testClassesDir = useClover ? cloverTestClassesDir : "${jalviewDir}/${test_output_dir}"
getdownWebsiteDir = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_website_dir}/${JAVA_VERSION}")
+ getdownArchiveDir = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_archive_dir}")
+ getdownFullArchiveDir = null
+ getdownTextLines = []
+ getdownLaunchJvl = null
buildDist = true
buildProperties = null
// the following values might be overridden by the CHANNEL switch
getdownDir = string("${getdownChannelName}/${JAVA_VERSION}")
getdownAppBase = string("${getdown_channel_base}/${getdownDir}")
+ getdownArchiveAppBase = null
getdownLauncher = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_lib_dir}/${getdown_launcher}")
getdownAppDistDir = getdown_app_dir_alt
getdownImagesDir = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_images_dir}")
getdownAppDistDir = getdown_app_dir_release
+ getdownSetAppBaseProperty = true
reportRsyncCommand = true
install4jSuffix = ""
install4jInstallerName = "${jalview_name} Installer"
+ getdownArchiveAppBase = getdown_archive_base
case "ARCHIVE":
reportRsyncCommand = true
+ getdownSetAppBaseProperty = true
// Don't ignore transpile errors for release build
if (jalviewjs_ignore_transpile_errors.equals("true")) {
jalviewjs_ignore_transpile_errors = "false"
case [ "LOCAL", "JALVIEWJS" ]:
getdownAppBase = file(getdownWebsiteDir).toURI().toString()
+ getdownArchiveAppBase = file("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_archive_dir}").toURI().toString()
getdownLauncher = string("${jalviewDir}/${getdown_lib_dir}/${getdown_launcher_local}")
install4jExtraScheme = "jalviewl"
// override getdownAppBase if requested
if (findProperty("getdown_appbase_override") != null) {
// revert to LOCAL if empty string
def getdownWebsiteResourceFilenames = []
- def getdownTextString = ""
def getdownResourceDir = getdownResourceDir
def getdownResourceFilenames = []
getdownWebsiteResourceFilenames += file(channelPropsFile).getName()
- // set some getdown_txt_ properties then go through all properties looking for getdown_txt_...
+ // set some getdownTxt_ properties then go through all properties looking for getdownTxt_...
def props = project.properties.sort { it.key }
if (getdownAltJavaMinVersion != null && getdownAltJavaMinVersion.length() > 0) {
props.put("getdown_txt_java_min_version", getdownAltJavaMinVersion)
props.put("getdown_txt_ui.name", install4jApplicationName)
// start with appbase
- getdownTextString += "appbase = ${getdownAppBase}\n"
+ getdownTextLines += "appbase = ${getdownAppBase}"
props.each{ prop, val ->
if (prop.startsWith("getdown_txt_") && val != null) {
if (prop.startsWith("getdown_txt_multi_")) {
def key = prop.substring(18)
val.split(",").each{ v ->
- def line = "${key} = ${v}\n"
- getdownTextString += line
+ def line = "${key} = ${v}"
+ getdownTextLines += line
} else {
// file values rationalised
if (! prop.startsWith("getdown_txt_resource")) {
- def line = prop.substring(12) + " = ${val}\n"
- getdownTextString += line
+ def line = prop.substring(12) + " = ${val}"
+ getdownTextLines += line
getdownWebsiteResourceFilenames.each{ filename ->
- getdownTextString += "resource = ${filename}\n"
+ getdownTextLines += "resource = ${filename}"
getdownResourceFilenames.each{ filename ->
copy {
from s
into "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdown_wrapper_script_dir}"
- getdownTextString += "resource = ${getdown_wrapper_script_dir}/${script}\n"
+ getdownTextLines += "resource = ${getdown_wrapper_script_dir}/${script}"
// put jalview.jar first for CLASSPATH and .properties files reasons
codeFiles.sort{a, b -> ( a.getName() == jalviewJar ? -1 : ( b.getName() == jalviewJar ? 1 : a <=> b ) ) }.each{f ->
def name = f.getName()
- def line = "code = ${getdownAppDistDir}/${name}\n"
- getdownTextString += line
+ def line = "code = ${getdownAppDistDir}/${name}"
+ getdownTextLines += line
copy {
from f.getPath()
into getdownAppDir
def j11libFiles = fileTree(dir: "${jalviewDir}/${j11libDir}", include: ["*.jar"]).getFiles()
j11libFiles.sort().each{f ->
def name = f.getName()
- def line = "code = ${getdown_j11lib_dir}/${name}\n"
- getdownTextString += line
+ def line = "code = ${getdown_j11lib_dir}/${name}"
+ getdownTextLines += line
copy {
from f.getPath()
into getdownJ11libDir
// getdown-launcher.jar should not be in main application class path so the main application can move it when updated. Listed as a resource so it gets updated.
- //getdownTextString += "class = " + file(getdownLauncher).getName() + "\n"
- getdownTextString += "resource = ${getdown_launcher_new}\n"
- getdownTextString += "class = ${main_class}\n"
+ //getdownTextLines += "class = " + file(getdownLauncher).getName()
+ getdownTextLines += "resource = ${getdown_launcher_new}"
+ getdownTextLines += "class = ${main_class}"
// Not setting these properties in general so that getdownappbase and getdowndistdir will default to release version in jalview.bin.Cache
if (getdownSetAppBaseProperty) {
- getdownTextString += "jvmarg = -Dgetdowndistdir=${getdownAppDistDir}\n"
- getdownTextString += "jvmarg = -Dgetdownappbase=${getdownAppBase}\n"
+ getdownTextLines += "jvmarg = -Dgetdowndistdir=${getdownAppDistDir}"
+ getdownTextLines += "jvmarg = -Dgetdownappbase=${getdownAppBase}"
- def getdown_txt = file("${getdownWebsiteDir}/getdown.txt")
- getdown_txt.write(getdownTextString)
+ def getdownTxt = file("${getdownWebsiteDir}/getdown.txt")
+ getdownTxt.write(getdownTextLines.join("\n"))
- def getdownLaunchJvl = getdown_launch_jvl_name + ( (jvlChannelName != null && jvlChannelName.length() > 0)?"-${jvlChannelName}":"" ) + ".jvl"
+ getdownLaunchJvl = getdown_launch_jvl_name + ( (jvlChannelName != null && jvlChannelName.length() > 0)?"-${jvlChannelName}":"" ) + ".jvl"
def launchJvl = file("${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdownLaunchJvl}")
// files going into the getdown website dir: ./install dir and files
if (! (CHANNEL.startsWith("ARCHIVE") || CHANNEL.startsWith("DEVELOP"))) {
copy {
- from getdown_txt
+ from getdownTxt
from getdownLauncher
from "${getdownAppDir}/${getdown_build_properties}"
if (file(getdownLauncher).getName() != getdown_launcher) {
// files going into the getdown files dir: getdown.txt, getdown-launcher.jar, channel-launch.jvl, build_properties
copy {
- from getdown_txt
+ from getdownTxt
from launchJvl
from getdownLauncher
from "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdown_build_properties}"
into getdownFilesDir
- // and ./resources (not all downloaded by getdown)
+ // and ./resource (not all downloaded by getdown)
copy {
from getdownResourceDir
into "${getdownFilesDir}/${getdown_resource_dir}"
-task getdownArchive() {
+task getdownArchiveBuild() {
group = "distribution"
- description = "Create the archive dir to go on the website"
+ description = "Put files in the archive dir to go on the website"
dependsOn getdownWebsite
+ def vDir = "${getdownArchiveDir}/${v}"
+ getdownFullArchiveDir = "${vDir}/getdown"
+ def vLaunchVersionJvl = "${vDir}/jalview-${v}.jvl"
+ def vAltDir = "alt_${v}"
+ def archiveImagesDir = "${jalviewDir}/${channel_properties_dir}/old/images"
+ doFirst {
+ if (getdownArchiveAppBase == null) {
+ throw new StopExecutionException("Cannot create getdownArchive for CHANNEL=${CHANNEL}")
+ }
+ // cleanup old "old" dir
+ delete getdownArchiveDir
+ def getdownArchiveTxt = file("${getdownFullArchiveDir}/getdown.txt")
+ getdownArchiveTxt.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ def getdownArchiveTextLines = []
+ def getdownFullArchiveAppBase = "${getdownArchiveAppBase}${getdownArchiveAppBase.endsWith("/")?"":"/"}${v}/getdown/"
+ // the libdir
+ copy {
+ from "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdownAppDistDir}"
+ into "${getdownFullArchiveDir}/${vAltDir}"
+ }
+ getdownTextLines.each { line ->
+ line = line.replaceAll("^(?<s>appbase\\s*=\\s*).*", '${s}'+getdownFullArchiveAppBase)
+ line = line.replaceAll("^(?<s>(resource|code)\\s*=\\s*)${getdownAppDistDir}/", '${s}'+vAltDir+"/")
+ line = line.replaceAll("^(?<s>ui.background_image\\s*=\\s*).*\\.png", '${s}'+"${getdown_resource_dir}/jalview_archive_getdown_background.png")
+ line = line.replaceAll("^(?<s>ui.instant_background_image\\s*=\\s*).*\\.png", '${s}'+"${getdown_resource_dir}/jalview_archive_getdown_background_initialising.png")
+ line = line.replaceAll("^(?<s>ui.error_background\\s*=\\s*).*\\.png", '${s}'+"${getdown_resource_dir}/jalview_archive_getdown_background_error.png")
+ line = line.replaceAll("^(?<s>ui.progress_image\\s*=\\s*).*\\.png", '${s}'+"${getdown_resource_dir}/jalview_archive_getdown_progress_bar.png")
+ // remove the existing resource = resource/ or bin/ lines
+ if (! line.matches("resource\\s*=\\s*(resource|bin)/.*")) {
+ getdownArchiveTextLines += line
+ }
+ }
+ // the resource dir -- add these files as resource lines in getdown.txt
+ copy {
+ from "${archiveImagesDir}"
+ into "${getdownFullArchiveDir}/${getdown_resource_dir}"
+ eachFile { file ->
+ getdownArchiveTextLines += "resource = ${getdown_resource_dir}/${file.getName()}"
+ }
+ }
+ getdownArchiveTxt.write(getdownArchiveTextLines.join("\n"))
+ def vLaunchJvl = file(vLaunchVersionJvl)
+ vLaunchJvl.getParentFile().mkdirs()
+ vLaunchJvl.write("appbase=${getdownFullArchiveAppBase}\n")
+ def vLaunchJvlPath = vLaunchJvl.toPath().toAbsolutePath()
+ def jvlLinkPath = file("${vDir}/jalview.jvl").toPath().toAbsolutePath()
+ // for some reason filepath.relativize(fileInSameDirPath) gives a path to "../" which is wrong
+ //java.nio.file.Files.createSymbolicLink(jvlLinkPath, jvlLinkPath.relativize(vLaunchJvlPath));
+ java.nio.file.Files.createSymbolicLink(jvlLinkPath, java.nio.file.Paths.get(".",vLaunchJvl.getName()));
+ // files going into the getdown files dir: getdown.txt, getdown-launcher.jar, channel-launch.jvl, build_properties
+ copy {
+ from getdownLauncher
+ from "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdownLaunchJvl}"
+ from "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${getdown_launcher_new}"
+ from "${getdownWebsiteDir}/${channel_props}"
+ if (file(getdownLauncher).getName() != getdown_launcher) {
+ rename(file(getdownLauncher).getName(), getdown_launcher)
+ }
+ into getdownFullArchiveDir
+ }
+ }
+task getdownArchiveDigest(type: JavaExec) {
+ group = "distribution"
+ description = "Digest the getdown archive folder"
+ dependsOn getdownArchiveBuild
doFirst {
+ classpath = files(getdownLauncher)
+ args getdownFullArchiveDir
+ main = "com.threerings.getdown.tools.Digester"
+ inputs.dir(getdownFullArchiveDir)
+ outputs.file("${getdownFullArchiveDir}/digest2.txt")
+task getdownArchive() {
+ group = "distribution"
+ description = "Build the website archive dir with getdown digest"
+ dependsOn getdownArchiveBuild
+ dependsOn getdownArchiveDigest
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
doFirst {
delete getdownWebsiteDir
delete getdownFilesDir
+ delete getdownArchiveDir
dependsOn createBuildProperties
dependsOn convertMdFiles
- def VERSION_UNDERSCORES = JALVIEW_VERSION.replaceAll("\\.", "_")
- def outputFileName = "${project.name}_${VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.tar.gz"
+ def outputFileName = "${project.name}_${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.tar.gz"
archiveFileName = outputFileName
compression Compression.GZIP