioJsColorSchemeMapper(String jalviewName,
- // String bioJsName, ColourSchemeI jvColourScheme)
- // {
- // this.jalviewName = jalviewName;
- // this.bioJsName = bioJsName;
- // this.setJvColourScheme(jvColourScheme);
- // }
- //
- // public String getJalviewName()
- // {
- // return jalviewName;
- // }
- //
- // public String getBioJsName()
- // {
- // return bioJsName;
- // }
- //
- // public ColourSchemeI getJvColourScheme()
- // {
- // return jvColourScheme;
- // }
- //
- // public void setJvColourScheme(ColourSchemeI jvColourScheme)
- // {
- // this.jvColourScheme = jvColourScheme;
- // }
- //
- // }