label.tftype_plddt = pLDDT
label.optional = (optional)
label.choose_tempfac_type = Choose Temperature Factor type
+ label.interpret_tempfac_as = Interpret Temperature Factor as
label.add_pae_matrix_file = Add PAE matrix file
label.nothing_selected = Nothing selected
+prompt.google_analytics_title = Jalview Usage Statistics
+prompt.google_analytics = Do you want to help make Jalview better by enabling the collection of usage statistics with Google Analytics ?\n(you can enable or disable usage tracking in the preferences)
+ label.working_ellipsis = Working ...
+ action.show_groups_on_matrix = Show groups on matrix
+ action.show_groups_on_matrix_tooltip = When enabled, clusters defined on the matrix's associated tree or below the assigned threshold are shown as different colours on the matrix annotation row
+ action.show_tree_for_matrix = Show tree for matrix
+ action.show_tree_for_matrix_tooltip = Opens a tree viewer to display the average distance tree for the matrix
+ action.cluster_matrix = Cluster matrix
+ action.clustering_matrix_for = Calculating tree for matrix {0} and clustering at {1}
+ action.cluster_matrix_tooltip = Computes an average distance tree for the matrix and displays it